Methods to deploy an npm project to a remote server - npm

I'm trying to find a good cross-platform way to deploy an npm project to a remote server over ssh (or another method). I'm specifically looking for something that copies over the files, while respecting the .gitignore (not copying files that are in .gitignore, and preserving files in .gitignore on the remote server, while pruning spare files.
Notably as a consequence of this requirement, this should neither copy node_modules nor clobber remote node_modules.
The idea is to get the source code to the server this way, and then execute commands over ssh to build it on the server, copy the dist into the appropriate location on the server, and run any other deploy steps.
I already have something that works fairly well. I set up a git repo on my server that I have a remote to locally, and I push my local changes to that remote. A post-recieve hook then takes effect and copies the source to where I need it, similar to what this describes.
This works pretty nicely, but it kind of falls apart when I want to deploy without fully committing everything, and it also feels somewhat fragile. I use a fairly complex local script to checkout a new branch, commit all working changes, and push it, but it fails on certain cases like having untracked files.
Pardon the lengthy context. tl;dr; I'm looking for other options to do this sort of deploy. It seems like rsync would be a natural candidate and I've looked into the npm rsync package, but its Windows support doesn't seem great, requiring cygwin. I've also considered copying manually with scp and leveraging a library to parse the .gitignore, but I'd like to preserve node_modules on the server (so it doesn't have to redownload everything), so I can't just overwrite the directory.
Any ideas?


Where to store git repo to run swa efficiently using wsl2?

I'm trying to run my static web app using Windows Subsystem for Linux (2), but I can't figure out where on my computer I should store the git repository to be able to run it decently quickly. I have tried storing it on under /mnt/c/{workfolder}, but it takes several minutes to start up (using npm run start), and I have to rerun to see any changes. This is useless when I'm trying to work...
I have also tried to store it in /mnt/wsl/{workfolder}, and in that case it starts up quickly and I can see my changes without rerunning the app. However, it seems to disappears when I restart my computer.
Where should I store the git repository to be able to run the app quickly and see changes without rerunning? I'm assuming there's something I'm not understanding, help me get this it you know.
You'll want it somewhere on the ext4 partition of the WSL distribution. Typically, the best place is going to be under your WSL /home/<username> folder.
I would recommend:
mkdir ~/src
# or
mkdir ~/projects
# or something similar
Then create subdirectories for each project in that directory.
Why the others don't work:
/mnt/c is the Windows C: drive. That drive is mounted into WSL2 using the 9P network file system, and yes, it's (a) slow, and (b) does not support inotify, so apps cannot register for notifications of changes to files.
/mnt/wsl is a tmpfs mount. It's really there for holding things that need to be shared between all running WSL instances. The auto-generated resolv.conf that you see there is one of those things. You can also use it for copying a file from one WSL distribution to another -- Simply copy the file to /mnt/wsl, start another WSL distribution, and copy or move the file out.
But yes, all tmpfs mounts are ephemeral and will terminate when the last WSL2 distribution/instance terminates.

Create repository in non-empty remote folder

It's been 14 years since I last worked with svn and appearently I have forgotten everything...
I have an existing web-project, consisting of a bunch of php, html, js and other files in a directory tree on a V-Server. Now I want to take these folders under version control and create a copy on my local machine using svn. So I installed subversion according to these instructions:
Using the already-present apache2.
But now I kinda hit a roadblock. If I try svnadmin create on the existing folder, it tells me that is is not empty and does nothing really. All the questions and answers I find here and elsewhere are either
a) focussing on an already existing folder on the local machine
b) assuming more prior knowledge than I have right now aka I don't understand them.
Is there a step-by-step guide for dummies anywhere on how to do this? Or can anyone tell me in laymans terms how to do this?
I can't believe this case never comes up or that it is really very complicated.
At the risk of failing to understand your exact needs, I think you can proceed as follows. I'll use this terms:
Code: it's the unversioned directory at V-Server where you currently have the bunch of php, html, js and other files
Repository: it's the first "special" directory you need to create in order to store your Subversion history and potentially share it with others. There must be one and there can only be one.
Working copy: it's the second "special" directory you need to create in order to work with your php, html, js... files once they are versioned and it'll be linked to a given path and revision of your repository. At a given time there can be zero, one or many of them.
Your code can become a working copy or not, that's up to you, but it can never become a repository:
$ svnadmin create /path/to/code
svnadmin: E200011: Repository creation failed
svnadmin: E200011: Could not create top-level directory
svnadmin: E200011: '/path/to/code' exists and is non-empty
Your repository requires an empty folder but it can be located anywhere you like, as long as you have access to it from the machine you're going to use in your daily work. Access means it's located in your PC (thus you use the file: protocol) or it's reachable through a server you've installed and configured (svn:, http: or https:).
$ svnadmin create /path/to/repo
$ 😎
Your working copies can be created wherever you need to work with your IDE. It can be an empty directory (the usual scenario) or a non-empty one. The checkout command retrieves your files from the repo and puts them in the working copy so, at a later stage, you're able to run a commit command to submit your new and changed files to the repository. As you can figure out it isn't a good idea to create a working copy in random directories because incoming files will mix with existing files. There's however a special situation when it can make sense: when the repository location is new and is still empty. In that case you can choose between two approaches:
If you want code to become a working copy, you can check out right into in and then make an initial commit to upload all files:
$ svn checkout file://path/to/repo /path/to/code
Checked out revision 0.
$ svn add /path/to/code --force
A code/index.php
$ svn commit /path/to/code -m "Import existing codebase"
$ Adding /path/to/code/index.php
$ Transmitting file data .done
$ Committing transaction...
$ Committed revision 1.
If you don't care about code once it's stored in the repository or you want your working copy elsewhere, you can import your files from code and create a working copy in a fresh directory:
$ svn import /path/to/code file://path/to/repo -m "Import existing codebase"
Adding code/index.php
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 1.
$ svn checkout file://path/to/repo fresh
A fresh/index.php
Checked out revision 1.

How to version control with IntelliJ

I'm looking for a way to control versions of my project through IntelliJ. However, I know Git can manage it the best way and I already did started experiencing Git with the help of Madara Uchiha's Git tutorial. I must say it is incredibly useful, but I rather have version control arranged on my harddrive which is constantly backed up.
I decided doing my version control manually and it's pretty slow and annoying. Is there an easier and more efficient way to clone the current project files in another folder?
For example, clone the current project files on another folder named v1.4.2 outside my project structure without relocating my project files, also having them refactored as project on its own so they be runnable whenever.
Set up a local Git repository for the project. It will start with a master branch. Then create a working branch that you make your changes in. You can merge this branch back in to master as you are ready. You can create as many branches as you need and switch between them very quickly. All using the one directory.
If you are new to git you can use something like Sourcetree - (a GUI for Git) it will allow you to manage the repository. It makes it really fast to switch between branches of your repository. It also helps with pushing changes to another location. GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.
For backup, you could always set up the project on Bitbucket. You can create public and private repositories for free. I really recommend setting this part up.
Depending on the environment that you are building on, you could build a shell script / batch script that would copy files to the duplicate location. Without knowing what type of project you are developing in/for it is hard to say what would be the best strategy.
Ideally if your project has a build output you could have the compiler/IntelliJ IDEA place the results into your result folder. You could then copy the results to your Builds/v1.4.2 folder or wherever. Whether you check in the files that are built will depend on your project. You can always exclude files/folders like your ../Builds that you don't want to track via your .gitignore file.

Working around unneeded subdirs with git-svn in order to save space

I've started using git-svn for an SVN-based project, so that I can make local commits.
However, the SVN repository contains a lot of directories that I don't need to work with. When I solely used SVN, I was able to partly check-out stuff with:
svn co <repos-url> --depth empty
and then update the needed directories:
svn up <repos-dir>/<subdir>
As far as I've understood, partly checking out a project isn't an option with Git, so I'm looking for alternative way of saving some space. Any suggestions?
Edit: what I am thinking myself is something in the lines of creating a branch thatonly contains the files I need. I'd then want to be able to push the changes to these files without pushing any removal of the files I don't need. But I am not too deply into the way Git works to figure out if this is possible?
Are the extra directories really that big? One advantage of Git is that you do most of your work from your local harddrive (you commit to your own branch, not to the server) so it's fast even when there are many files.

How to update my server files from a git repo automatically everyday

I am a noob in these server related work. I am writing some PHP code in my local system and has been updating my repo in github regularly. Each time I want to test my application, I copy all the files from my local system onto my server through FTP and then do it. Now I want to know whether is there a way to automatically make the commits that I make to reflect in the files in the server. Is there a way to automatically make the server get the files from the repo periodically? (say, once everyday).
Can this be done other way, like when I make a push from my local machine, the repo gets updated and in turn the files on the server also get updated?
My Server Details: Apache 2.2.15, Architecture i686 with Linux Kernel 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
In addition to cronjobs, you can use a post-receive hook:
If you have cronjobs you can use them. First set up the repository on your server. Then you can set up the cronjob, choose a time in which it should be executed, and then in the cronjob execute the following command:
cd your/repository/folder; git pull master origin
Perhaps explore the git archive command, which you can use to get a zip file or similar of your code. You could then perhaps use a script to copy that to your (other) server?
git archive --format=zip --output=./ HEAD
will create a zip file called from the HEAD of your repo
More info:
Do a "git export" (like "svn export")?