pymeshlab install missing MeshSet? - intellisense

vscode intellisense not working for package.
I've installed pymeshlab using the pip3 install pymeshlab command.
After installation I followed the getting started instructions using:
import pymeshlab
ms = pymeshlab.MeshSet()
I noticed that MeshSet() was not auto-completing by vscode intellisense and looked at the pymeshlab package installation folder where I noticed that is not included.
From my limited testing the pymeshlab seems to be operating correctly, but it's very difficult to use when intellisense can't work.
Is there a step of the installation I'm missing?
Thanks for the help!


OSError: WinError 193 %1 is not a valid Win32 application

I have been working on a project in Visual Studio Code with Python 3.8.5, and I have a windows 64 bit operating system. I decided to upgrade to Python 3.11.1, and downloaded the official 64 bit installer and followed the instructions. All the packages I import at the beginning of my project that were previously working now give this error "[WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application" when I run the import statements for them.
For some of the packages (pandas, numpy, matploblib) this was solved by using an approach I saw on a few similar questions to this, by opening the command prompt and typing "pip uninstall pandas" etc and then doing "pip install pandas".
However, for the other packages (sklearn, umap, nltk), this isn't working even after trying that process a few times. I've also tried updating pip. Does anybody have any ideas on what could be causing this to work for some packages but not for others? It allows me to install all of the packages via the command prompt, the issue only arises when I actually try and import them via VSCode, and it's the same error for every package. I've seen some suggestions saying to ensure the environment path is clean, but I'm still quite a beginner so I'm a bit unsure as to what that means.
Any help would be really appreciated.

Import pandas could not be resolved from source Pylance(reportMissingModuleSource)

I've been trying to use the packages pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn in my "Visual Studio Code", but the program keeps showing me the following message:
"import pandas could not be resolved from source Pylance(reportMissingModuleSource)"
Previously to Visual Studio Code I installed "Anaconda" to use Jupyter, and now it says that i have the existing packages (pandas, numpy...) but keeps appearing this message that doesn't allow me to use pandas in my Visual Studio.
Anyone could help me to solve this issue?
I tried installing again all the packages to check if they didn't exist but apparently are installed all of them but in another route. I can't find how is the way to put them so the Visual Studio Code recognizes them and I can use them.
I also received similar an error on my IDE VSCode and currently using mac m1 .First we need to make sure that the python3 interpreter version from terminal version is the same with our python version selection in VSCode.
open terminal.
type 'python3'
then you will see your python version.(my python3 version is 3.9.12)
python3 version
open your IDE VSCode
open any/current folder that related to python project on IDE VSCode
Check your python version at the bottom right on IDE VSCode (in my case the python version is 3.10.64)
change or switch VSCode python version from 3.10.64 to 3.9.12 (same with your python version on your pc)
I also had this problem and it was because of version mismatches.
I had installed Python AND Anaconda. If anyone else has done this and gets this error, you need to uninstall both. Then install Anaconda only; Python (the compatible version) is installed as part of that process.
Also, you can click on the interpreter version at the bottom left corner of the screen (Vs.code 2022) it should show a dropdown menu with a list of the available and selected python interpreter. Click on add interpreter path and paste the path to the python interpreter with all the required modules installed and click enter. This should resolve the problem.
I re-entered the path to Python interpreter and warning disappeared. Hope that helps you.
Another way I solved this issue having followed every other installation process to the letter was deactivating Pylance. Works a (py)charm now.
I encountered this problem in VSCode under remote to WSL2 of Windows 10. The Python version is correct as interpreter (3.9.13) and the terminal in VSCode is also under the same envs (ie. VSCode ran "conda activate xx" and (xx) is shown in prompt)
Originally, I tried to install the pandas by the following command.
sudo apt-get install python3-pandas
Pandas was installed successfully as stated in the terminal but the problem is still there.
When I try to install pandas by the following command, the problem solved.
pip install pandas

Redhawk IDE will not display Components

When I launch the REDHAWK IDE via Eclipse, I cannot see the installed components (SigGen, fastFilter, etc). I can see the components just fine if I use the command line to create a project. I'm convinced it has to be a path or variable issues, but I just don't know what to reconfigure.
I'm using REDHAWK Version 2.1.0 and on CentOS7
OSSIEHOME is set to the /usr/local/redhawk/core
SDRROOT is set to /var/redhawk/sdr
Any suggestions?
I found a solution by reinstalling and including every Redhawk package that I could find using "yum list redhawk*"
I have the same problem and it turns out I was using a Java version higher than 8 which is not supported by RedHawk. Make sure you use Java 8 to launch the IDE otherwise it does not work. Submitted a DR but because JDK8 still supported they do not feel the need to fix it.
I followed the official installation instructions for RedHawk 2.3.0 on Centos 7.9 and had this same issue, I fixed it by opening a terminal in the Redhawk installation directory and running
sudo yum install redhawk-basic-components-2.3.0-5.el7.x86_64.rpm
After which the components appeared in the IDE without a restart

SCIP Python Installation Issue Windows with pip

Hello community / developers,
I am currently trying to install SCIP with python and found that there is Windows Support and a pip installer based on
Nevertheless I run into a problem "Cannot open include file"
Below is a list of the things I performed to get to this step.
Download Python Anaconda 2.7 64 bit
Install with all checkboxes as they are
Download PyCharm Community edition
Click 64 bit desktop link, and associate with .py checkboxes
Open CMD > write: easy_install -U pip
Download Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7
Setup folder structure and downloaded header files
CMD > pip install pyscipopt leads to error:
C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\SCIPOPTDIR\include\scip/def.h(32) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdint.h': No such file or directory
error: command 'C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Common\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0\VC\Bin\cl.exe' failed with exit status 2
My environment variables and folder directory can be found here:
Help is very much appreciated,
Kind regards
The error message says your missing "stdint.h". This is because you don't have a recent Visual Studio version. You probably use the one that came with your Python installation. Try installing the latest Visual Studio to fix this issue.
You might want to look at this question:
Why Microsoft Visual Studio cannot find <stdint.h>?
PySCIPOpt needs a C/C++ linker to build the Python module - although it's already precompiled on PyPI.
Alright, I figured it out. I needed to
(1) Install Python 3.6 instead of Python 2.7 (both Anaconda)
(2) Afterwards pip installation worked
(3) I moved the library files in the lib folder
(4) Now I can execute the examples.
Interestingly, I get an unresolved reference error although the code works fine (I assume this is a bug of Pycharm/scipy?) Link to picture:

On win7 when import tensoreflow it shows "no module named_pywrap_tensorflow" after i do use the vc_redist

the redist(x86) is different from those answers provided before(x64).Is that the point?
Meanwhile it shows "Unless you are using bazel, you should try to import tensorflow from its source directory".But i didn't do that.
Ensure that you have Visual Studio Installed and that MSVCP140.DLL is on your computer AND in your PATH envVar. You shouldn't be building from source on Windows as it is not supported. I assume that you installed via pip?
Check for the DLL, VS, your PATH variables and, if that doesn't work, redownload the vc_redist_x64 version.
Failing that, uninstall Tensorflow and try again with pip install tensorflow or from a nightly. I had a similar issue and starting fresh seemed to help.