How to find the data of members in next 30 days - sql

I am trying to write a logic to find a person membership is going to expiring in next 30days. Can, some one help me to write a query in hive?
I tried using:
select * from db where expiringdate > current_date;
But is showing all the records greater than current date. But I need only for next 30 days

You want two inequality conditions on the expiration date:
select *
from db
where expiringdate > current_date -- later than today
and expiringdate < add_months(current_date, 1) -- not later than one month from now
Or if you want exactly 30 days rather than one month, use date_add(current_date, 3).


Get All records of previous date from current date in oracle

I want all the data from a table which is more than 6 months available in my table. So for that I wrote the below query but it wasn't giving the exact records.
Select * from changerequests where lastmodifiedon < sysdate - 180;
The issue is I was getting the records for 2nd april, 2020 which is not more than 6 months. Please suggest the query
If you want records that were last modified within the last 6 months, then you want the inequality condition the other way around:
where lastmodifiedon > sysdate - 180
Note that 180 days is not exactly 6 months. You might want to use add_months() for something more accurate:
where lastmodifiedon > add_months(sysdate, -12)

Checking to make sure a column has been updated in the last 5 days SQL

I'm looking for the best possible way to check to make sure a column of dates, in a SQL database, have been updated in the last 5 days.
For example: The column contains 100 dates, all ranging from 1/1/2017 to 4/10/2017. Today is 4/19/2017. I'm looking at all of these dates and checking to see if any of them have been within the last 5 days of today, if not throw an exception/error/anything. Mainly I'm checking to see if this column is being updated regularly.
Thank you.
You can run a query and return a value
select (case when count(*) > 0 then 'OKAY' else 'NO UPDATES !!!' end)
from t
where datecol >= current_timestamp - interval '5 day';
This will work in more updates.
But, actually, I would probably do the logic in the application:
select max(datecol) as max_datecol
from t;
Then do the logic in the application based on the recency of the last update.
You can count how many entries have been added in last 5 days.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name WHERE date_column > NOW() - 5 DAYS;
Then in the application just check:
if (result > 0) { there has been a new entry in last 5 days }
else {ther has not been a new entry in last 5 days}

Return last week data in hive

I am new to hive and sql.
Is there any way if we run a query today with count fields then it should fetch last 7 days data ( example- if i run a query with count fields on monday then I should get the total count from last week monday to sunday) And date in my table is in the format 20150910. (yyyyMMdd).
Kindly please help me on this.
You can use date_sub() in this case. Something like this should work...
select * from table
where date_field >= date_sub(current_date, 7)
assuming that the current day's data is not loaded yet. If you want to exclude the current day's data too, you will have to include that too in the filter condition
and date_field <= date_sub(current_date, 1)
current_date would work if your hive version > 0.12
else, you can explicitly pull the date from unix using to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()))

Get timestamp of one month ago in PostgreSQL

I have a PostgreSQL database in which one table rapidly grows very large (several million rows every month or so) so I'd like to periodically archive the contents of that table into a separate table.
I'm intending to use a cron job to execute a .sql file nightly to archive all rows that are older than one month into the other table.
I have the query working fine, but I need to know how to dynamically create a timestamp of one month prior.
The time column is stored in the format 2013-10-27 06:53:12 and I need to know what to use in an SQL query to build a timestamp of exactly one month prior. For example, if today is October 27, 2013, I want the query to match all rows where time < 2013-09-27 00:00:00
Question was answered by a friend in IRC:
'now'::timestamp - '1 month'::interval
Having the timestamp return 00:00:00 wasn't terrible important, so this works for my intentions.
select date_trunc('day', NOW() - interval '1 month')
This query will return date one month ago from now and round time to 00:00:00.
When you need to query for the data of previous month, then you need to query for the respective date column having month values as (current_month-1).
FROM {table_name}
WHERE {column_name} >= date_trunc('month', current_date-interval '1' month)
AND {column_name} < date_trunc('month', current_date)
The first condition of where clause will search the date greater than the first day (00:00:00 Day 1 of Previous Month)of previous month and second clause will search for the date less than the first day of current month(00:00:00 Day 1 of Current Month).
This will includes all the results where date lying in previous month.

SELECT using timestamp in Oracle SQL

my problem is trying to use a SELECT statement and order the top 10 by a certain column. I managed to compile something after searching through lots of forums, however I need to confirm that the timestamp in one field is within the last week. I have gotten this to execute however i'm not sure whether this is correct as I can't print the value for the where clause:
SELECT itemid, count(itemid)
FROM Rateddate
GROUP BY itemid;
does this make sure the date_rated timestamp is less than a week old?
It would make more sense to say
WHERE date_rated > sysdate - interval '7' day
if you want data from the last 168 hours. You may want
WHERE date_rated > trunc(sysdate) - interval '7' day
if you want data from any point in the day 7 days ago rather than caring about what time of day it is currently.
Wouldn't this work for you:
This is assuming that DATE_RATED is a date field. If not, you need to convert it first with TO_DATE().