How to build proper OTP boxes in React Native? - react-native

I need to build this OTP component.
At first it seems to be very simple in terms of design, we just have create 4 boxes and use 1 TextInput component for each.
But the issue with this approach is that user will have to tap every box and write the number.
So, I thought of another idea where we have to use only 1 TextInput component and cover it with a view such that 4 windows are formed through which text could be seen.
Although the approach seems to be fine but I don't understand how do I write code for this.

I use this package in my project


How to emit keypress event in React Native

I'm given a custom designed number pad in a React Native app and I need to implement text input functionality, just like the OS number pad/keyboard. The text input is a regular React Native TextInput with showSoftInputOnFocus={false} to prevent the real OS keyboard from appearing.
How can I create a key press event that will be handled correctly with the currently focused text input field, without recreating whole text input/handling logic from scratch?
I'm looking for something like (made up code):
function pressEvent(){
Keyboard.dispatchPressEvent(1); //such a method does not exist, made it up to demonstrate my needs
<Pressable onPress={pressEvent}><Text> 1 </Text></Pressable>
The closest I've found was Keyboard.emit for which almost no documentation exists.
I've ended up creating a controlled component where I've manipulated the business logic on parent and passed it to the text field.
Because my needs were simple (numeric entry, no caret position. much like a calculator) I was able to pull it off.

Quora-like expandable component in React Native

I'm trying to build a React Native app and would like to implement a component just like in Quora where upon clicking the question, the component expands and shows the remaining details (text/images of the question).
I tried using react-native-panel from, but it can only handle text in the panel before expanding. I'd like to implement a panel that has an image in it even before I press on the panel to expand. Would love it if anyone could refer me to any npm packages that use components to achieve this. Thank you!
Use this tutorial Stick the desired image somewhere there in the code.

When to create a component? - Vue.js

I get all the concept of components but one thing I am stuck at is - when to create a component? In other words, what part of the page should be a component?
Link to sample problem image
Taking above image as example, what I think is progress bar can be one component and form, quotes list, blue alert can be second component.
Please advise as necessary.
There can be many reasons for creating components, such as when you need to create a reusable element, splitting the code to make it easier to understand and reduce code complexity.
In your case 1. you can put both of the sections into a single component or you can put them into separate components if you want to reuse them somewhere. 2. if your code is too much and you want to make it simpler to understand in that case you can also create separate components.

Vuetify date picker: multiple event indicators

I'm learning Vue and Vuetify right now. And I want to develop a Calendar tool combining Vuetify with Laravel.
With v-calendar it is possible to render multiple 'event-indicators'
See example
With Vuetify 'one' event indicator is possible (example), but I don't know how to manage to make it two or even three. Is there any solution for this?
Yes we can, just pass an array for all the colors you want to assign on a particular date, using the allowed-dates prop. It has been included in the vuetify examples as well.
Yeah had a play around with it but doesn't seem you can get it to display multiple events as it is :( You can submit it as a feature though here and they're usually quite quick to respond if it's possible or not. Sorry I can't help any other way.

'Global' modal in React Native

I'm building an app in React native, and basically, I need a modal(which will have the same content every time) to be available globally (in all components of app), so that I can be able to open it from anywhere in my app.
Obviously copy/pasting the same modal in all the components is not a good solution
Right now I'm having tons of trouble implementing it, so I would like to know what would be the best way to accomplish something like that
Use a Navigator and place your modal below it. Make it visible only when the state changes. The state can be changed from each component inside the Navigator via props.navigator.
You can see the full code with explanation here