react-native-maps showsUserLocation error - react-native

Hi, I have this problem when running react native maps page. It was working yesterday, but when i reran the project today, it outputted the error. When i opened backups of this project last week and 2 weeks ago, it is giving this same error. This error is only happening for android. For iOS, it is working well.
Please Help, Thanks


Issue with Expo Image Picker at build time

This is the error I am facing at the time of building the ios for my expo app.
Here is the code for Image Picker I used
This is working great in my simulator expo app as well as in iphone expo as well but giving this error while building using eas build -p=ios
I try doing different things and after trying many things I get to know it's because of outdated verions I updated everything in my package.json with the help of expo doctor I see compatible and install them and it's fixed.

React-Native Android Build - Could not determine artifacts for com.facebook.soloader:soloader:0.8.2:

This is a brand new issue. I reviewed the code, and no changes have been made to the libraries in 3 months. All of a sudden I am getting the error "Could not determine artifacts for com.facebook.soloader:soloader:0.8.2:" I tried updating this to 0.9.0+ based on React Native: App crashes on start due to SoLoader issue, but then I just got a bunch of "xxxx library uses a deprecated API". I have cleaned the project multiple times, invalidated caches, restarted computer, etc. but I can't find anything about how to fix this problem, nor do I know why it started happening. Does anyone have any insight?

Getting error code 500 when run react-native run-android

About few weeks ago my apps is running normally.
But today i'm getting this error.
this is the error in android emulator
this is the metro bundler
and this is my package.json
I've spent hours and haven't come up with a solution.
I have tried reinstalling my react-native but the problem is still the same.
Can someone help me to fix this, especially the EISDIR error. Thanks before.

Animated Node does not exist with tag 1

We recently updated to Expo SDK 40 and now have run into a issue with “React Native: Animated Node with tag 1 does not exist”.
This is only an error on Android that is occurring.
We’ve changed all instances of useNativeDriver to false.
We’ve also tried commenting out all instances of Animated in our code and the error still persists.
Any ideas on what is going on here?
This isn't a full answer because I'm sure there was a fix for SDK 40 but Expo SDK 41 came out today and figured I'd see if that fixed the issue and it did.
For anyone that is stuck. SDK 41 using expo upgrade might be your solution.

React-Native app will not compile since adding react-native-google-place-picker node module

I am a very new app developer, first job out of university and I'm working on a react-native app. My bosses have done some work on the app and then returned it to me. They added a node module called react-native-google-place-picker. And now I cannot get the app to compile and run on my emulator. It was working last week when I sent my work to them and they continued piecing all the devs work together.
Here is my console when I run react-native run-android, I am using Android studio emulator. I have been working on this app for a couple of weeks and been able to compile and test the app without any major issues but this one has me stumped.
Image of Error during compile:
Try going into the, and comment out the override statement.