SAP Hana and AWS S3 Connection without sap licence - amazon-s3

There is some big data on the SAP Hana system, and we have to fetch it to AWS S3 system. In the SAP subscribed architectures, there is some ways and sap tools for it but we don't have sap license for pilo project. How can I get the data from Hana to S3 in this situation?
Thank you.


SAP Analytics Cloud for the construction industry

We are implementing SAP analytics cloud and like to know if there are premade reports and tools or even ideas to build useful reports that connects to our S/4HANA system.

Tableau with Hive Kerberos

My project uses published tableau data-sources.
These data-sources have been created using tableau desktop.
All connect to Hive database using the Native Hortonworks Hadoop Hive connector.
We have a database user and a tableau user with publish rights.
Database credentials are embedded in the extract and then it's published to tableau server.
The reports fetch data from these published data-sources.
The Hive database is now getting Kerberoized + SSL.
Will my existing published data-sources be of use anymore?
Do I have to re-create all the extracts again and publish them again to tableau server?
What will be the best plan to migrate all these data-sources to this new Kerberoized environment?
Please see below link from tableau community forum, versions may be different but people able to solve the Kerberos Hive connectivity issue.

How to Connect ADLS Gen-1 with Azure ML Studio

Want to connect ADLS Gen-1 with AzureML Studio.
I try to find out some solution but could not get
Direct method:
Currently, Azure Data Lake Store is not a supported source.
I would suggest you to vote up an idea submitted by another Azure customer.
All of the feedback you share in these forums will be monitored and reviewed by the Microsoft engineering teams responsible for building Azure.
By using the Import Data module, you can access data from one of several online data sources while your experiment is running:
• A Web URL using HTTP
• Hadoop using HiveQL
• Azure blob storage
• Azure table
• Azure SQL database or SQL Server on Azure VM
• On-premises SQL Server database
• A data feed provider, OData currently
• Azure Cosmos DB
For more details, refer “Supported data types in Azure ML studio”.
In-direct method:
Azure Data Lake Analytics can also be used to write data out to Azure Blob Store, and so you can use that as an approach to process the data in U-SQL and then stage it for Azure Machine Learning to process it from Blob store. When Azure ML supports Data Lake store, then you can switch that over.
For more details, refer "How to use ADLS as an input data set for Azure ML Studio".
Hope this helps.

SAP Hana One : Unable connect with Hana Studio

I have created a SAP Hana One Instance for SPS11. But i never get any username or password to connect with SAP HANA Studio? Can someone help to connect SAP Hana One instance with SAP Hana Studio.
Do you have SAP Logon Pad installed on your local PC.
If you can see the SAP system in the local SAP Logon Pad, you can see the same SAP systems in SAP HANA Studio.
Please check how you can configure the saplogon.ini for SAP HANA Studio in Eclipse IDE here.
Probably the referenced saplogon.ini file is empty. You can copy and paste the file populated with SAP systems in your environment.
I had the problem so that I could not see any SAP systems and had to manually configure for all SAP systems to logon. The solution will help you too to logon with SSO
When you install SAP HANA server, you need to create a SYSTEM superuser. You can connect from HANA Studio using that credential.
To connect to a hana db you need to know the Hostname and Instancenumber of the hana db.
For hana 2 systems the port of the nameserver on system db is
On this server you can use the view M_SERVICES in the SYS_DATABASE schema to see the sql ports of the indexservers of your tenant dbs

how to connect amazon s3 from Oracle/Oracle Data Integrator

I want to connect to Amazon S3 from Oracle Data Integrator.
I could not find an api for Oracle Data Integrator.
How can I connect to S3 and retrieve data? Can I connect via Pl/Sql?
from ODI we do not have any direct technology defined in the topology to connect to Amazon s3, however if i am not wrong they must be able to generate WSDL web services through which data can be accessed into ODI.
As mentioned by Adrian in this Oracle Community thread:
ODI do not natively integrate with Amazon.
The only way to integrate with Amazon S3 is using CLI commands