Getting error code 500 when run react-native run-android - react-native

About few weeks ago my apps is running normally.
But today i'm getting this error.
this is the error in android emulator
this is the metro bundler
and this is my package.json
I've spent hours and haven't come up with a solution.
I have tried reinstalling my react-native but the problem is still the same.
Can someone help me to fix this, especially the EISDIR error. Thanks before.


react-native-cli error when running ios emulator

After 5 days I have been able to fix the issue with initializing a react native cli project. Now I can set it up successfully.
The issue now though, is when I try to run npm run ios in order to run the ios simulator. Of course this is done in the 2nd terminal tab, the 1st tab is where I npm start to start the react native metro server.
Basically after npm run ios, my ios emulator successfully opens up by itself. However, straight after, VScode gives me a long error. I have put all the error into pastebin:
I ran npx react-native doctor and fixed the issues. Here is the screenshot
Even though it is all green ticks, the same error is still there. (Lets focus on ios for now, ignore android for now)
I feel so close to finally being able to continue my learning. If you could offer some help, please do.
Thank you for your time.

react-native-maps showsUserLocation error

Hi, I have this problem when running react native maps page. It was working yesterday, but when i reran the project today, it outputted the error. When i opened backups of this project last week and 2 weeks ago, it is giving this same error. This error is only happening for android. For iOS, it is working well.
Please Help, Thanks

error Failed to launch emulator. Reason: No emulators found as an output of `emulator -list-avds`

I've spend lots of time solving this problem but it didn't work
When I tried to run android emulator in react native by typing react-native run-android
but it didn't work beacause of this error
detail code for error that happened
so I opened react-native doctor to see the problem. cause I already have Android Studio, and the emulator was already running before I typed react-native run-android.
Finally I found my error saying this.
problem on react-native doctor
Is there anyone who can teach me to solve this problem?
I have no idea why the computer can't recognize Android Studio.
so sad..

react-native metro is path is missing in node_modules

Error is this
Error: Unable to resolve module metro/src/lib/bundle-modules/HMRClient
Here is additional error logs
This error appeared when I had to create a new project and ran react-native run-android just right after running react-native init PROJECT_NAME. Why I had to create another project is due to another error shown in this question.
Now I can't seem to run any of my react-native applications due to these problems. I am thinking this is a cache problem or somethings? maybe unstable package versions.
I have also found this solution in GitHub threads and actually removed the error log, but keeps crashing my application in android emulator (android studio)
I have tried reinstalling react-native-cli, but still have this error.

undefined is not a function(evaluation 'object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(arguments[i])')

I'm trying to run an app which I take from git. I ran npm install and react-native run-android then it occurred an error:
I have found solution on Internet for 2 days but there is no result. Can anyone fix this error please?
There's an actual workaround for this, and it worked for me. Try to activate Debug Js Remotely on your developer options, Reload and your app will work. As I said it's a work around, but you can continue working on your app