Only one JIRA issue per top-level groupId is necessary. This looks like a duplicate of OSSRH-12345, so let's track progress in that issue - sonatype

I tried to create a repo for my 2nd artifact. but it gives me
Only one JIRA issue per top-level groupId is necessary. This looks like a duplicate of OSSRH-85362, so let's track progress in that issue.
My 1st repo group id is io.github.cozyloon.lets. Now i tried to create io.github.cozyloon.RAapi but it shows above error. any solution for this

I figured it how it works. After creating a repo with the Jira issue we don't need to create again for the new artifact. we can release that artifact under the io.github.cozyloon
We only need to create 1 Jira issue to create our own repo and sync it with maven central. That's all. After successful sync, we can create any artifact under this group id


How do you create (or set) a tracking branch? LibGit2Sharp 0.26.2

I need to add a branch that tracks a remote using libGit2Sharp v0.26.2. Every example I've seen uses the seemingly deprecated repo.CreateBranch() API though I'm not certain that matters.
Branches are created in 0.26.2 by using repo.Branches.Add().
I've attempted the following but I'm clearly missing something (assumes "repo" has been created and initialized and instance repo is created):
repo.Network.Remotes.Add("origin", path_to_remote);
var trackingBranch = repo.Branches["origin/myBranch"];
repo.Branches.Add("myBranch", trackingBranch.Tip);
var branch = Commands.Checkout(repo, repo.Branches["myBranch"]);
repo.Branches.Update(branch, b => b.TrackedBranch = trackingBranch.CanonicalName);
This code will alway fail as "origin/myBranch" does not exist in repo.Branches even though "myBranch" exists on the remote. More interestingly, if I use the git command like and (once the code adds the remote) and do a "git pull" things work fine.
FYI: This code is cobbled together from looking at numerous examples that use deprecated calls. I've been unable to locate anything using the current version. Hopefully someone out there has experience with the current version.
Thanks in advance.
myBranch might exist on the remote repository, but in the code you posted, you never actually "fetch" the branches from the remote repository. Just adding the remote is not sufficient (this just configures the remote repository, but does not actually retrieve any information from it) - you also need to fetch the latest branches from the remote repository. After you fetch, your local Git repository will know about the branches on the remote, and then you can create a local branch from it.

Why are some Apache-licensed repositories not in GitHub open dataset?

I find the repository "SchemaStore/json-validator" in the open GitHub data collection, queryable with BigQuery.
The repository "SchemaStore/schemastore" has the same Apache 2.0 license, but does not seem to be in the open data collection.
I tried:
SELECT distinct repo_name
FROM `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.files`
WHERE repo_name like 'SchemaStore/%';
This only finds "SchemaStore/json-validator", but not "SchemaStore/schemastore".
Not all GitHub projects are included on the BigQuery copy.
They need to have an appropriate license, and SchemaStore/json-validator has one.
But there are more criteria.
One is project relevance - we see here SchemaStore/json-validator has only 8 stars, and no action during the last 4 years.
I'm not sure when the next list of repos to index refresh will happen, but probably this project won't be included - unless there's a good reason it should.

Find the branch tag for all the changes against a feature

We use JIRA in our organisation. I am unable to find the branch tag/commit-id against particular feature. Is there something I'm missing?
To understand a feature I want to understand all the changes that were made for this feature. How do I go about finding them?
Assuming your JIRA is connected to some kind of source code management (Bitbucket or Github). The branch / commit name must contain the JIRA issue key.
Jira: assign an existing git branch to an issue
Creating the branch though the UI is just a convenience. The important thing is that the name contains the JIRA key. If only one developer is working on the branch, it's fairly easy to just rename (delete + add) a branch with the appropriate name.
To find all branches / commits related to an issue, there's the Development Panel on the sidebar right.
The jira key in the git commit message we found needs to be in uppsercase, well case senstive depending on what you set in the integration.

Push and update plugin

1.I was trying to use the push-and-update plugin and failed. after solving the reported error (i change the plugin folder name to push_and_update) all errors disappeared , but its seems that nothing happened --> the "remote" branch still needs to be updated manually.
Please help.
I tried to attach an detailed description of an workflow i prepared , in order to get your comments. the upload was failed due to the fact that i'm new user in this forum. do i have another way to attach image?
Gil Idelson
I think there must already exist a workingtree on the server.
You can use bzr checkout to create one.

Howto create a branch from tag in CVS with intelliJ

I checked a specific tag representing some release from CVS using intelliJ Idea 9.0. Now I made few fixes to the code and want to create a branch for the same release starting from this tag. So what I want to do is exactly this: Start branch (before I commit my changes it will be the same as the tag) and keep the tag as it is for reference.
I wonder if command CVS -> Create branch on the project root in IntelliJ will do the trick. I went through the official IntelliJ doc but it's still unclear to me if the branch will be created from the currently checked out tag.
Yes, Create branch should work as you expect.