I get an error. called "TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'module'" - error-handling

import random
while True:
cevap = int(input("what is the number that computer chose?"))
if cevap > random:
print("you typed higher.")
if cevap < random:
print("you typed lower.")
if cevap == random:
ae = input("again?")
I wrote this code, but I get the error mentioned. Can you help me?
I was trying to create a "guess the number" type thing but I can't get over this.
I'm a beginner btw


How to use mapFieldType with gdal.VectorTranslate

I'm trying to export a postgresql database into a .gpkg file, but some of my fields are lists, and ogr2ogr send me the message :
Warning 1: The output driver does not natively support StringList type for field my_field_name. Misconversion can happen. -mapFieldType can be used to control field type conversion.
But, as in the documentation, -mapFieldType is not a -lco, i don't find how to use it with the python version of gdal.VectorTranslate
here ma config :
gdal_conn = gdal.OpenEx(f"PG:service={my_pgsql_service}", gdal.OF_VECTOR)
gdal.VectorTranslate("path_to_my_file.gpkg"), gdal_conn,
so i've tried to add it in the -lco :
layerCreationOptions=["-mapFieldType StringList=String"]
but it didn't work
so i diged into the code of gdal, added a field mapFieldType=None into the VectorTranslateOptions function, and added into its code the following lines :
if mapFieldType is not None:
mapField_str = ''
i = 0
for k, v in mapFieldType.items():
i += 1
mapField_str += f"{k}={v}" if i == len(mapFieldType) else f"{k}={v},"
new_options += ['-mapFieldType', mapField_str]
And it worked, but is there an other way ?
And if not, where can i propose this feature ?
Thank you for your help

Getting error in Karate V1.1.0 org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: invokeMember (add) on [] failed due to: Message not supported

I was using Karate v0.9.6 all this while. Recently I have upgraded to the version 1.1.0
One thing is troubling a lot is as bellows,
def responsevalue = response.body
def length = responsevalue.length
def number = []
eval for(var i = 0;i < length; i++) if(response.body[i].availablenumber > 10000) number.add(response.body[i].Id)
Error:- org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: invokeMember (add) on [] failed due to: Message not supported.
I'm sure I'm missing important part from the release notes. I would really appreciate any solution to this problem.
Many Thanks!
First I'd like to say that loops like this are not recommended. Use filter() operations instead:
* def number = response.body.filter(x => x.availablenumber > 10000)
Refer: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#json-transforms
Anyway, the change you need to make is : number.push() instead of number.add(): https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/wiki/1.0-upgrade-guide#java-api-s-for-maps-and-lists-are-no-longer-visible-within-js-blocks

while loop end everything after it's complete

So I'm trying to make a lottery program where you pick a animal, letter, and number, those are put into a array and compared to another that has the parts chosen by random.
Testing with what I call the animal round.
I have a while loop for invalid entries, that it will not move on till one of the four animals is accepted. But when it does that, the variable invalid goes to false and the coding after it doesn't get used at all. I had this problem last night, and when I finally gave up and went to bed, I decided I'll write it out on flowgorithm (If you haven't heard it makes a flow chart and you can go through programming with it step by step).
I made it, and it worked like expected, I copy and paste it over, and I get the exact same problem as last night.
Here is the code.
#import library
import random
#get variables
game = True
invalid = True
animalarray = [""]
lotteryarray = [""]
#game loop
#animal round
print("Pick a animal: ")
print(" ")
lotteryarray[0] = input()
#while loop for invalid entry
while invalid == True:
if lotteryarray[0] == "tiger" or lotteryarray[0] == "cow" or lotteryarray[0] == "turtle" or lotteryarray[0] == "bird":
invalid == False
print("Invalid entry!")
lotteryarray[0] = input()
print(" ")
print("You chose " + lotteryarray[0])
game == False
And this is all I get in the shell:
Pick a animal:
the tiger there is what I put in, it isn't being printed.
And here is the flowgorithm, like I said, in flowgorithm this works.
flowgorithm of lottery game
I figured it out.
I printed what invalid was after it was meant to change to False and it didn't change, I changed the two equal signs to one and it worked and changed the value.

f.open() issue resulting in Unbound error for f.close()

I don't quite have an answer but I'm narrowing it down. Somehow I'm mixing/confusing types, I believe, between what is provided by commands like 'os.path' and type str().
As I've made the assignment of the logfile(s) globally, even though I can print it in the function, when the variable is used in fout = open(... it's actually a null that's being referenced, i.e. open() doesn't like/can't use the type it finds.
The error:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fout' referenced before assignment
I am simply writing a log of dot files (left on USB drives by OSX) for deletion, but the try/except is now falling over. First the original version.
working code:
logFile = "/Users/dee/Desktop/dotFile_names.txt"
fout = open(logFile, 'w')
for line in dotFile_names:
except IOError as e:
print ("Error : %s not found." % fout)
Attempting better practice, I sought to put the log file specs and path as variables so they can be modified if need be - I hope to make it cross platform workable. these variables are at the head of the program, i.e. not in main(), but I pass them in and print() statements have shown me they are successfully being referenced. i.e. I get this printed:
Despite this the error I get is:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fout' referenced before assignment -
error points at the "fout.close()" line
Error producing code
logFilespec = "dotFile_names.txt"
fullLogFileSpec = []
userDesktop = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop')
fullLogFilespec = os.path.join(userDesktop, logFilespec)
print "opening " + fullLogFilespec
fout = open(fullLogFileSpec, 'w')
for line in dotFile_names:
print "..", # are we executing this line..?
except IOError as e:
print ("Error : %s not found." % fout)
print "\nclosing " + fullLogFilespec
I've found that if I modify this line by converting to a string
fout = open(fullLogFileSpec, 'w')
fout = open(str(fullLogFileSpec), 'w')
the error goes away, BUT NO file is created on the Desktop!
At the very least I guess that I am passing something unrecognisable to fout = open() but it is not being caught by the except. Then when I pass something that does seem to allow fout =open() to work it seems to be a ghost?
So I figure I am lost between a String and whatever kind of reference/pointer os.path.expanduser() gives me.
I'm sure it's insanely simple. Before adding the str() code I also checked all indentation, removing them all and adding back using the editor indent hotkeys, just in case that was affecting things somehow.
OK, it looks like I was wearing my dumb glasses, I think declaring
fullLogFileSpec = []
as a list instead of a string was my error.
Similar as it is, having re-written it without that list declaration this code is working fine:
logfile_directory = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'Desktop')
log_bf_file_spec = 'ItemsFoundByFolder_' + Deez_1.current_datetime() + '.txt'
log_by_folder = os.path.join(logfile_directory, log_bf_file_spec)
the function later calls, with no error:
fout_by_folder = open(log_by_folder, 'w')

python3 - data type of input()

I need to assign a user-provided integer value to an object. My format is as follows:
object = input("Please enter an integer")
The following print tests...
...return <class 'str'> and '1'. Is there a way to set the data type of 'object' to the data type of the user's input value? IOW, such that if object=1, type(object)=int? I know I can set the data type of an input to int using the following:
object = int(input("Please enter an integer"))
In this case, if the user does not provide an int, the console throws a traceback error and the program crashes. I would prefer to test whether the object is in fact an int; if not, use my program to print an error statement and recursively throw the previous prompt.
while True:
object = int(input("Please enter an integer"))
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please try again")
You can always catch a "traceback error" and substitute your own error handling.
user_input = input("Please enter an integer")
user_number = int(user_input)
except ValueError:
print("You didn't enter an integer!")