Looping array into table to create multiple grid radio button - vue.js

So i try to make a multiple radio grid button from this array of object:
to get this kind of table with radio button inside
here is my code, i cannot figure out the logic to tranform the value into rows and columns and inserted the radio button inside
<v-radio-group class="mt-0" v-model="answer" :rules="answerRule">
<v-radio-group v-model="answer" #change="update" :rules="answerRule">
v-for="(option, key) in rows"


VUE, VUETIFY |How to hide the selected radio option(selected in first group) from the second radio group if both radio groups have same radio options?

Click on this link to see the IMAGE, I want GSTN1 option hidden from the second radio group since it is getting selected in the first radio group
<v-radio-group v-model="firstIdRadio">
v-for="n in firstIdArr"
<v-radio-group v-model="secondIdRadio">
v-for="n in secondIdArr"
data() {
return {
firstIdRadio: "",
secondIdRadio: "",
firstIdArr: [GSTN1, GSTN2, GSTN3],
secondIdArr: [GSTN1, GSTN2, GSTN3],
I am using the Vuetify v-radio-group tag to populate radio buttons, I want the option hidden in the second radio group which got selected in the first radio group. If we take reference to the image provided above, GSTN1 should be hidden from the second radio group as it is selected in the first radio group.
Big thanks for the help.
Totally blank as to how to approach the challenge. The major issue is to know how to conditionally populate the radio options in the second radio group as per the selection done in the first radio group. Since I am using Vuetify, I am stuck on this part.
<v-radio-group v-model="secondIdRadio">
<v-radio v-for="n in secondIdArr.filter(i => i !== firstIdRadio)" :key="n" :label="`${n}`" :value="n"></v-radio>

vuetify: why the table is sorted whenever the user clicks into the input field

I have a vuetify datatable, the original solution is dynamic allocation of search text field using v-for for each of the column and then multi filter is implemented. following is my solution:
<template v-for="(header, i) in columns" v-slot:[`header.${header.value}`]="{ }">
{{ header.text }}
<v-text-field :key="i"
The problem is whenever an user clicks on the text field of a particular column, the sorting function also runs at the same time. I have a miniature solution on the following pen which has the same behaviour. I tried to put one div after template tag but still the same. Kindly have a look at it. Any help would be appreciated.
Code Pen
Wrap the text field with a DIV and attach an empty handler to prevent the bubbling of CLICK events:
<template v-for="(header, i) in columns" v-slot:[`header.${header.value}`]="{ }">
{{ header.text }}
<div #click.stop>
<v-text-field :key="i"

Vuejs Rebind an Html Select List

I have a data-grid.
When the user clicks the "edit" button for a row in the grid, the div which contains the grid is made invisible (using v-if) and another div which contains an update form for that item is made visible (also using v-if).
As an added complication, the "edit" form contains a selectlist. This is bound to an array, but the array to which it is bound varies, depending on which item is selected in the grid (the items in the grid are different kinds of things).
How do I get that selectlist to rebind each time an item in the grid is clicked on for edit.
I realise I could do this by making a component, but that to me is overkill.
Is perhaps a slot the answer? Not sure how to proceed.
This is the relevant code:
<b-row v-if="editClaimFormVisible" class="mt-6 justify-content-md-center">
<b-col cols="6">
<b-form #submit.prevent="editClaimSubmit">
<b-form-group label="Enter New Claim Value:">
<b-form-select v-model="selectedClaimForEdit.claimValue" :options="getClaimOptions()" value-field="id" text-field="name" required>
<template #first>
<b-form-select-option :value="null" disabled>-- Please select a claim --</b-form-select-option>
<b-button type="submit" variant="primary">Save</b-button>

Pass row.item.attribute value to a modal with Bootstrap Vuejs

I have a table where in the last column there is a button that pressing it pops-up a modal with some information and actions to do.
To this modal I want to pass a value from the table (from a specific cell of each row) but the modal shows always the cell value from the last row of the table (it is like it considers the whole table as one row).
To do some test I wrote the attribute to be appeared on the button title ,and so far it works well (to each button it appears the correct attribute of each row).
It seems that in the next level (inside the modal) there is a misunderstanding and whichever modal opens it presents always the cell value of the last row.
<template v-slot:cell(nearby_venues)="row">
#click="show1 = true"
>Nearby Venues {{ row.item.api_id }}
title="Nearby Venues"
> {{ row.item.api_id }} *This appears correct*
<p align="left">Choose Venues close to</p>
<template slot="first">
<option :value="row.item.api_id">
{{ row.item.api_id }} *This appears wrong -the value of the column cell from the last row*
class="mb-2 mr-sm-2 mb-sm-0"
<hr width="300" align="left" />
<p align="left">Distance</p>
Click Here
The problem here is that there is a loop in this component going through every row, rendering a new b-modal for each row. The problem is in this part of the code:
Each time a modal is rendered for a new row, it changes the userdata.eventApiId to the value for the current row. So the userdata.eventApiId will always end up being the api_id for the last row of the table.
One solution would be to change the code so that when the button is clicked, you change the userdata.eventApiId to the row.item.api_id.
I also wouldn't recommend putting the modal in the loop, as you would be creating a lot of hidden modals. I would just have one modal outside of the table that changes the value of userdata.

Uniquely identify button click for individual v-cards in vuejs

I am using vuejs with vuetify 1.5 i am little bit stuck in my code the issue here is i have an array of objects and based on that multiple v-cards getting generated for all the values present in the array of objects.
In multiple cards i have a button expand so by default i want to show only 4 values and onclicking expand the rest of values will be shown in the cards and that expand button but the issue is all cards will have the same expand button so on clicking expand all cards are expanding and its values are shown but I want uniquely that means when i click expand only one cards value gets expanded rest of the cards will not expand.
here is my code :-
expandToggleHandler() {
this.isExpand = !this.isExpand
style="display: inline-block;"
#click.native = "onRowClicked(row)"
<v-layout wrap>
<v-flex xs12 style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" :style="fixedColumn && clickableColumn || clickableColumn ? 'color: #ad00ff !important;' : 'color: #3399bb'">
<br />
<v-layout wrap>
<template v-if="!isExpand">
<template v-for= "(key, idx) of cardViewColumn">
<template v-for="(col, i) of key">
<template v-if="idx <= 1">
<v-flex xs6 sm6 md6 style="text-align: center;">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">{{ col }}</span> <br /> {{row[col]}}
<template v-if="isExpand">
<template v-for= "(key, idx) of cardViewColumn">
<template v-for="(col, i) of key">
<v-flex xs6 sm6 md6 style="text-align: center;">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">{{ col }}</span> <br /> {{row[col]}}
<md-button #click.stop="expandToggleHandler">{{ toggleExpandAndCollapse }}</md-button>
and here is the image :-
in image you can see i have pressed expand button for single cards but event is getting fired for other cards too.
How can i resolve it any help with example would be appreciated.
You are using the single variable isExpand for multiple v-card components. To solve your problem I suggest to convert the variable to an array and use rowIndex as the index.
Your variable declaration should look like this:
isExpand: []
Your templates would use it like this.
<template v-if="!isExpand[rowIndex]">
<template v-else>
Please note that I replaced the second v-if with a v-else so the isExpand variable isn't checked twice.
The method would become:
expandToggleHandler(rowIndex) {
this.isExpand[rowIndex] = !this.isExpand[rowIndex]
And you access it like this:
<md-button #click.stop="expandToggleHandler(rowIndex)">{{ isExpand[rowIndex] ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'}}</md-button>
I didn't know what toggleExpandAndCollapse does but I guess it handles the button label.