Is it possible to put nuxt.js (pwa or spa) in the appstore? - vue.js

The truth is, since nuxt works poorly in some native access, such as accessing the file manager or sending notifications to iPhone users, I am not sure if appstore supports nuxt projects or not. That's why before I start the new project, I had a question whether it is possible to put a nuxt project in appstore or not? (If the answer is yes, please guide how to do it)
Or using something like react or react native is a better option ?
Any answer from you would be greatly appreciated

As per Apple’s App Store policy-
“Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it does not belong on the App Store.” 
So no, you can’t throw a PWA in the App Store.
Google is far more accommodating in this respect, and welcomes PWAs in the Google Play Store. They also have their own publishing guidelines, so you’d want to read up on them.
React Native is an option for both the App Store and Play Store, so I’d recommend that if you’re comfortable with it.

First off, Nuxt is a meta-framework of Vue.
Meaning that it is a superset of Vue, bringing SSR/SSG capabilities + DX features.
It's clearly not a "mobile app-frienly starter" because it's still aimed towards Web.
You could use some modules to bring mobile capabilities like this one:
Here is a video on how to use Ionic + Vue + Vite overall:
As for the PWA approach, you can use a TWA app for sure but it's quite a stretch as you can guess.
You've already asked a similar question here btw, not a lot changed since then.
Overall, if you have bigger mobile needs you can always look into webview tools (Ionic, Cordova etc), React Native, Flutter or directly into Kotlin/Swift. All of them having their own pro/cons.


When working with a React Native app what is the easiest way to create a group of connected apps?

I am working on a React Native app for a project. The idea is to make a Dungeons and Dragons support app, and some of the planned functionality is to have a group of apps connect to each other sharing certain bits of information. And if I could pull it off I’d like to have one of the apps be able to send simple commands to the others, this would be for the Dungeon Master.
I am trying to figure out what the easiest way to accomplish something like this would be with React Native. Also preferably free, since I don’t intend to sell this anytime soon.
Any help would be great.

Risky to fetch Stripe API directly

I am trying to find a solid, scalable way of integrating stripe into a react native (managed workflow with expo) app for android & iOS.
There are several options. E.g.:
Directly communicating with the stripe API (e.g. as described in this blog post)
I would like to go with option 3 as it's the one with the fewest overhead and most flexible (you don't need to eject expo, etc.). Now my question is, are there compliance/ security issues when directly calling the stripe API in a production mobile app? (Given the fact that payments need to follow a lot of restrictions and are a highly sensitive topic)
Thanks a lot

Possible for Expo/React Native to save large amounts of encrypted data to iCloud?

I'm developing an Expo app which stores large amounts of users private data, currently only within the app. In order to allow the user to migrate their app data between devices, we need to store this in iCloud.
I'm currently unable to find documentation or article that explains how to do this.
Is it not currently possible for Expo to save data via the iCloud API?
there are some ways to save the data in the iCloud, one way you write ios native module
for iCloud API, then use it in the js. the detailed guide you can see here.
the other way is to search the third library which is used for react-native.for example:react-native-icloudstore. but it is old.
besides them, you can use CloudKit JS. use it in the native app webView.
you can go to the official site to learn it
In the end, if you can write native ios code, I suggest you use the first way. if you can not write it, you can search ios native relate library, then make your own
native module for ios

native script equivalent to window.localStorage with vuejs app

Starting out on a new app of reasonable size, VueJS/typescript is the frontend choice. Currently persisting the data into localstorage with
Before venturing much further into the build, i know this app will also need to be a mobile app, native script + vuejs looks like a nice combo.. but my question.
What is the best way to replicate localStorage in a mobile app with native script?
About 5 years i built my last mobile app for ios, I used titanium with SQLite. SQLite was ok, not blazing fast but it was good enough for what i needed. Is SQLite still the way to go for mobile apps?
There is nativescript-localstorage plugin which mimics localStorage on Browser by saving the key pairs to a JSON file.
There is also nativescript-sqlite if you prefer to go with SQLite.

is web view wrapper app get rejected by apple app store?

I am creating the app which loads the HTML page in UIWebView. Here, we are doing the offline capture feature for the app(doing encryption and storing data to the device using coredata).
Note : My App UI is completely UIWebView.
Recently, I heard that these kind of apps gets rejected by apple app store.
If it is true or some one have the same rejection, please provide the info.
your help could be appreciated.
Just using HTML as an implementation method of your UI doesn't become a reason for rejection. This once has been an issue a few years ago, and Apple formally does not limit implementation method anymore. If they do, most of hybrid app platforms couldn't work.
If someone have rejection of their HTML UI app, that should be due to bug or crude implementation of the app features rather than using of HTML stuff. In many cases HTML based UI on mobile systems fails to provide nice responses, then you need to care a lot not to break them. If the reviewer think your app is broken, then your app will be rejected.
Take care that the basis of normal or working state is always Apple's native app.
Yes. An app which its purpose is only to preview a website will be rejected based on Apple's Review Guidelines. Your app has to offer a minimum functionality and introduce at least some App Specific values to be acceptable. You can refer to this link for more information on Apples policy for releasing new applications:
App Store Review Guidelines Minimum Functionality