what is the reason to draw the scatterplot matrix for the mcmc sample? - bayesian

I found some bayesian paper try to draw the scatter plot matrix for the parameters.
I just wondering what is the goal to draw this scatter plot matrix?
what is the meaning if I see some linear or nonlinear relationships between samples.


how to find the equation of 3d surface by using its coordinates?

Is there any way to find the equation of a surface by using (x,y,y) coordinates? I have all coordinates of a BELL shape surface but not sure if i can estimate the equation of it as a function f(x,y,z).

Plotting a 2d heatmap as the surface of a cube in 3D

I am struggling with how to plot a cube with each face shaded as a 2D heatmap.
See the following image for what I am trying to do:
I couldn't figure out how to do it with meshgrid since I don't have any data for the inside of the cube just the surfaces. To make a contour plot for one of the surfaces I use two axes to make the meshgrid and then calculate the z data but that is just one face. So I have to do that process individually for each face.
I thought I could manually add patches and rotate them to position colored with their value but that didn't seem like the best way. I was wondering if I was missing something easier.

Is it possible to plot on a surface in Matplotlib?

In GNUPlot it is possible to plot a function on a surface (see, for example, this question). Similar thing can be done in Mathematica (see this question).
Is it possible to do the same thing in Matplotlib? Alternatively, is it possible to map the colourmap by the function that one intends to plot on the surface?
A good example of this is plotting an ellipsoid, and visualising the Gauss curvature at each point on it with the colourmap.

How to plot a vector field with error ellipse using cartopy

Cartopy seems like a great tool for Geoscience, but it appears to lack a method for plotting vector data on a map together with their error ellipses. Is there a straightforward way to add error ellipses centered on the tips of vector data?
Cartopy inherits all its vector plotting functionality from matplotlib. Cartopy provides a way to project the vectors, but they are drawn by matplotlib. I haven't heard of a feature you describe in matplotlib, so I'm afraid the answer is probably no.

Matplotlib scatter plot with density histograms on the sides

I don't know any way to describe this plot, but I need to do it preferably with matplotlib. If there is a name for this plot, I would love to know it.
It can be found on page 10 of this PLOS ONE paper (Figure 6): http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0093590
Basically, each section is made up of three plots. One scatter plot, and two histograms that show the density of points in each region, one for each axis.
Any help would be great. Thanks.