How to add image on react-native-google-places-autocomplete list - react-native

I can't figure out this problem. Is it possible on this npm library?
This is what I want to achieve

Yes, with the renderRow prop
renderRow: custom component to render each result row (use this to
show an icon beside each result). data and index will be passed as
input parameters


Vue 3 - Render component from string

I have a question. I have a component called ValidateCheckboxes. ValidateCheckboxes is a validated list of checkboxes. I pass checkboxes to this component by props. It look like that:
enter image description here
enter image description here
I am displaying checkboxes using v-for:
enter image description here
but my label look like this:
enter image description here
How to render custom component from string? Or maybe should I use another way to do that?
It's my first question, thanks for answers. :)
I tried use v-html but it didn't work.
You should use slots, as they provide more control.
If you absolutely can't do that because stuff is loaded from a file, database or otherwise fetched from API - you can look into h() and compile() - How I can render a component from a string with vue 3?

How can I place input fields into react-admin's list view?

When I try to use an input component in a list view like I would in an edit view, it throws an error:
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'control')
How can I fix the error and use any kind of input in the list view?
Why you need to use InputField in a Show?
If you want to display a resource property you should use React Admin TextField instead. Anyway, if the requirements need an input in a ShowView, you can use MUI's TextField and create a custom behavior.

In React Admin, how to show SimpleFormIterator's first item by default so users do not have to click the add button the first time?

This is the component:
I want the first item to be required, and the user shouldn't be able to delete it.
As far as I understand, there is no built-in way for this component to do this, at this point.
I am wondering if there is a way to create a custom wrapper for this component, that can do this. Maybe render the first item separately within this custom wrapper?
To show the first item by default, you can set the default value to an empty array of objects.

how can I add component elements as dynamic component into child component in vue3

I want to make data grid component in vue3
But the problem is, for different type of data, I need to add different type of action buttons.
Please see the image bellow, I have described in the photo, what I want.
Please advice me.
Codes zip link given below:
Click here to get code

returnKeyType for all input fields?

How to set returnKeyType to all TextInput fields inside one application?
I'm currently using tcomb-form-native and have to define returnKeyType again for every field, I just want to define it once and should work in every component.
any ideas?
You have a couple good options
Create a custom text input component, and here you can create a stylised TextInput field for use across your entire application. You can then set returnKeyType=whatever in its props, and use this component for all your text input instead.
Use react-native-global-props, which seems to have been created for this exact purpose. Here is the link to the repository for more information / instruction