SAP Analytics Cloud for the construction industry - hana

We are implementing SAP analytics cloud and like to know if there are premade reports and tools or even ideas to build useful reports that connects to our S/4HANA system.


cloud adoption vs cloud migration

what is the difference between cloud adoption and cloud migration?
As far as I'm concerned cloud adoption is utilizing different services from csp where as cloud migration is migrating from on-premise to cloud. But some scholars consider it as a the same concept.

SAP Hana and AWS S3 Connection without sap licence

There is some big data on the SAP Hana system, and we have to fetch it to AWS S3 system. In the SAP subscribed architectures, there is some ways and sap tools for it but we don't have sap license for pilo project. How can I get the data from Hana to S3 in this situation?
Thank you.

Suggestion on test automation framework for google cloud platform development

I am planning to build test automation framework for my current project. I am working on Google cloud platform mainly with services like bigquery,cloud storage and dataflow. I need suggestion on how can I develop test automation framework for database management in google cloud. I have no idea on testing frameworks as I was a developer all these years. Now since its a devops team we need to develop and test on our own. Please pour in your suggestions to start my automation.

how to record workflow in SAP using SHDB?

I am currently working front end of SAP application now i am going develop automation process using Excel VBA with BDC, But in my work place most of developing transaction access denied (SHDB, SE38). Is there any online or free sap application for practice BDC program and record.
The only service, which provided test worldwide access to IDES, was Consolut, but recently it was discontinued. However, you can buy live access to SAP system directly from SAP, or request SAP Sneak Preview (MiniSAP), or try pre-configured virtual appliances from SAP Cloud Appliance Library free of charge. However your question isn't really related to development area.

What's the difference between Pentaho BI Platform Community Edition and Pentaho Kettle?

Is it just that one is web based (BI Platform Community Edition) and the other is an application (Kettle). Can Kettle be access through a web browser?
BI Platform/Server is a web platform for performing data mining and running reports.
From the Pentaho community website:
"...the Pentaho BI Server which functions as a web based report management system, application integration server and lightweight workflow engine (action sequences.)"
While it can be used to create action sequences, it lacks the features of Kettle, which is a fully-fledged desktop ETL tool. Kettle provides none of the analysis or reporting functionality found in the BI server, and BI server lacks the ETL capabilities. They are two very different tools.