SQL get the value of a nested key in a jsonb field - sql

Let's suppose I have a table my_table with a field named data, of type jsonb, which thus contains a json data structure.
let's suppose that if I run
select id, data from my_table where id=10;
I get
id | data
10 | {
|"key_1": "value_1" ,
|"key_2": ["value_list_element_1", "value_list_element_2", "value_list_element_3" ],
|"key_3": {
| "key_3_1": "value_3_1",
| "key_3_2": {"key_3_2_1": "value_3_2_1", "key_3_2_2": "value_3_2_2"},
| "key_3_3": "value_3_3"
| }
| }
so in pretty formatting, the content of column data is
"key_1": "value_1",
"key_2": [
"key_3": {
"key_3_1": "value_3_1",
"key_3_2": {
"key_3_2_1": "value_3_2_1",
"key_3_2_2": "value_3_2_2"
"key_3_3": "value_3_3"
I know that If I want to get directly in a column the value of a key (of "level 1") of the json, I can do it with the ->> operator.
For example, if I want to get the value of key_2, what I do is
select id, data->>'key_2' alias_for_key_2 from my_table where id=10;
which returns
id | alias_for_key_2
10 |["value_list_element_1", "value_list_element_2", "value_list_element_3" ]
Now let's suppose I want to get the value of key_3_2_1, that is value_3_2_1.
How can I do it?
I have tryed with
select id, data->>'key_3'->>'key_3_2'->>'key_3_2_1' alias_for_key_3_2_1 from my_table where id=10;
but I get
select id, data->>'key_3'->>'key_3_2'->>'key_3_2_1' alias_for_key_3_2_1 from my_table where id=10;
HINT: No operators found with name and argument types provided. Types may need to be converted explicitly.
what am I doing wrong?

The problem in the query
select id, data->>'key_3'->>'key_3_2'->>'key_3_2_1' alias_for_key_3_2_1 --this is wrong!
from my_table
where id=10;
was that by using the ->> operand I was turning a json to a string, so that with the next ->> operand I was trying to get a json key object key_3_2 out of a string object, which makes no sense.
Thus one has to use the -> operand, which does not convert json into string, until one gets to the "final" key.
so the query I was looking for was
select id, data->'key_3'->'key_3_2'->>'key_3_2_1' alias_for_key_3_2_1 --final ->> : this gets the value of 'key_3_2_1' as string
from my_table
where id=10;
or either
select id, data->'key_3'->'key_3_2'->'key_3_2_1' alias_for_key_3_2_1 --final -> : this gets the value of 'key_3_2_1' as json / jsonb
from my_table
where id=10;
More info on JSON Functions and Operators can be find here


Json Arrays of objects PostgreSQL Table format

I have a JSON file (array of objects) which I have to convert into a table format using a PostgreSQL query.
Follow Sample Data.
"b", "c", "d", "e" are to be extracted as separate tables as they are arrays and in these arrays, there are objects
I have tried using json_populate_recordset() but it only works if I have a single array.
I have referred to some links and codes.
jsonb_array_element example
postgreSQL functions
Expected Output
Sample Data:
{columnB1:value, columnB2:value},
{columnB1:value, columnB2:value},
{columnC1:value, columnC2:value, columnC3:value},
{columnC1:value, columnC2:value, columnC3:value},
{columnC1:value, columnC2:value, columnC3:value}
{columnD1:value, columnD2:value},
{columnD1:value, columnD2:value},
{columnE1:value, columnE2:value},
expected output
b should be one table in which columnA1 and columnA2 are displayed with their values.
Similarly table c, d, e with their respective columns and values.
Expected Output
You can use jsonb_to_recordset() but you need to unnest your JSON. You need to do this inline as this is a JSON Processing Function which cannot used derived values.
I am using validated JSON as simplified and formatted at end of this answer
To unnest your JSON use below notation which extracts JSON object field with the given key.
--one level
select '{"a":1}'::json->'a'
result : 1
--two levels
select '{"a":{"b":[2]}}'::json->'a'->'b'
result : [2]
We now expand this to include json_to_recordset()
select * from
'{"a":{"b":[{"f1":2,"f2":4},{"f1":3,"f2":6}]}}'::json->'a'->'b' --inner table b
as x("f1" int, "f2" int); --fields from table b
or using json_array_elements. Either way we need to list our fields. With second solution type will be json not int so you cant sum etc
with b as (select json_array_elements('{"a":{"b":[{"f1":2,"f2":4},{"f1":3,"f2":6}]}}'::json->'a'->'b') as jx)
select jx->'f1' as f1, jx->'f2' as f2 from b;
f1 f2
2 4
3 6
We now use your data structure in jsonb_to_recordset()
select * from jsonb_to_recordset( '{"a":{"b":[{"columnname1b":"value1b","columnname2b":"value2b"},{"columnname1b":"value","columnname2b":"value"}],"c":[{"columnname1":"value","columnname2":"value"},{"columnname1":"value","columnname2":"value"},{"columnname1":"value","columnname2":"value"}]}}'::jsonb->'a'->'b') as x(columnname1b text, columnname2b text);
columnname1b columnname2b
value1b value2b
value value
For table c
select * from jsonb_to_recordset( '{"a":{"b":[{"columnname1b":"value1b","columnname2b":"value2b"},{"columnname1b":"value","columnname2b":"value"}],"c":[{"columnname1":"value","columnname2":"value"},{"columnname1":"value","columnname2":"value"},{"columnname1":"value","columnname2":"value"}]}}'::jsonb->'a'->'c') as x(columnname1 text, columnname2 text);
columnname1 columnname2
value value
value value
value value
Sample JSON
"a": {
"b": [
"columnname1b": "value1b",
"columnname2b": "value2b"
"columnname1b": "value",
"columnname2b": "value"
"c": [
"columnname1": "value",
"columnname2": "value"
"columnname1": "value",
"columnname2": "value"
"columnname1": "value",
"columnname2": "value"
Well, I came up with some ideas, here is one that worked. I was able to get one table at a time.
I am using json_populate_recordset.
The column used in the first select statement comes from a table whose column is a JSON type which we are trying to extract into a table.
The 'tablename from column' in the json_populate_recordset function, is the table we are trying to extract followed with b its columns and datatypes.
WITH input AS(
SELECT cast(column as json) as a
FROM tablename
FROM input c,
json_populate_recordset(NULL::record,c.a->'tablename from column') as b(columnname1 datatype, columnname2 datatype)

Query for retrieve matching json Objects as a list

Assume i have a table called MyTable and this table have a JSON type column called myjson and this column have next value as a json array hold multiple objects, for example like next:
"budgetType": "CF",
"financeNumber": 1236547,
"budget": 1000000
"budgetType": "ENVELOPE",
"financeNumber": 1236888,
"budget": 2000000
So how i can search if the record has any JSON objects inside its JSON array with financeNumber=1236547
Something like this:
LATERAL json_to_recordset(myjson) AS t ("budgetType" varchar,
"financeNumber" int,
budget varchar)
"financeNumber" = 1236547;
Obviously not tested on your data, but it should provide a starting point.
with a as(
SELECT json_array_elements(myjson)->'financeNumber' as col FROM mytable)
select exists(select from a where col::text = '1236547'::text );
json_array_elements return setof json, so you need cast.
Check if a row exists: Fastest check if row exists in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL: select from field with json format

Table has column, named "config" with following content:
The task is to select all name and version values. The output is expected selection with 2 columns: name and value.
I successfully select the content of B:
select config::json -> 'A' -> 'B' as B
from my_table;
But when I'm trying to do something like:
select config::json -> 'A' -> 'B' ->> 'name' as name,
config::json -> 'A' -> 'B' ->> 'version' as version
from my_table;
I receive selection with empty-value columns
If the array size is fixed, you just need to tell which element of the array you want to retrieve,e.g.:
SELECT config->'A'->'B'->0->>'name' AS name,
config->'A'->'B'->0->>'version' AS version
FROM my_table;
But as your array contains multiple elements, use the function jsonb_array_elements in a subquery or CTE and in the outer query parse the each element individually, e.g:
SELECT rec->>'name', rec->>'version'
FROM (SELECT jsonb_array_elements(config->'A'->'B')
FROM my_table) j (rec);
Demo: db<>fiddle
First you should use the jsonb data type instead of json, see the documentation :
In general, most applications should prefer to store JSON data as
jsonb, unless there are quite specialized needs, such as legacy
assumptions about ordering of object keys.
Using jsonb, you can do the following :
SELECT DISTINCT ON (c) c->'name' AS name, c->'version' AS version
FROM my_table
CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_path_query(config :: jsonb, '$.** ? (exists(#.name))') AS c
select e.value ->> 'name', e.value ->> 'version'
my_table cross join json_array_elements(config::json -> 'A' -> 'B') e

Get a list of all objects with the same key inside a jsonb array

I have a table mytable and a JSONB column employees that contains data like this:
[ {
I would like to extract only the names and save them in a list format, so the resulting cell would look like this:
I have tried
select l1.obj ->> 'name' names
from mytable t
cross join jsonb_array_elements(t.employees) as l1(obj)
but this only returns the name of the first array element.
How do I get the name of all array elements?
PostgreSQL 11.8
In Postgres 12, you can use jsonb_path_query_array():
select jsonb_path_query_array(employees, '$[*].name') as names
from mytable
In earlier versions you need to unnest then aggregate back:
select (select jsonb_agg(e -> 'name')
from jsonb_array_elements(employees) as t(e)) as names
from mytable

postgresql, jsonb field, array append via jsonb_set and jsonb_array_length

I have postgresql with jsonb field that always contains array.
I need to append new values to that array or update already existing values by index.
Looks like jsonb_set function meet my requirements. And for append new element i just need to max array index and update element with it.
But i have a trouble doing this. Lets make it step by step.
We have table campaigns with jsonb field team_members.
select id, jsonb_set(team_members, '{0}', '{"name" : "123"}') from campaigns;
id | jsonb_set
102 | [{"name": "123"}]
Okay great, if set path '{0}' statically everything works.
Lets do that dynamically
SQL for getting array length (it is our index for append)
select '{' || jsonb_array_length(team_members) || '}'::text from campaigns;
Getting all together
select jsonb_set(team_members, '{' || jsonb_array_length(team_members) || '}', '{"name" : "123"}') from campaigns;
ERROR: function jsonb_set(jsonb, text, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: select jsonb_set(team_members, '{' ||
^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
need to add explicit type casts.
My question is - how can i get rid of this error ? What i'm doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance.
something like this?..
t=# with jpath as (select concat('{',0,'}')::text[] path) select jsonb_set('[]'::jsonb,path,'{"name": "123"}'::jsonb) from jpath;
[{"name": "123"}]
(1 row)
In your case should be like:
, concat('{',jsonb_array_length(team_members),'}')::text[]
, '{"name" : "123"}'
from campaigns;