Should I use single or double quotes in Cypher queries? - cypher

Is it better to use ' or " when I need to return the text? I have the following return statement:
Please don't forget to submit your ID.

When it comes to quotes, a simple rule is to use whichever provides the fewest escaped characters in the string. If escaped characters are not needed, or their number is the same for single and double quotes, then single quotes should be favored.
In your case since you have a ' character in text you have two possible options. First one with escape character \
RETURN 'Please don\'t forget to submit your ID.'
and second one without.
RETURN "Please don't forget to submit your ID."
The end result is the same.


Remove special characters and alphabets from a string except number in sql query in db2

Hi I tried using Regex_replace and it is still not working.
select CASE WHEN sbbb <> ' ' THEN regexp_replace(sbbb,'[a-zA-Z _-#]','']
ELSE sbbb
from Table where sccc=1;
This is the query which I am using to remove alphabets and specials characters from string and have only numbers. but it doesnot work. Query returns me the complete string with numbers,characters and special characters .What is wrong in the above query
I am working on a sql query. There is a column in database which contains characters,special characters and numbers. I want to only keep the numbers and remove all the special characters and alphabets. How can I do it in query of DB2. If a use PATINDEX it is not working. please help here.
The allowed regular expression patterns are listed on this page
Regular expression control characters
Outside of a set, the following must be preceded with a backslash to be treated as a literal
* ? + [ ( ) { } ^ $ | \ . /
Inside a set, the follow must be preceded with a backslash to be treated as a literal
Characters that must be quoted to be treated as literals are [ ] \
Characters that might need to be quoted, depending on the context are - &
So for you, this should work
regexp_replace(sbbb,'[a-zA-Z _\-#]','')

sql regexp string end with ".0"

I want to judge if a positive number string is end with ".0", so I wrote the following sql:
select '12310' REGEXP '^[0-9]*\.0$'. The result is true however. I wonder why I got the result, since I use "\" before "." to escape.
So I write another one as select '1231.0' REGEXP '^[0-9]\d*\.0$', but this time the result is false.
Could anyone tell me the right pattern?
Dot (.) in regexp has special meaning (any character) and requires escaping if you want literally dot:
select '12310' REGEXP '^[0-9]*\\.0$';
Use double-slash to escape special characters in Hive. slash has special meaning and used for characters like \073 (semicolon), \n (newline), \t (tab), etc. This is why for escaping you need to use double-slash. Also for character class digit use \\d:
hive> select '12310.0' REGEXP '^\\d*?\\.0$';
Also characters inside square brackets do not need double-slash escaping: [.] can be used instead of \\.
If you know it is a number string, why not just use:
select ( val like '%.0' )
You need regular expression if you want to validate that the string has digits everywhere else. But if you only need to check the last two characters, like is sufficient.
As for your question . is a wildcard in regular expressions. It matches any character.

What regular expression characters have to be escaped in SQL?

To prevent SQL injection attack, the book "Building Scalable Web Sites" has a function to replace regular expression characters with escaped version:
function db_escape_str_rlike($string) {
preg_replace("/([().\[\]*^\$])/", '\\\$1', $string);
Does this function escape ( ) . [ ] * ^ $? Why are only those characters escaped in SQL?
I found an excerpt from the book you mention, and found that the function is not for escaping to protect against SQL injection vulnerabilities. I assumed it was, and temporarily answered your question with that in mind. I think other commenters are making the same assumption.
The function is actually about escaping characters that you want to use in regular expressions. There are several characters that have special meaning in regular expressions, so if you want to search for those literal characters, you need to escape them (precede with a backslash).
This has little to do with SQL. You would need to escape the same characters if you wanted to search for them literally using grep, sed, perl, vim, or any other program that uses regular expression searches.
Unfortunately, active characters in sql databases is an open issue. Each database vendor uses their own (mainly oracle's mysql, that uses \ escape sequences)
The official SQL way to escape a ', which is the string delimiter used for values is to double the ', as in ''.
That should be the only way to ensure transparency in SQL statements, and the only way to introduce a proper ' into a string. As soon as any vendor admits \' as a synonim of a quote, you are open to support all the extra escape sequences to delimit strings. Suppose you have:
'Mac O''Connor' (should go into "Mac O'Connor" string)
and assume the only way to escape a ' is that... then you have to check the next char when you see a ' for a '' sequence and:
you get '' that you change into '.
you get another, and you terminate the string literal and process the char as the first of the next token.
But if you admit \ as escape also, then you have to check for \' and for \\', and \\\' (this last one should be converted to \' on input) etc. You can run into trouble if you don't detect special cases as
\'' (should the '' be processed as SQL mandates, or the first \' is escaping the first ' and the second is the string end quote?)
\\'' (should the \\ be converted into a single \ then the ' should be the string terminator, or do we have to switch to SQL way of encoding and consider '' as a single quote?)
You have to check your database documentation to see if \ as escape characters affect only the encoding of special characters (like control characters or the like) and also affects the interpretation of the quote character or simply doesn't, and you have to escape ' the other way.
That is the reason for the vendors to include functions to do the escape/unescape of character literals into values to be embedded in a SQL statement. The idea of the attackers is to include (if you don't properly do) escape sequences into the data they post to you to see if that allows them to modify the text of the sql command to simply add a semicolon ; and write a complete sql statement that allows them to access freely your database.

Objective C Regex- Numbers in NSStrings

I have a number of NSStrings I need to parse/regex and get the numbers 187,215; 181,170; 69,63; etc etc out.
Anyone can help out?
The items you are trying to grab are only numbers (with no other chars inside).
If you know your numbers (or whatever inside the quotes) is what you need, you can search for the quotes that surround them.
The quotes are only used to contain the item (digits) you are searching for.
If you want numbers and surrounding quotes
"\d+?" Example
This will grab any digits (one or more digit due to the +) inside of quotes. Since regex is normally "greedy", adding the ? after the + will make it "non-greedy", or it will stop processing and looking for digits after it hits the NEXT quote instead of processing until it find the last quote.
If you want just the numbers
(?<=")\d+?(?=") Example
This is similar to the previous regex, the only difference is the exclusion of the quotes from the returned item. Including the quotes in the regex will match them positively and then return them back. This regex uses positive look-ahead and look-behinds to ensure that the pattern we are looking for \d+? is preceded by a quote and followed by a quote.

what characters should be escaped in sql string parameters

I need a complete list of characters that should be escaped in sql string parameters to prevent exceptions. I assume that I need to replace all the offending characters with the escaped version before I pass it to my ObjectDataSource filter parameter.
No, the ObjectDataSource will handle all the escaping for you. Any parametrized query will also require no escaping.
As others have pointed out, in 99% of the cases where someone thinks they need to ask this question, they are doing it wrong. Parameterization is the way to go. If you really need to escape yourself, try to find out if your DB access library offers a function for this (for example, MySQL has mysql_real_escape_string).
SQL Books online:
Search for String Literals:
String Literals
A string literal consists of zero or more characters surrounded by quotation marks. If a string contains quotation marks, these must be escaped in order for the expression to parse. Any two-byte character except \x0000 is permitted in a string, because the \x0000 character is the null terminator of a string.
Strings can include other characters that require an escape sequence. The following table lists escape sequences for string literals.
Form feed
New line
Carriage return
Horizontal tab
Vertical tab
Quotation mark
Unicode character in hexadecimal notation
Here's a way I used to get rid of apostrophes. You could do the same thing with other offending characters that you run into. (example in VB.Net)
Dim companyFilter = Trim(Me.ddCompany.SelectedValue)
If (Me.ddCompany.SelectedIndex > 0) Then
filterString += String.Format("LegalName like '{0}'", companyFilter.Replace("'", "''"))
End If
Me.objectDataSource.FilterExpression = filterString