Extract synonyms and label from Turtle file using SPARQL - sparql

I am in a learning phase of SPARQL. I am working with a Turtle file to extract some information. The condition is: if the exact synonym has a substring 'stroke' or 'Stroke', the query should return all the synonyms and rdfs:label.
I am using below query but getting no output:
prefix oboInOwl: <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#>
prefix obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
Select * where {
?s ?p ?o .
rdfs:label <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#hasExactSynonym> "stroke"^^xsd:string
Below is the sample Turtle file:
### https://ontology.aaaa.com/aaaa/meddra_10008196
rdf:type owl:Class ;
<http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#hasDbXref> "DOID:6713" , "EFO:0000712" , "EFO:0003763" , "HE:A10008190" ;
"(cva) cerebrovascular accident" ,
"Acute Cerebrovascular Accident" ,
"Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents" ,
"Acute Stroke" ,
"Acute Strokes" ;
rdfs:label "Cerebrovascular disorder"#en ;
:hasSocs "Nervous system disorders [meddra:10029205]" , "Vascular disorders [meddra:10047065]" ;
:uid "6e46da69b727e4e924c31027cdf47b8a" .
I am expecting this output:
(cva) cerebrovascular accident
Acute Cerebrovascular Accident
Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents
Acute Stroke
Acute Strokes
Cerebrovascular disorder

With this triple pattern, you are querying for rdfs:label as subject, not as predicate:
rdfs:label <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#hasExactSynonym> "stroke"^^xsd:string
What you are asking with this is: "Does the resource rdfs:label have the property oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym with the string value 'stroke'?"
But you want to ask this about the class (e.g., :meddra_10008196), not rdfs:label:
?class oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "stroke" .
Finding matches
As you don’t want to find only exact string matches, you can use CONTAINS:
?class oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym ?matchingSynonym .
FILTER( CONTAINS(?matchingSynonym, "stroke") ) .
As you want to ignore case, you can query lower-cased synonyms with LCASE:
?class oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym ?matchingSynonym .
FILTER( CONTAINS(LCASE(?matchingSynonym), "stroke") ) .
Displaying results
To display the label and all synonyms in the same column, you could use a property path with | (AlternativePath):
?class rdfs:label|oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym ?labelOrSynonym .
Full query
# [prefixes]
SELECT ?class ?labelOrSynonym
?class rdfs:label|oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym ?labelOrSynonym .
?class oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym ?matchingSynonym .
FILTER( CONTAINS(LCASE(?matchingSynonym), "stroke") ) .


SPARQL property paths based on a new property defined in a CONSTRUCT subquery

Given the following schema, "driver-passenger" lineages can be easily seen:
tp:trip a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "trip"#en ;
rdfs:comment "an 'asymmetric encounter' where someone is driving another person."#en .
tp:driver a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "driver"#en ;
rdfs:comment "has keys."#en ;
rdfs:domain tp:trip ;
rdfs:range tp:person .
tp:passenger a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "passenger"#en ;
rdfs:comment "has drinks."#en ;
rdfs:domain tp:trip ;
rdfs:range tp:person .
Consider the following data:
<alice> a tp:person .
<grace> a tp:person .
<tim> a tp:person .
<ruth> a tp:person .
<trip1> a tp:trip ;
tp:participants <alice> , <grace> ;
tp:driver <alice> ;
tp:passenger <grace> .
<trip2> a tp:trip ;
tp:participants <alice> , <tim> ;
tp:driver <alice> ;
tp:passenger <tim> .
<trip3> a tp:trip ;
tp:participants <tim> , <grace> ;
tp:driver <tim> ;
tp:passenger <grace> .
<trip4> a tp:trip ;
tp:participants <grace> , <ruth> ;
tp:driver <grace> ;
tp:passenger <ruth> .
<trip5> a tp:trip ;
tp:participants <grace> , <tim> ;
tp:driver <grace> ;
tp:passenger <tim> .
Now let a "driver-passenger descendent" be any tp:passenger at the end of a trip sequence where the tp:passenger of one trip is the tp:driver of the next trip
Ex. <ruth> is a descendent of <alice> according to the following sequence of trips:
<trip2> -> <trip3> -> <trip4>.
How to get the (ancestor,descendent) pairs of all driver-passenger lineages?
Attempt 1:
I initially tried the following CONSTRUCT subquery to define an object property: tp:drove, which can be easily used in a property path. However, this did not work on my actual data:
SELECT ?originalDriver ?passengerDescendent
?originalDriver tp:drove+ ?passengerDescendent .
CONSTRUCT { ?d tp:drove ?p . }
WHERE { ?t a tp:trip .
?t tp:driver ?d .
?t tp:passenger ?p .}
Attempt 2:
I tried to create property path which expresses an ancestor as the driver of a passenger, but I don't think I've properly understood how this is supposed to work:
Regarding MWE: Is there some kind of RDF sandbox that would allow me to create an MWE by defining a simple ontology like tp above, along with some sample data? The following "playgrounds" are available but none of them seem to support defining a toy ontology: SPARQL Playground, SPARQL Explorer.
Notes on related content:
This question is directly related to a previous question, but no longer requires saving the paths themselves, a feature not directly supported by SPARQL 1.1.
This answer by Joshua Taylor seems relevant, but doesn't address the identification of specific types of paths, such as the lineages defined above.
This one seems to do the trick:
select ?driver ?passenger where {
?driver (^tp:driver/tp:passenger)+ ?passenger .
filter( ?driver != ?passenger)
The filter condition can be removed if you want to also see relationships that lead back to the same person.

i want to get the names of similar types using sparql queries from dbpedia

I need to find the names of similar types from DBpedia so I'm trying to figure out a query which can return me the names of entities which have same subject type in its dct:subject (example I want to find similar types of white house so i want to write a query for same . I'm considering the dct:subject to find them ). If there is any other approach please mention it
Previously I tried it for rdf:type but the result are not so good and some time it shows time out
I have done my problem by the query mentioned below and now i want to consider dct:subject instead of rdf:type
select distinct ?label ?resource count(distinct ?type) as ?score where {
values ?type { dbo:Thing dbo:Organization yago:WikicatIslam-relatedControversies yago:WikicatIslamistGroups yago:WikicatRussianFederalSecurityServiceDesignatedTerroristOrganizations yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Act100030358 yago:Cabal108241798 yago:Group100031264 yago:Movement108464601 yago:PoliticalMovement108472335
?resource rdfs:label ?label ;
foaf:name ?name ;
a ?type .
FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en').

How can I translate SPARQL query into English

Could you please translate this query into English?
I am trying to write a naive implementation in code.
PREFIX om-owl: <http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/sensor-observation.owl#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX weather: <http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#>
SELECT DISTINCT ?sensor ?value ?uom
FROM NAMED STREAM <http://www.cwi.nl/SRBench/observations> [NOW - 1 HOURS]
?observation om-owl:procedure ?sensor ;
rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* weather:PrecipitationObservation ;
om-owl:result ?result .
?result ?p1 ?value .
?result ?p2 ?uom .
Any help will be appreciated
As I understand it:
SELECT DISTINCT ?sensor ?value ?uom
Give me all the distinct sensors name, their value and the uom (I am not familiar with sensors) that correspond to the following conditions :
?observation om-owl:procedure ?sensor ;
First, give me the observations related by a procedure to a sensor.
rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* weather:PrecipitationObservation ;
From these observations, take all those are subclasses of Precipitations.
om-owl:result ?result .
And extract me their result.
?result ?p1 ?value .
Take all their value.
OPTIONAL { ?result ?p2 ?uom . }
And if it exist, all their uom (?).
So in the end, it seems to get all the value of rainfall aggregated by hour for each sensor.

Numeric properties that are returned as string by SPARQL

I'm having a problem with SPARQL when dealing with numeric data types.
I have an ontology (http://cabas.ugr.es/ontology/ugr) in which I have defined a pair of properties that represent the number of students who are of a particular sex:
a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty, rdf:Property ;
"men"#en ;
"Número de estudiantes hombres."#es,
"Number of male students."#en ;
rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://cabas.ugr.es/ontology/ugr#> ;
owl:sameAs <http://cabas.ugr.es/ontology/ugr#hombres> ;
owl:inverseOf <http://cabas.ugr.es/ontology/ugr#mujeres> ;
ns1:term_status "stable" .
a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty, rdf:Property ;
"women"#en ;
"Número de estudiantes mujeres."#es,
"Number of female students."#en ;
rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://cabas.ugr.es/ontology/ugr#> ;
owl:sameAs <http://cabas.ugr.es/ontology/ugr#mujeres> ;
owl:inverseOf <http://cabas.ugr.es/ontology/ugr#hombres> ;
ns1:term_status "stable" .
I have a SPARQL endpoint mounted on Virtuoso (http://cabas.ugr.es:8890/sparql), in which I enter for example the following query:
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX ugr: <http://cabas.ugr.es/ontology/ugr#>
SELECT ?X ?titulacion ?rama ?hombres ?mujeres
?X ugr:Titulación ?titulacion .
?X ugr:RamaConocimiento ?rama .
?X ugr:hombres ?hombres .
?X ugr:mujeres ?mujeres
(Which would correspond with this link)
It returns all the records, but the fields "hombres" and "mujeres" returns them to me as if it were a string instead of a numeric value, so for example it is impossible to apply a filter like FILTER (?hombres > 500). Any idea what I'm wrong about?
By the way, the ontology and the resource with the values are accessible through these links:
Turtle Format:
RDF/XML Format:
Turtle Format:
RDF/XML Format:
In order to treat the numbers as numbers, you need to define them as such.
Right now you define them as strings:
ns0:hombres "91" ;
ns0:mujeres "68" .
To define them as integers, you need to set their type to xsd:integer:
ns0:hombres "91"^^xsd:integer ;
ns0:mujeres "68"^^xsd:integer .
Strings can also be cast to integer in queries, if needed. For example:
FILTER(xsd:integer(?hombres) > 500)

What does "^a" mean in this SPARQL query?

I have found this query, but i'm not able what does it do.
I don't know what the "^a" means, particularly.
select distinct ?type where {
dbpedia:Stephen_King a ?type .
filter not exists {
?subtype ^a dbpedia:Stephen_King ;
rdfs:subClassOf ?type .
filter ( ?subtype != ?type )
It's a SPARQL 1.1 property path which describes a route through a graph between two graph nodes, in your case it denotes the inverse path, i.e. from object to subject, thus, it's equivalent to
dbpedia:Stephen_King a ?subtype .
with a being just a shortcut for rdf:type
It's just used here to be able to use the more compact Turtle syntax, i.e. instead of writing
dbpedia:Stephen_King a ?subtype .
?subtype rdfs:subClassOf ?type .
you can write
?subtype ^a dbpedia:Stephen_King
?subtype rdfs:subClassOf ?type .
and therefore since subjects are the same
?subtype ^a dbpedia:Stephen_King ;
rdfs:subClassOf ?type .