BigCommerce Stencil Blank Screen - bigcommerce

Losing my will to live with this one.
Went to start up my BigCommerce project and the localhost URL is just showing a blank screen. Zero errors in command line or in the browser console so I have absolutely no clue why it's just a blank screen.
Running Stencil Version 5.2.2
NVM 14.20.0
NPM 6.14.17
Not really sure what else to share, as I said, I'm getting no errors anywhere to give me a clue as to what's going on. Has anyone else experienced this?

I had the same issue.
I have momentarily downgrade to stencil-cli 5.2.0
I uninstalled and reinstall # 5.2.0 e.g.
npm uninstall -g #bigcommerce/stencil-cli
npm install -g #bigcommerce/stencil-cli#5.2.0
This isn't a fix I know, but might get you working in the meantime.

There appear to be some bugs in the newer versions of stencil-cli.
Downgrading appears the solution for the moment.
Bigcommerce are pushing an upgrade to their PHP app today to fix this


VS Code does not suggest installed npm package

I've installed, through npm (npm install react-native-elements --save and npm i --save react-native-vector-icons) two packages in my react-native (Expo) project. But the VS Code does not suggest elements from this package and keep suggesting elements from react-native instead of react-native-elements with the same name.
Would you mind explaining to me how can I force VS code to find, suggest and import this packages.
Things I've tried:
1 - restart VS code
2 - restart computer
3 - start over again a new project and reinstall all the packages.
The following image refers to the VS Code displaying the packages correctly installed and the menu does not suggesting the same package.
I'm trying to make VS code recognize, suggest and import the installed packages through npm.
I use an extension called 'npm Intellisense' and it works great for me! It's an addon by Christian Kohler.
For some reason, I uninstalled VS code, proceed the entire configuration again and now it is working. I don't know if It is a problem with previous configuration or some VS code bug. I've done the same steps and this time it is working. Thank you Dwayne for your tip.

Getting error RCTBridge required dispatch_sync to load RNGestureHandlerModule. This may lead to deadlocks

I'm getting the same error as this issue
However rather than RCTDevLoadingView mine is referring to RNGestureHandlerModule.
Similar to the issue linked above, my guess is that it's something related to making an update in the appdelegate.m file, however I cant figure out what that entails.
I'm using react-native 0.67.1 and react-native-gesture-handler 2.2.0.
Thank you
UPDATE: the issue was fixed in version 2.8.0
So if you do not depend on the old versions, just run
npm install react-native-reanimated#latest
or yarn add react-native-reanimated#latest.
Then cd ios && pod install
Old answer:
Change react-native-reanimated version to ~2.2.4 in package.json, then run
npm install or yarn install
cd ios && pod install
The answer was got from here
This seems to be fixed in 2.8.0:
This did, in fact, cause deadlocks for me like the warning said it could. (So it's nice that it's actually fixed instead of them just trying to hide the warning and making it harder to debug. Fortunately it didn't hide it in the Xcode console, or this would have been a real nightmare...)

Why does expo gives error when install native-base

When I try to get native-base and when I run the app. It gives me that error. How can I fix that. I am using expo and I installed expo-font.
Looks like that's a bug in the native-base package.
There is a PR that resolves this issue, but as of me writing this one - it's still not merged yet.
The only workaround is to either try to install older version of native-base, either fork the native-base package and apply in the native-base code the change which fixes the issue.
Or of course, wait... until native-base contributors accept the PR and release a new version with the fix.

React-native enable Hot Reload Exception

I get an exception when I activate the hot reload in react-native.
I have tried to delete node_modules and reinstall them all with npm install but that has not resolved my issue.
My package.json file contains this:
You are on 0.22 of react-native.
There was some errors with hot-reloading in this version that have since been fixed. Most of my errors went away when I upgraded to 0.23. And more errors have been fixed since then.
I would recommend upgrading to react-native to 0.24.
If you are on Windows I would upgrade to 0.23 until this issue is fixed. The issue is fixed in 0.25, but that is still a release candidate.

React-native Xcode build fails -> 'RCTAssert.h file not found'

I did exactly the steps which are described here in the React-native getting started guide:
When I open the Project and build it, the build fails:
RCTAssert.h file not found' in MyProjectNameTests.m .
What am I missing?
Here are the steps from the getting started guide:
OS X - This repo only contains the iOS (7+) implementation right now,
and Xcode only runs on Mac.
Xcode 6.3 or higher is recommended.
Homebrew is the recommended way to install io.js, watchman, and flow.
Install io.js 1.0 or newer. io.js is the modern version of Node.
Install nvm with its setup instructions here. Then run nvm install
iojs-v2 && nvm alias default iojs-v2, which installs the latest
compatible version of io.js and sets up your terminal so that typing
node runs io.js. With nvm you can install multiple versions of Node
and io.js and easily switch between them.
New to npm?
brew install watchman. We recommend installing watchman, otherwise
you might hit a node file watching bug.
brew install flow. If you want to use flow. We recommend
periodically running brew update && brew upgrade to keep your
programs up-to-date.
Quick Start
npm install -g react-native-cli
react-native init AwesomeProject
In the newly created folder AwesomeProject/
Open AwesomeProject. xcodeproj and hit run in Xcode. Open index.ios.js
in your text editor of choice and edit some lines. Hit cmd+R in your
iOS simulator to reload the app and see your change!
The test application can't find the header because it's not in the header search path.
In the left hand file list, hit the top left "folder" icon, then select your application at top left. In this case "AwesomeProject".
To the right of that, where the application icon appears, hold down to change to AwesomeProjectTests.
On the right side, click on the 'Build settings' tab.
Then scroll down to Header Search Paths and change "$(SRCROOT)/node_modules/react-native/React" to "$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native/React".
The app should now compile.
I got the same issue as daniel but I already have the right path in xcode ...
0.10.0 is my version
It's an issue in 0.10.0, and it has been fixed just now.
You need to re-generate your project. Refer to this PR:
seeing same issue here and it seems react-native is latest on 0.10.0, i was using 0.8.0 and was running fine. May be to disable the test target for now?
Before testing any option from the above mentioned solutions, just clean your xCode and build the app again. That helped me
I had the same issue (I just had changed my apple ID password). I needed to redo the code signing configuration.
This happened to me on a React Native project.
I rolled back my code to a version that I knew built successfully and still got this error. How is this even possible? There's two hours of my life I'll never get back. I write this here on the chance I save you from the same fate.
In my case when I jump from my IDE in which I code my react-native project over to Xcode I open it from Spotlight.
At this point it is so easy to click the wrong icon on the right hand side. I accidentally clicked on the Xcodeproj file instead of the Xcworkspace. Easy to do, once it loads everything looks exactly the same, I was none the wiser.
The only indication that something had gone wrong was the build errors. Worse this error looks like a dependency management issue sending you down completely the wrong path in a resolution attempt.
This is not just a React Native specific issue, but something all Cocoapod users need to remember.
ADD the React Path to Podfile
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'YourProject' do
pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native'
target 'RNFirebaseTests' do
pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native'