Installing SSL on IIS 6 - ssl

I'm using to test the SSL on my server, Windowns Server 2003 - IIS 6.
My domain likes
I have created CSR file and updated to .well-known/pki-validation folder.
But I don't know how to update file to
My site is always (there is no www before domain).
And now I don't know how to update csr file to www domain.
I'm stucking with this all day, please help, thanks in advance


SSL installation on both GoDaddy and External server

We have a wildcard ssl for * purchased from GoDaddy. is a managed wordpress website hosted in GoDaddy.
We also have couple of servers where other websites are hosted as subdomains,,
Currently only subdomains are loading without any errors on https. The main domain is throwing a warning that SSL is expired, though its not.
In order to make sure that the domain and subdomain all load on https, is the below sequence of steps correct?
1) Ask GoDaddy to rectify the problem mentioning that https is not working.
2) After 1 is resolved, Create a CSR from external server, download the certificate from GoDaddy and install it in the external server.
Will the certificate installed by 1 revoked after 2 is done?

1and1 SSL Certificate with Heroku App

Could someone walk me through how to set up the SSL Certificate that I bought through 1and1 with my Heroku application and my 1and1 domain?
I am able to set it up and it stays active for a few minutes but then goes back to saying unsecured.
Let's call my domain I have a subdomain Let's say my heroku app is
What i'm currently doing is changing to redirect to and then changing that cname to which is currently not working.
Any help would be appreciated.
I believe that I have finally solved this.
I continued to redirect my TLD to the subdomain www, then then set the CNAME of the subdomain to After that, I combined the server certificate (obtained from my DNS, 1and1), with the immediate certficate (also from 1and1) into 1 file with a .pem extension.
Finally, I uploaded the .pem certificate and the .key key to Heroku.

How to add SSL with subdomain on different server?

I have the same issue as this guy: How to add SSL to subdomain that points to a different server?
However, I have no clue how to do this.
I have purchased a Wildcard SSL and set to the IP of the other server using DNS records (A record).
Everything is installed correctly on the main server, however on the the SSL doesn't work.
I'm using Plesk Panel on Ubuntu 14.04
Any idea how I can make it work on the other server?
What error are you getting ?
No matter the subdomain is created on which server if you have certificate and private key you can install ssl on the subdomain

MAMP PRO document root forbidden when adding ssl

Just upgraded to Mamp Pro 3.5 from simple MAMP and all worked great till I added a self signed cert.
My document root for my was set to htdocs/html/magento
Site works fine using http.
When I add the self signed ssl the site now only works correctly at https pages. If I try to go to any page without https such as I get this in the apache log:
File does not exist: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/store
If I uncheck the ssl the http urls all work again.
Did I miss something in the set up?
It's far from obvious, but you can actually add a second host with the exact same domain name ( in your case) but this time leave SSL disabled on the SSL tab.
You'll therefore have two hosts, both for One is for https and the other for http.

Where to upload files for subdomain over HTTPS in PLESK 10?

This has taken me hours already.
I've a new server with a fresh PLESK 10 installation. Now subdomains are handled differently in PLESK 10, that I know (not domain.tld/subdomains/httpdocs but domain.tld/httpdocs_subdomain for instance).
Now, I got a subdomain working over HTTP perfectly. However, when I change it to https://subdomain.domain.tld it just gives me a Default page.
In older versions, one could select "use one directory for both http and https" but PLESK 10 seems to make no difference anymore. However... Why do I get a Default Page when using https? And more important: How to fix this?
I hope someone can help me out!
Plesk 10 changes the way it manages http and https.
Both http and https point to the same directory now.
When you create a subdomain in Plesk 10, a directory is created in your http root and in the subdomains folder, so say you create a subdomain called "secure", you'll get:
As for your issue, is SSL enabled for that subdomain?
Within Plesk 10 ensure you have SSL enabled:
Website & Domains
Click on your subdomain
Check Enable SSL Support
Maybe its easy:
Open Plesk
Click on required Domain
Click on File Manager
Click Sub Domain Folder.
Click Add File
Give the path and Click on some buttons.
It does not matter if you are using plesk with https ot http, because even configured over SSL it always fetch the files from httpdocs folder.