AWS Cognito hosted reset password with no existent account - amazon-cognito

We are using Congnito hosted and users are clicking the "Forgot Password" option, entering their email which does not exist as a user, but then still being told to check their email for a reset code that never appears.
Is there any ways to change the messaging or send an email with instructions on creating a new account?


Changing account security to create app password through API

I'd like to at least automate some of this process:
It asks for an app password to forward emails under a different email username. Can either the app password generation part or the email username part be automated?
No apps password must be created by the user in their google account after enabling 2fa.
Im not sure about googles TOS though using an apps password in a third party system like this. It should not be something that is shared in my opinion.

password reset in mvc app with ad b2c

I am not able to find proper documentation on how to get started with the scenarios below:
Forgot password. I have setup the reset password policy in Azure AD B2C and the user can click Forgot Password which redirects the user to a controller action in my app. But I'm not really sure what to do from here.
Reset password from user profile in my app. In my app, I would like the user to be able to click "Reset Password" which would redirect the user to having their password reset.
For both of the scenarios above, I would like Azure AD B2C to handle the password reset by asking the user for their email and then emailing them the password reset link and then handling the password reset appropriately. How can I do this?
There are two use cases for password reset:
If you click on the link in the signup / signin page, you get the error code AADB2C90118 which is returned to your application. Your application then needs to run a specific user flow that resets the password. Refer a simple ASP.NET sample that demonstrates the linking of the user flows.
If the user has already signed in, you can simply provide a link. This link invokes the password reset policy that is configured on the B2C side.

How to fix login process to dialogflow after I have attached gmail to my non-gmail account?

I had a Google account based on not-GMail-account. I had another email company's email as a login to my Google Account ( And I used this Google account to login the
Today Google suggested me to create a account and attcach it to my Google Account. I have confirmed and created the
Using both of this logins ( and I am still able to login my Profile. But when I try to login the Dialogflow Profile ( - I see the eternal loading animation (or a totally blank page). There is no errors about password or something like this. Just login process after I submit the password and then white page. This behavior I see on all my devices, while I trying to login with or
And I see some 400 errors in web console (if it matters).
Could you please help me to fix this and get access to DialogFlow?
Screen that I see after the login and password entering
Do you have the project owner role for the mentioned username that is registered on your project in the GCP console (not Dalogflow Console)? Here is a list of roles related to Dialogflow that grant access to its Console.
Note that some of these roles give full access or edit access while other roles have permissions that simply gives view access to the Dialogflow Console.
If you are missing any of these then simply assign on your GCP project's console.
Assigning roles as described above did not work for me. Solution was to delete gmail email service from the account.
Instructions here
If you would like to use gmail, do NOT add gmail to your existing google account. You should instead create a seperate google account and use gmail from this seperate account

Migration trigger not called on sign in with google

I am trying to migrate user from my current directory to cognito userpool. I was able to migrate user when they enter username and password, but not able to migrate when user sign in with google. I have linked google accounts with existing user in my current directory( I use email to send authentication token if user email of google account found in my directory). Same I want to do for migration. Approach I have tried
On pre-signup trigger by external provider get users from my current directory and add it to userpool and link it with external provider. Problem is how to use same password.
Is there any better approach to migrate user on google sign in?

Login without password via link with authentication token

To make the experience for our users more convenient we implemented a feature with allowed a user to automatically get logged in when he clicks on a link he received via email.
In the past he had to click on the link and then had to enter his password. By providing a special security token in the link, we can now automatically login the user without the need for entering his password.
A few days after we went live with this feature, internal pages (which can only be accessed via password or via the special email link) appeared in the google search results. We are using Gmail as a Email provider for sending emails from our system.
The only explanation I have for this behaviour is, that google is crawling the links in the emails. Which is not very nice from them if those are "private" links.
Is there a safe way to still allow users to login without password via a special link they receive in their email, without google being able to crawl the internal pages?