Can I get Cognito Id Token for a userpool without using username/password by using client secret and admin API? - amazon-cognito

I have an integration test and would like to use a secret key to impersonate a Coginto user pool user without using a username/password. Is this doable?


What is purpose of App in Userpool in AWS Cognito

I am new to AWS Cognito. Based on description, Userpool is used for authentication. If I am a user in the userpool, I can use this user name and password to authenticate my identity. Why do I need to add App to userpool?
Thanks for help in advance,
AWS Cognito allows you to create a number of apps to integrate with your user pool. On each app, you can custom the Authentication flow, Access/Refresh token expiration, attribute read and write permissions, hostUI...
Use case: you use the same user pool for both apps but there are some custom like:
App A: just allow authentication via the ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH and access token expiration is 5 minutes.
App B: just allow authentication via the ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH and access token expiration is 30 minutes.
Hope that's clear.

Cognito - Authorization Code Grant without secret key

I have a frontend app which I want to connect with a Cognito User Pool.
I am using openidconnect playground to test the authentication flow and this is my Cognito configuration:
I have not put a client secret because I don't think it is safe to have the client secret in the frontend URL.
This is the app client settings:
Using Authorization Code Grant due the rest needs a client secret.
So, this is the URL to do the login:
&scope=openid customscope/router customscope/modem
After that, for the exchange to get the token I use this request:
But if I don't share the client_secret as param it returns an error.
How can I do the authentication process without the client secret? Is that possible?
If not, how can I manage the client secret to avoid to manage it in the frontend application?
When using auth code grant type on public clients, you should use PKCE.

Manage Cognito User Pool using JWT

I have a Node.js lambda API that's called by an authenticated user. The user is able to access the API passing a valid JWT token. Now I'd like to interact with Cognito User Pool to change the user's email, password and etc but I haven't figured out how to achieve this using just the JWT.
I've made several tests using amplify-js and amazon-cognito-identity-js
You can reset the user's password by calling an admin API call, not through the JWT token. This will prompt the user for a new password.
This API call is to set a password for that particular user but I prefer the first option.
In order to change user attributes (such as email, birthday...), use
So all these are done using the Cognito Service inside the Lambda (not to be confused with the JWT tokens).

Auth0 as front end to log in Cognito users

I have an Android app and an API secured with Auth0.
I'm developing an app for a new client, who has a large Cognito user pool.
Is it possible to use my current Auth0 setup to log in Cognito users via email/password and receive a Auth0 JWT?
I don't want to create a new Auth0 user for each Cognito user. At least not explicitly.
If I understand you correctly, you want to use Auth0 as a service provider and AWS Cognito as an identity provider. In theory, you can use SAML protocol to achieve that. Try the following:
Configure Auth0 as SAML service provider.
Configure AWS Cognito AS Identity provider:
Then, once you initiate the login flow in auth0, users will be redirected to AWS Cognito for user authentication. After successful user authentication, AWS should redirect the user Auth0 with SAML Assertion. In that stage, Auth0 will validate the assertion and will issue a JWT token. The user will be redirected to your application with JWT. Note that if this is the first login, auth0 will create a user profile.
The following AWS documentation explains how to configure auth0 as IDP.

Amazon Cognito Authenticated User with Auth0

I've been trying to use the authenticated code provided from Auth0 and AWS Cognito to authenticate a user but when I go to the AWS Cognito Console dashboard I see no identities have been created.
Logic flow should be this: I get my JWT from Auth0 when a user logs in and I use that to get my AWS Cognito Credentials - I use the following code:
CognitoAWSCredentials credentials = new CognitoAWSCredentials (
"us-east-1:11047a24-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-111111111", // Identity Pool ID
Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1); // Region
credentials.AddLogin("", id_token1); //id_token1 from Auth0
I did input the JWT (id_token1) into to check the validity of it and it comes back VALID SIGNATURE when I add the Auth0 Client Secret. I am not able to see any errors when I run the code. I am using Xamarin C#. I did all the necessary setup with configuring the provider, setting up the default IAM roles for Cognito Auth/UnAuth. Put in the correct Auth0 client ID into AWS, etc... I can however add an Unauthenticated user but not an Authenticated user.
Am I using the wrong code here? Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Thank you for looking!