How to prevent npm/yarn to resolve deDependencies in production? - npm

I'm working on a node project using a private package from a github private registry as dev depedency. This package is used only by developers and it doesn't make sense installing it in production (similar to eslint).
During the production deployment I use npm install --omit=dev but devDependencies are resolved and as my deployment environment (Vercel) has no rights to my private github repository, it fails.
I tried many tricks, NODE_ENV, --production, switching to yarn, etc. The only solution I found is pretty weird, adding a preinstall script to package.json that remove the package before the installation:
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "if [ $NODE_ENV = \"production\" ]; then yarn generate-lock-entry > yarn.lock && yarn remove my-private-package; fi; ",
Do you have another idea?


How to remove an invalid local dependency from package-lock.json and package.json?

Let's say that someone installed an invalid local dependency. (file does not exists locally)
"mock-framework": {
"version": "file:../../../mock-framework",
"dependencies": {
"mock-framework": "file:../../../mock-framework"
I need to reinstall the framework, but it's located differently on my machine and does not follow the structure that was provided in the package locks. Because running the npm install command is giving me the error:
Could not install from "../../../mock-framework" as it does not contain a package.json file.
Would it be possible to clean it up through the command line? I tried with npm uinstall and still no luck.
I recently faced similar issue with local dependency integrity in package-lock.json
Ideally npm uninstall should remove the entry in package-lock.json but since it is not and you only have one local framework as changed dependency, you can try following -
Fix the dependency path and run rm package-lock.json && npm i
Hope I'm inline to your problem statement.

Allow local project to depend on local lerna packages

I have a lerna repo for a project under development. It has several packages that depend on each other. To make development easier, none of the packages are published and they depend on the latest version of each other.
Directory tree
dependencies: {
"#foo/errors": "*"
I have another project, bar, that I'm using to test the lerna project. Currently I'm linking to its dependencies using a local file: dependency:
dependencies: {
"#foo/core": "../foo/packages/core"
This approach has given me a world of trouble.
Using npm, I'm constantly hit with ENOENT .DELETE errors. Removing my package-lock.json and reinstalling has taken years off my life.
Using yarn, I've been unable to yarn install in bar. Yarn follows the file: dependency to #foo/core, sees that it depends on #foo/errors and doesn't know about lerna's symlink. This causes it to fail, telling me it can't find #foo/errors.
This has made writing actual code for this project secondary to this mess of dependency management.
How can I make this (I feel fairly simple?) project structure work? Open to lerna/yarn/npm/pnpm/shell scripts/MS DOS at this point.
You should be able to accomplish this with npm link. Although I have not tried this using a local dependency that is not published on npm.
Directory tree
dependencies: {
"#foo/errors": "*"
dependencies: {
"#foo/core": "../foo/packages/core"
Run the following commands
cd foo
npx lerna clean
npx lerna bootstrap --hoist
npm run build # command to build your projects
cd packages/core
npm link
cd ../../../bar
npm i
npm link #foo/core
Removing package-lock.json files usually does more harm then good! And about not being able to find #foo/errors, if you ran npm bootstrap, #foo/core should be symlinked to #foo/errors. One possibility could be that your lerna scripts are using npm while you where running install/link with yarn.
Can you move your lerna up to a directory which hold both 'foo' and 'bar'?
Is that possible?
And in your lerna file, you can add your repos to packages
"lerna": "2.9.0",
"packages": [
Under slightly different conditions where one of the npm modules you are working is not part of your lerna repo, you can use lerna to exec the npm link command.
npx lerna exec -- npm link <npm_package_name>
This will npm link the external package in all of your lerna modules.
This should not be confused with lerna link which will do something similar for all submodules in your your lerna repo and is the current solution to the question.
Use can try like that:
dependencies: {
"#foo/errors": "file:../errors"
dependencies: {
"#foo/core": "file:../foo/packages/core"

npm 3.x and local paths in module's package.json

Recently I've installed a new nodejs 5.x with npm 3.x - the most notable change is flat structure in node_modules - that's great thing on Windows environment.
Unfortunately I've noticed that new npm puts local paths in package.json for all installed modules. How can I prevent this (or put there relative path)? I want to commit my node_modules to hg repository, so everyone in development team will have the same modules. Here is a sample stripped package.json from abbrev package:
"_args": [
"_where": "C:\\Users\\ABC\\Documents\\ABC"
"C:\Users\ABC\Documents\ABC" is local path
Best Regards,
This will be fixed in npm#5 , npm#5 is officially released
npm install npm#latest -g

How to install bower on openshift.redhat? "No compatible version found"

I am testing openshift.redhat free plan. Until now, things were somewhat going fine with my deploy, until I tried installing bower. Search through the internet, some people advised on the following recipe:
HOME=$OPENSHIFT_DAT_DIR # as you cannot write to the home folder
npm install bower
With the following, I get a
No compatible version found for abbrev;
So, did anyone managed to install bower with redhat openshift?
Command line utilities that are usually installed using the -g or --global flag will be automatically be added to the system $PATH, as long as they are included in the dependencies or devDependencies sections of the project’s package.json file.
This means that if you include bower in your package.json, you will be able to use bower like normal in your application.
"dependencies": {
"bower": "^1.4.1",
I found running bower more difficult...
I managed to get bower running by adding this in my package.json
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "HOME=$OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR bower install || bower install"
It works on both my local machine AND Openshift.
Hope this helps

How to install grunt and how to build script with it

Hi I'm trying to install Grunt on Windows 7 64 bit. I have installed Grunt using commands
npm install -g grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
but now if I try to do grunt init, it is throwing me an error -
A valid Gruntfile could not be found. Please see the getting started
guide for more information on how to configure grunt: Fatal error: Unable to find
But when I look inside the grunt folder on my system the Gruntfile.js is there. can someone please guide me how to install this grunt properly and how to write built Script using the grunt. I have one HTML page and java script if i wants built a script using Grunt how can i do it?
To setup GruntJS build here is the steps:
Make sure you have setup your package.json or setup new one:
npm init
Install Grunt CLI as global:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Install Grunt in your local project:
npm install grunt --save-dev
Install any Grunt Module you may need in your build process. Just for sake of this sample I will add Concat module for combining files together:
npm install grunt-contrib-concat --save-dev
Now you need to setup your Gruntfile.js which will describe your build process. For this sample I just combine two JS files file1.js and file2.js in the js folder and generate app.js:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
concat: {
"options": { "separator": ";" },
"build": {
"src": ["js/file1.js", "js/file2.js"],
"dest": "js/app.js"
// Load required modules
// Task definitions
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat']);
Now you'll be ready to run your build process by following command:
I hope this give you an idea how to work with GruntJS build.
You can use grunt-init for creating Gruntfile.js if you want wizard-based creation instead of raw coding for step 5.
To do so, please follow these steps:
npm install -g grunt-init
git clone ~/.grunt-init/gruntfile
grunt-init gruntfile
For Windows users: If you are using cmd.exe you need to change ~/.grunt-init/gruntfile to %USERPROFILE%\.grunt-init\. PowerShell will recognize the ~ correctly.
Some time we need to set PATH variable for WINDOWS
After that test with where grunt
Note: Do not forget to close the command prompt window and reopen it.
I got the same issue, but i solved it with changing my Grunt.js to Gruntfile.js
Check your file name before typing grunt.cmd on windows cmd (if you're using windows).
You should be installing grunt-cli to the devDependencies of the project and then running it via a script in your package.json. This way other developers that work on the project will all be using the same version of grunt and don't also have to install globally as part of the setup.
Install grunt-cli with npm i -D grunt-cli instead of installing it globally with -g.
"scripts": {
"build": "grunt"
Then use npm run build to fire off grunt.