How can I place input fields into react-admin's list view? - react-admin

When I try to use an input component in a list view like I would in an edit view, it throws an error:
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'control')
How can I fix the error and use any kind of input in the list view?

Why you need to use InputField in a Show?
If you want to display a resource property you should use React Admin TextField instead. Anyway, if the requirements need an input in a ShowView, you can use MUI's TextField and create a custom behavior.


How to add image on react-native-google-places-autocomplete list

I can't figure out this problem. Is it possible on this npm library?
This is what I want to achieve
Yes, with the renderRow prop
renderRow: custom component to render each result row (use this to
show an icon beside each result). data and index will be passed as
input parameters

returnKeyType for all input fields?

How to set returnKeyType to all TextInput fields inside one application?
I'm currently using tcomb-form-native and have to define returnKeyType again for every field, I just want to define it once and should work in every component.
any ideas?
You have a couple good options
Create a custom text input component, and here you can create a stylised TextInput field for use across your entire application. You can then set returnKeyType=whatever in its props, and use this component for all your text input instead.
Use react-native-global-props, which seems to have been created for this exact purpose. Here is the link to the repository for more information / instruction

Filter StylePropTypes according to component type

I'm not experienced js developer so may be I'm asking about something obvious.
Imagine I create component (let's name it MyInput) which consists from TextInput and a label.
Where label - string (which renders into Text) or any other React component.
Component's style prop is used for TextInput customization. So I add possibility to set labelStyle prop which will be used by label.
When I use MyInput I want to do such thing: if label is text (no matter raw string or already a Text) - apply to it color and fontSize.
But if I pass instead of string some other component, let's say Image - then do not apply unsupported parameters.
Right now react-native warn me every time when I try to apply fontSize or other style props to non-text components.
I know, warnings can be switched off, but for me hiding the problem != solution.
Ideally I would like to have some method or class or whatever which will look at style props and on supported props by component and somehow filter them before apply.
Am I missing something? Or this warnings are okay?

ExtJS: Binding an observable boolean property

I have a view which contains some tabs (TabView).
Initially some tabs are disabled - they should only be enabled when a certain condition is met.
I'd like to implement it in the following way:
Create a TabViewModel which contains a boolean (observable?) property PersonSelected.
Create a TabViewStore
Bind the TabViewStore to the TabView
In my controller I would have an action method (e.g. onPersonSelected) which will should set the PersonSelected property to true.
What is the best way to bind the PersonSelected property to the View?
As my store would only contain on record, I feel that using the is a bit overkill. Can I do this without the store?
You can simply subscribe to the change event of the UI element (checkbox? in your case). Am I missing something?

Sencha Touch - Multiple instance of one panel generated on adding to viewport

I have generated fieldset (textboxes,selectfield etc) inside panel. After login done i display this panel using bellow code from my controller.js
Ext.Viewport.add({xtype: 'IntakePanel'});
Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem({xtype: 'IntakePanel'});
But after this if i try to inspect i can found two panels are there
And due to this if i try to access fields of panel i got array with length 2/4 etc.
I try to remove it using
Ext.Viewport.remove(Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(), true);
but doesn't help much.
Please help me on this.
I think the framework is reinstantiating your component because when you pass only the xtype, it can't know you are trying to reference the same instance as before. try adding an id to your instance and instead of passing an xtype to setActiveItem, give it the result of a component query.