How to emit keypress event in React Native - react-native

I'm given a custom designed number pad in a React Native app and I need to implement text input functionality, just like the OS number pad/keyboard. The text input is a regular React Native TextInput with showSoftInputOnFocus={false} to prevent the real OS keyboard from appearing.
How can I create a key press event that will be handled correctly with the currently focused text input field, without recreating whole text input/handling logic from scratch?
I'm looking for something like (made up code):
function pressEvent(){
Keyboard.dispatchPressEvent(1); //such a method does not exist, made it up to demonstrate my needs
<Pressable onPress={pressEvent}><Text> 1 </Text></Pressable>
The closest I've found was Keyboard.emit for which almost no documentation exists.

I've ended up creating a controlled component where I've manipulated the business logic on parent and passed it to the text field.
Because my needs were simple (numeric entry, no caret position. much like a calculator) I was able to pull it off.


How to build proper OTP boxes in React Native?

I need to build this OTP component.
At first it seems to be very simple in terms of design, we just have create 4 boxes and use 1 TextInput component for each.
But the issue with this approach is that user will have to tap every box and write the number.
So, I thought of another idea where we have to use only 1 TextInput component and cover it with a view such that 4 windows are formed through which text could be seen.
Although the approach seems to be fine but I don't understand how do I write code for this.
I use this package in my project

why React native doesn't push an option that allow developers customize default font? Is Overwriting render function a good choice?

1, I'm wondering why React native doesn't push an option that allow developers customize default font if it's a popular resonable need?
I've searched a number of posts and see some proposal solutions like: declares fontFamily every time we use Texts, declares common style and reuse, creates custom Text component to replace Text component from 'react-native', use theme provider and Text component from 'react-native-elements'... It says that a number of people needs this, but Text from 'react-native' hasn't supported this yet?
2, I search out a solution that overwrites render function of Text component (ex: and consider where it's a good choice for this? is there any performance concern for it?

React Native TextInput with editable=true and dataDetectorTypes

I'm trying to create a TextInput component that is both editable and has clickable urls. According to the react native docs, the dataDetectorTypes prop is only supported when editable={false}.
Determines the types of data converted to clickable URLs in the text input. Only valid if multiline={true} and editable={false}.
Has anyone found a way around this limitation? It seems like it should be possible. The behavior I want is...
Tapping on the url should open it in a browser
Tapping anywhere else should start editing at that position
It's ok if the link is no longer clickable when the TextInput currently has focus
The only thing I can think of to get around this is to store the editable value in state and then upon clicking some Edit button will change the state from editable to true.
onBlur would switch this state back to false
I haven't tried this before though so just a suggestion on attempting workarounds or finding some middle ground between the two.
My suggestion is to place the input field with the url centered inside a bigger div.
Make the input field not much bigger the text inside it and when you click it trigger some function that redirects to the page on your state.
And when you click on the outer div you trigger a function to focus on the input field and edit its value.

Adding a link to react-native checkbox value

I'm a brand new junior dev working on a react-native app for the first time. I have been searching for quite a while for a way to add a link to the text of a react-native checkbox's value text. If anyone has a link to documentation that might explain what I want to do, I would be super appreciative since I haven't found anything helpful yet. I saw that you can not add html elements into native after I tried a number of variations of anchors. I've tried adding Link to variations and attempted to add an onPress function to the label. I'm grasping at straws here... is this even possible to do?
To be clear, I want a user to be able to press the words "Terms of Service" and have it link to the page that has the terms
{this.props.isUser &&
onChange={(event, checked) => this.updateAttr('terms', checked)}
label="I have read and understand the Terms of Service"
Instead of adding the "I accept...." as a label to checkbox, put the Check box without any label and the text 'I have read' as separate Text elements inside a view element and align them accordingly. Then inside the view, put the terms and conditions part inside a touchable and use React Native Linking to link the touchable to open a URL when touched.
React-Native Open Url in default web browser

returnKeyType for all input fields?

How to set returnKeyType to all TextInput fields inside one application?
I'm currently using tcomb-form-native and have to define returnKeyType again for every field, I just want to define it once and should work in every component.
any ideas?
You have a couple good options
Create a custom text input component, and here you can create a stylised TextInput field for use across your entire application. You can then set returnKeyType=whatever in its props, and use this component for all your text input instead.
Use react-native-global-props, which seems to have been created for this exact purpose. Here is the link to the repository for more information / instruction