i want to get the names of similar types using sparql queries from dbpedia - sparql

I need to find the names of similar types from DBpedia so I'm trying to figure out a query which can return me the names of entities which have same subject type in its dct:subject (example I want to find similar types of white house so i want to write a query for same . I'm considering the dct:subject to find them ). If there is any other approach please mention it
Previously I tried it for rdf:type but the result are not so good and some time it shows time out
I have done my problem by the query mentioned below and now i want to consider dct:subject instead of rdf:type
select distinct ?label ?resource count(distinct ?type) as ?score where {
values ?type { dbo:Thing dbo:Organization yago:WikicatIslam-relatedControversies yago:WikicatIslamistGroups yago:WikicatRussianFederalSecurityServiceDesignatedTerroristOrganizations yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Act100030358 yago:Cabal108241798 yago:Group100031264 yago:Movement108464601 yago:PoliticalMovement108472335
?resource rdfs:label ?label ;
foaf:name ?name ;
a ?type .
FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en').


Group Concat using sparql query

Can some one help me how to use group_concat in sparql query. When i am using in the database it is pulling out iri from the data. How to pull the the labels for the objects present in the database using group_concat.
You will usually have IRIs with a label. Now, to return labels only, a query like this will work:
SELECT ?item ?label
?item rdfs:label ?label
Note that rdfs:label is conventionally used for labels, but any name can be used - it depends on the data that you have.
Now, imagine we want to find a GROUP_CONCAT of children's names, grouped by mother.
First, the query for the children and labels looks like this:
SELECT ?mother ?child ?label
?mother :hasChild ?child .
?child rdfs:label ?label .
Notice that ?mother and ?child will be bound to IRIs here, and ?label to a string.
Now for the GROUP_CONCAT, you will just need a query like:
SELECT ?mother (GROUP_CONCAT(?label; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?concat)
?mother :hasChild ?child .
?child rdfs:label ?label .
GROUP BY ?mother

How to express equals relation in sparql?

I am trying to use sparql to find all French labels of words that are related to a given English word.
The query I made is something like the following:
SELECT ?extword ?word ?label where {
?word rdfs:label "shark"#eng.
{?extword rdf:type ?word}
{?word rdf:type ?extword}.
?extword rdfs:label ?label filter(lang(?label)="fra")
While it does give me the French labels of the extword as desired, it does not give the French labels of word itself.
What I need is to insert a clause to express the relation that extword is exactly word, like this:
SELECT ?extword ?word ?label where {
?word rdfs:label "shark"#eng.
{?extword = ?word}
{?extword rdf:type ?word}
{?word rdf:type ?extword}.
?extword rdfs:label ?label filter(lang(?label)="fra")
It turns out to be syntax error. Is it possible to also include the French labels of word itself, without doing another query?
To be clearer, the result I expect is the result from my first query combined with result from the following query:
SELECT ?word ?label where {
?word rdfs:label "shark"#eng.
?word rdfs:label ?label filter(lang(?label)="fra")

dbpedia sparql query returns 0 result

I’m new to query languages and linked data so thanks a lot for the help. I also have a similar question about sparql on wikidata
Wikidata sparql query returns 0 result
I would like to look up all the art movements in dbpedia with the associated artists (associated with the movement -peopleNam, famous for the movement-famousName, influence the movement-influenceName) here is my query with lots of redundant prefix (that I could not enter because of the amount of links)
SELECT ?movementName ?famousName ?peopleName ?influenceName
?m dc:subject <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Art_movements> .
?m rdfs:label ?movementName .
FILTER(LANG(?movementName) = "en")
?m dbp:knownFor ?a .
?a rdfs:label ?famousName .
FILTER(LANG(?famousName) = "en")
?m dbp:movement ?b .
?b rdfs:label ?peopleName .
FILTER(LANG(?peopleName) = "en")
?m dbp:influencedBy ?d .
?d rdfs:label ?influenceName .
FILTER(LANG(?influenceName) = "en")
When I run the query with only the movement name I get 235 results but whenever I add any other artist name, I get 0 result. Could you show me what went wrong?
A similar query is done in wikidata with some encouraging results but I haven’t tried to match the two sources yet.

Filtering results of SPARQL queries

I want to retrieve all 20th century italian novelists' name.
I've written this:
SELECT ?label
?novelist a yago:ItalianNovelists.
?novelist rdfs:label ?label.
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?label), "EN"))
ORDER BY ?label
How can i filter the results?
There are several options. Here I'd suggest two:
Use the pattern ?novelist dct:subject dbc:20th-century_novelists, if you can rely on that classification.
SELECT ?label
?novelist a yago:ItalianNovelists;
rdfs:label ?label;
dct:subject dbc:20th-century_novelists.
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?label), "EN"))
ORDER BY ?label
Define birth range or a life-span range. Example birth range:
SELECT ?label
?novelist a yago:ItalianNovelists;
rdfs:label ?label;
dbo:birthDate ?date.
BIND (YEAR(?date) AS ?year)
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?label), "EN"))
FILTER (?year > 1882 && ?year < 1972)
ORDER BY ?label
With option 2 you will get more results but depending on the range, they might include novelists who haven't published anything in 20th century.
A third option would be the filter by the year of publishing. However, I wouldn't recommend it. First, it will give only results for those for whom such information is currently available in DBpedia, and that subset would most likely be smaller than the one from the first option. Second, depending on how you would define a 20 century novelist, the query results will omit those who wrote a novel in 20 century, which was published in 21.
The language tag is in lowercase, so just replace "EN: with "en". Also, I find the following to be just as effective as using langMatches
FILTER (lang(?label) = "en")

Not able to get Indian cities abstract from Sparql

I am trying to get abstract using Sqarql with dbpedia datasets.
When I am running the following query on Virtuoso,
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
[ rdfs:label ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
VALUES ?name { "London"#en }
I am getting the result, however if I modify the name to say 'Gokarna' which is a south indian tourist spot, I am not getting any data. However I do see the resource page online on dbpedia for Gokarna(http://dbpedia.org/page/Gokarna,_India). What am I doing wrong? I need to get similar data for close to 800 indian places.
When you use values, you'd get only those that exactly match your string. For Gokarna, that would work for #de, #it, #fr, but not for #en, as there the label is different, as you can see also from the previous answer.
I would suggest to use contains, instead of values:
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
[ rdfs:label ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
FILTER langMatches(lang(?name),"en")
FILTER CONTAINS (?name, "Gokarna" )
I am not that experience with Sqarql but as much i can see in your code and checked with dbpedia library...
it is not just Gokarna. it is "Gokarna,_India".
This should work..
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
[ rdfs:label ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
VALUES ?name { "Gokarna,_India"#en }
If you look through the DBpedia page for Gokarna, India that you linked to, you'll notice that its rdfs:label is "Gokarna, India". But its foaf:name is just "Gokarna". This would mean you should modify your query to:
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
[ foaf:name ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
VALUES ?name { "Gokarna"#en }
Though this will return other Gokarnas too: Gokarna, Nepal, Gokarna, Bangladesh and Gokarna (film). If you want to remove these, you will have to figure out another filter (possibly dbo:country dbr:India).