how to find the equation of 3d surface by using its coordinates? - pandas

Is there any way to find the equation of a surface by using (x,y,y) coordinates? I have all coordinates of a BELL shape surface but not sure if i can estimate the equation of it as a function f(x,y,z).


what is the reason to draw the scatterplot matrix for the mcmc sample?

I found some bayesian paper try to draw the scatter plot matrix for the parameters.
I just wondering what is the goal to draw this scatter plot matrix?
what is the meaning if I see some linear or nonlinear relationships between samples.

2D from 3D points in HALCON

Given a 3D point coordinate, the internal and the external camera parameters in a calibrated stereo camera setup, is there a HALCON method that gives me the 2D pixel coordinates on each camera?
You can project the coordinates into 2D world, if the camera parameters are known, using the following:
* Project 3D points into image.
project_3d_point(X, Y, Z, CameraParam, Row, Column)
Please refer to description here

Camera 2D coords from 3D object coords

I am working on a geometry editor tool and I am dealing with the way how to get manipulators vector coordinates on the screen/camera plane so I can use these for mouse dragging. I've got access to vectors world coordinates matrix (or any objects matrix), projection matrix and camera direction, position etc.

Surface area of a convex hull in 3D

Trying to calculate the surface area of a convex hull in 3D, using CGAL. I have looked at the user manual ( and have not found any material covering this. I have tried to use polygon_area_2d to calculate the area of the convex hull facets, but have not been successful. Has anybody successfully calculated the area of a 3D convex hull/any suggestions?
Using this example, you compute a triangulation of the convex hull. Them iterating over all the facets of the polyhedron, you can compute the area of each triangle and get the result.
See also this function

Cubic Bezier from sample points

The sample points is taken from a flying machine in a fix sample rate (e,g 1s=25 frame), it contains the x,y,z position.
The requirement is to import the point lists and edit the curve, then export it to a new point lists.
I want to use the Cubic Bezier curve to display the points, the problem is :
The flying path is arbitrary, can it always be drawn in Bezier curve?
How to confirm the vertex and control points?
The reason of vertex and control point is for editing, i want to drag the control point to modify the curve.
Am new for this field, any suggestion or sample code is appreciated. :)
Cubic Bezier spline won't fit to an arbitrary digitized curve. If Cubic Bezier spline approximate your curve with unacceptable square error, there are two options:
Split original curve into segments (for example, where curve bends) and then fit segments with Cubic Bezier splines. There is a description of an algorithm for automatically fitting digitized curves
Use higher order Bezier splines than cubic, which can fit any continuous smooth curve.
This will result in iterative process to find Bezier spline of minimum order fitting the curve with an acceptable error.