Questions about the articles below
I tried using this article to automatically select facets, but it didn't work.
Although it looks like an automatic selection (with a check mark), the data displayed was not filtered.
In this article, the presence or absence of the check was changed by rewriting isRefined of items with transformItems,
Is it not possible to actually narrow it down with that method only by changing the appearance?
Algolia vue auto select facets
There is a solution using API in this article,
If there is another way, please let me know.
Basically I'm working on my personal project, and I'm building a react native app that serves a very similar purpose to that of eBay's or Gumtree or the like. Users can obviously search for a product, I want to show search suggestions based on what the user types. Search engines usually show suggestions based on what is also being searched by other users, or what data is already is already posted on the site.
Since this is a personal project neither of those two cases apply. I need a way to still provide suggestions to user searches.
One way I tried doing this, is by finding a txt file with a bunch of product names and filtering through that based on user search.
I tried doing the same approach but by using an API instead of a text file.
I couldn't find any resources for either of those 2 methods, so I don't really know what to do
Any suggestions or references to material would be greatly appreciated!
I was searching for a way to re-order my records, like blog posts, for instance.
One of the solutions I have found is to self-reference to refer to the previous (or next) value, like in a linked list ( However, this requires the client-side (a web service or perhaps a mobile app) to implement the linked-list travesal logic to derive the order.
Is there a way to do this at the database level?
The reason for this is that if you are deriving the order at the client-side, then if you want to display only the first 10 records, you would have to retrieve all the records anyway.
It seems the blog posts example was a very bad example, sorry. I was thinking of blog posts as they are displayed on an admin dashboard, and the user can re-order the position they are displayed by dragging and dropping. Hope this is more clear.
I guess, generally, what I'm really asking is, how can one implement and query a tree-like structure in SQL
I have implemented (using Microdata) inside my product pages and when I check Google Webmaster Tools it is crawled by Googlebot and interpreted successfully. The point is I have not implemented some properties inside Product type like brand.
I need to know whether there is some subset of all product attributes should be implemented essentially?
And the second question is how much it takes for Google to show product rating and price as rich snippet inside search results?
There are no mandatory properties/types in
However, consumers of the data, like Google Search, might have rules under which conditions they will make something with your data (e.g., they are looking for specific properties). So you’d have to check their documentation.
For Google Search, their Rich Snippets are documented at The Products Rich Snippets lists the required and optional properties/types. As you can see, the brand property is not required by Google for showing their Rich Snippet in the search results.
As google has pointed out the structured data required for a snippet are :
Pricespecifications (to include:)
First you should consider checking if the validfrom and availability attributes are added because both of them are the most common mistakes when you write your first SEO codes.
Then there are some attributes that while they are not in required list by Google's developers there seem to be the once that all successful snippets have (you might have noticed that too ) , the : review and vote attributes including the expect values from libraries. In some people's opinion ,mine also, having those will "almost" make sure they will get noticed.
Those are not pretty easy to get because u will have to create a way for getting reviews and votes.
Otherwise try using the webmaster new tool search console to highlight data for product snippet. Just make sure that the required attributes have their expected values in the text so you can mark all the above attributes with the tool.
Make sure all the attributes are markup and not meta data as it shows you are just making information up.
About the time , check that the structured data have increase for the peoduct and if not then fetch and submit to index.
I would like to create a searchbox like the standard one in Drupal but for Drupal Commerce (1.4). I did not use a product display, but all my products are created.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
I found this:
and this: (funny english :-) )
I've tried the second one, but I don't need a price ruler. I just want to give the visitor the possibility to search through my products. Not only the title field, but also the description field and if possible the taxonomy terms. It didn't work anyway.
Need help! Thx!
I thought to create this with views, but all good suggestions are welcome.
You could disable the Search API modules and simply use the default Search module provided by Drupal, this would enable searching through nodes, users, etc as usual.
The Search API may be over kill for what you want, unless you have a good mix of variations, prices, product attributes, etc that you would like users to use as search filters (price range, per attribute, etc).
I know Google's creation of sites' titles and descriptions (or "snippets") are mainly come from META description. However, when one of my web pages shows up, there are some undesired words like price (which is not good at all). What I want it to show is just the description of the product rather than its price. Actually the price only mentioned twice in the whole page.
How could this happen? And how can I remedy it?
Including the price in the snippet is actually very desirable for most people. If your price is higher than the competition's for the same products they probably don't want to buy from you and check out other results instead.
To make sure the search engines don't see the price (and thus don't display it in the results) you should use JavaScript. I think even Amazon does this to prevent screen scraping in some cases. It should be easy, especially with something like jQuery.
You should be able to control the snippet displayed by google through the use of the meta tags:
However the results displayed by Google in this case might be different if someone is trying to do some searching on a product. Google will then think you're shopping for that product and try to display the price of it. This might be the case for you.