Uniquely identify button click for individual v-cards in vuejs - vue.js

I am using vuejs with vuetify 1.5 i am little bit stuck in my code the issue here is i have an array of objects and based on that multiple v-cards getting generated for all the values present in the array of objects.
In multiple cards i have a button expand so by default i want to show only 4 values and onclicking expand the rest of values will be shown in the cards and that expand button but the issue is all cards will have the same expand button so on clicking expand all cards are expanding and its values are shown but I want uniquely that means when i click expand only one cards value gets expanded rest of the cards will not expand.
here is my code :-
expandToggleHandler() {
this.isExpand = !this.isExpand
style="display: inline-block;"
#click.native = "onRowClicked(row)"
<v-layout wrap>
<v-flex xs12 style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" :style="fixedColumn && clickableColumn || clickableColumn ? 'color: #ad00ff !important;' : 'color: #3399bb'">
<br />
<v-layout wrap>
<template v-if="!isExpand">
<template v-for= "(key, idx) of cardViewColumn">
<template v-for="(col, i) of key">
<template v-if="idx <= 1">
<v-flex xs6 sm6 md6 style="text-align: center;">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">{{ col }}</span> <br /> {{row[col]}}
<template v-if="isExpand">
<template v-for= "(key, idx) of cardViewColumn">
<template v-for="(col, i) of key">
<v-flex xs6 sm6 md6 style="text-align: center;">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">{{ col }}</span> <br /> {{row[col]}}
<md-button #click.stop="expandToggleHandler">{{ toggleExpandAndCollapse }}</md-button>
and here is the image :-
in image you can see i have pressed expand button for single cards but event is getting fired for other cards too.
How can i resolve it any help with example would be appreciated.

You are using the single variable isExpand for multiple v-card components. To solve your problem I suggest to convert the variable to an array and use rowIndex as the index.
Your variable declaration should look like this:
isExpand: []
Your templates would use it like this.
<template v-if="!isExpand[rowIndex]">
<template v-else>
Please note that I replaced the second v-if with a v-else so the isExpand variable isn't checked twice.
The method would become:
expandToggleHandler(rowIndex) {
this.isExpand[rowIndex] = !this.isExpand[rowIndex]
And you access it like this:
<md-button #click.stop="expandToggleHandler(rowIndex)">{{ isExpand[rowIndex] ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'}}</md-button>
I didn't know what toggleExpandAndCollapse does but I guess it handles the button label.


Vuetify adaptative grid layout from item list

I have what seems to be a very common issue, but I can get over it.
I have an API query that returns me a list of object.
I want to display it my page as a grid of card filled with the content.
I want my grid to be in 5 column, and the number of row will adapt to the number of element in my list.
I can figure out how to achieve it.
For example: i have a query returning
My grid as to be made from 7 elements with systematically 5 columns and adaptive rows like:
And if my query returns for example 14 elements, the layout should adapt to look like this:
The closest I was able to get with the code was.
<v-container class="mt-2">
<h1>Top Rated views</h1>
<v-row v-for="n in gridDivider" :key="n" class="n === 1 ? 'mb-6' : ''">
<v-col v-for="(item,index) in Items" :key="index">
<v-card class="mx-auto" max-width="300">
class="white--text align-end"
<v-card-title>anything as text</v-card-title>
<v-card-subtitle class="pb-0"> Number 10 </v-card-subtitle>
<v-card-text class="text--primary">
<div>Whitehaven Beach</div>
<div>Whitsunday Island, Whitsunday Islands</div>
Thanks for helping
It could be done if you change v-row and v-col declarations this way:
<v-row class="five-cols">
<v-col v-for="(item,index) in Items" :key="index">
and create a CSS class five-cols using CSS Grid Layouts:
.five-cols {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr);
Example at CodePen

vuetify: why the table is sorted whenever the user clicks into the input field

I have a vuetify datatable, the original solution is dynamic allocation of search text field using v-for for each of the column and then multi filter is implemented. following is my solution:
<template v-for="(header, i) in columns" v-slot:[`header.${header.value}`]="{ }">
{{ header.text }}
<v-text-field :key="i"
The problem is whenever an user clicks on the text field of a particular column, the sorting function also runs at the same time. I have a miniature solution on the following pen which has the same behaviour. I tried to put one div after template tag but still the same. Kindly have a look at it. Any help would be appreciated.
Code Pen
Wrap the text field with a DIV and attach an empty handler to prevent the bubbling of CLICK events:
<template v-for="(header, i) in columns" v-slot:[`header.${header.value}`]="{ }">
{{ header.text }}
<div #click.stop>
<v-text-field :key="i"

how to pass text, button and icon to v-radio elements

<VRadioGroup :multiple="multiple" v-model="radioGroup">
v-for="(item, index) in options"
I got something like this.
Question 1) I want user to be able to select all of them or as many as he wants. Looks like :multiple="true" or multiple doesn't work. I can only select one. I should also be able to unselect any of them.
Question 2) beside each v-radio, I want to have its name, button and icon. I tried the following thing(All I could find was v-radio has a label slot. I tried this:
<template slot="label" slot-scope="data">
{{ data.item.text }}
<VBtn #click="removeRadioButton(item.value)" ripple
><BaseIcon name="minus-circle" /> </VBtn
I put this between VRadio tags. Looks like each of them has a button and icon, but it gives me error. (item of undefined). seems like data in slot-scope is undefined.
Answer 1:
It is simple. You can change the type radioGroup to an array.
It will work.
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-container fluid px-0>
v-for="n in 3"
:label="`Radio ${n}`"
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
radioGroup: []
Note: But For multiple selections, you shouldn't use radio buttons. Go for Checkbox.
Answer 2:
Issue In your code: You're looping on the radio button.
If you want some different text on before all radio buttons then you need to loop on a div which will contain the text and icons.
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-container fluid px-0>
v-for="n in 3"
<span class="d-inline">
:label="`Radio ${n}`"
icon here

dynamically build a html color enhanced list using vueitify

I have this code
<div class="row form-group" v-for="(author, key) in authorData" :key="key">
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex xs1 sm1 md1 text-xs-center>
<!-- </v-card-text>
<v-flex xs10 sm10 md10>
<v-card-text class="px-0">
<template v-if="author.Last_Name">{{' ' + author.Last_Name +' '}}</template>
<template v-if="author.Initials">{{author.Initials + ' '}}</template>
<br />
<font color=" + author.color + ">{{' ' + author.ProgramCode}}</font>
<br />
<template v-if="author.Affiliation">
{{' ' + author.Affiliation}}.
<br />
<v-flex xs1 sm1 md1 text-xs-center>
inside a . I am building the elements in the loop and I would like to have the Program_Code display in the color that is assigned to that program. Each separate program is different. I posted a simular question that help me greatly in a different area with HTML formating at HTML in a Vuetify v-dialog
but this is a different problem. How can I get the author.ProgramCode to have the font color? Do I need to build what was the answer on the other StackOverflow tread in a dynamic array? or closer to Dynamic v-model don't complete inputs using v-html directive
If the goal is to show the text using data provided as Boussadjra mentioned, then you can do the following (In Vue, you can bind style to objects. This is what the code is doing):
<span v-bind:style="{ color: author.color }">{{' ' + author.ProgramCode}}</span>
Note that the font tag is not supported by HTML5.

Vuetify: show tooltip with a condition

I'm new to Vue.js and I hope with your help to understand scoped slots...
I would like to optimize my code, the tooltip must be visible on hover only if the label has more than 10 characters (or any other condition).
This works, but it is not optimized:
<v-tooltip right v-if="slot.label.length > 20">
<template v-slot:activator="{on}">
<span class="text-truncate ml-1 mr-1" v-on="on">
<span v-else class="text-truncate ml-1 mr-1">
I think the easiest way to achieve the desired effect without duplication is to use the disabled prop of v-tooltip.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
slot: {
label: 'Label'
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vuetify#1.5.16/dist/vuetify.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.6.10/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vuetify#1.5.16/dist/vuetify.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<v-tooltip right :disabled="slot.label.length < 10">
<template v-slot:activator="{on}">
<span class="text-truncate ml-1 mr-1" v-on="on">
Button: {{ slot.label }}
<span>Tooltip: {{ slot.label }}</span>
<v-btn #click="slot.label = 'Label'">Short</v-btn>
<v-btn #click="slot.label = 'Label label'">Long</v-btn>
The downside of this approach is that it still creates the tooltip even if it's disabled. The overhead isn't significant but if there are going to be a lot of tooltips then that might be a consideration.
There are various other ways to approach this but I can't think of any that are particularly simple. You could use a render function. That would allow you to write exactly what you want without any duplication but at the expense of needing to maintain a render function.
Sometimes you may want to show the tooltip when the underlying element is disabled. For eg: If a user has used all the resources in his account and then we need to ask the user to buy more resources. In such time insert an extra div and then add v-on onto to it.
<v-tooltip bottom :disabled="!noCandies">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
<div v-on="on"> <!-- CREATE A DIV AND ADD V-ON HERE-->
<v-btn :disabled="noCandies" small class="mt-1" #click="useCandy">
Use candy
<span>Buy more candies</span>