How to install bower on openshift.redhat? "No compatible version found" - npm

I am testing openshift.redhat free plan. Until now, things were somewhat going fine with my deploy, until I tried installing bower. Search through the internet, some people advised on the following recipe:
HOME=$OPENSHIFT_DAT_DIR # as you cannot write to the home folder
npm install bower
With the following, I get a
No compatible version found for abbrev;
So, did anyone managed to install bower with redhat openshift?

Command line utilities that are usually installed using the -g or --global flag will be automatically be added to the system $PATH, as long as they are included in the dependencies or devDependencies sections of the project’s package.json file.
This means that if you include bower in your package.json, you will be able to use bower like normal in your application.
"dependencies": {
"bower": "^1.4.1",
I found running bower more difficult...
I managed to get bower running by adding this in my package.json
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "HOME=$OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR bower install || bower install"
It works on both my local machine AND Openshift.
Hope this helps


Docker image with node-sass on arm processor

I'm building my CI on gitlab and one of the jobs I need to execute is to compile sass stylesheets.
In order to compile sass I'm using node-sass which when installed needs to be compiled from source.
In order NOT to compile every time node-sass from source, I created a docker image with:
node and npm
node-sass installed globally (npm install --unsafe-perm -g node-sass)
In my project's package.json I kept node-sass devDependencies with the very same version of the one installed in the docker image described above.
My problem is that when I execute npm install (right before compiling my scss), npm tries to install node-sass again and goes through the whole compilation from source process.
How can avoid this?
One solution I thought, is to remove node-sass from the devDependencies and just add them as optionalDependencies or something, but I don't like this dirty solution.
Does anyone even know why npm tries to install node-sass anyway even though the version requested by package.json it is globally installed?
I solved by adding node-sass to package.json as optional dependency like so:
"optionalDependencies": {
"node-sass": "4.10.0"
and now, whenever I need to skip the installation because I know there is a global version installed, I just do:
npm install --no-optional
This is kind of a work around nut it works great.

Removing Bower from Workflow and Migrating to npm

With npm becoming more and more popular by the day, I feel as though there is less of a need for me to continue using bower in my workflow.
I have read several articles on why the above is true, but have yet to find a guide detailing the steps one should take in order to smoothly and successfully migrate from bower to npm and then remove bower altogether.
I was hoping to find some more guidance here on how to do so. Anyone have any experience with this or tips?
First of all I recommend to you to migrate to Yarn instead of npm. It does all the things done by npm with some more feature and also being more performing.
Their main differences are: Bower works with a bower.json file, Yarn and npm work with a package.json file but the content of these files are almost similar (package name, version, description, etc.); Bower saves by default its modules into the bower_components folder, the other two in the node_modules folder.
Assuming that you probably already have a bower.json file the steps are the following:
Init a new package inserting the asked informations:
$ yarn init # or 'npm init'
Then you could copy the dependencies and devDependencies from your bower.json file to the new package.json file OR I recommend to install them manually. Example:
$ yarn add jquery bootstrap # or 'npm install --save jquery bootstrap'
$ yarn add -D webpack babel # or 'npm install --save-dev webpack babel'
I hope it was helpful :)

webpack is not recognized as a internal or external command,operable program or batch file

I am Learning React.js and i am using windows 8 OS.i have navigate to my root folder
1.Created the package.json file by npm init
2. install webpack by npm install -S webpack has been downloaded to my modules folder
3. install webpack globally by typing npm install webpack -g
4. i am also having a webpack.config.js in my root folder which contains the source and ouput directory
5. when i type the webpack command i am getting the below error.
webpack is not recognized as a internal or external command,operable program or batch file
Better solution to this problem is to install Webpack globally.
This always works and it worked for me. Try below command.
npm install -g webpack
As an alternative, if you have Webpack installed locally, you can explicitly specify where Command Prompt should look to find it, like so:
(This does assume that you're inside the directory with your package.json and that you've already run npm install webpack.)
I had this issue for a long time too. (webpack installed globally etc. but still not recognized)
It turned out that I haven't specified enviroment variable for npm (where is file webpack.cmd sitting)
So I add to my Path variable
If you are using Powershell, you can type the following command to effectively add to your path :
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "$env:Path;%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\", "User")
IMPORTANT : Don't forget to close and re-open your powershell window in order to apply this.
npm install -g webpack-dev-server will solve your issue
Try deleting node_modules in local directory and re-run npm install.
Maybe a clean install will fix the problem. This "command" removes all previous modules and re-installs them, perhaps while the webpack module is incompletely downloaded and installed.
npm clean-install
Add webpack command as an npm script in your package.json.
"name": "react-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"compile": "webpack --config webpack.config.js"
Then run
npm run compile
When the webpack is installed it creates a binary in ./node_modules/.bin folder. npm scripts also looks for executable created in this folder
Webpack CLI is now in a separate package and must be installed globally in order to use the 'webpack' command:
npm install -g webpack-cli
EDIT: Much has changed. Webpack folks do not recommend installing the CLI globally (or separately for that matter). This issue should be fixed now but the proper install command is:
npm install --save-dev webpack
This answer was originally intended as a "work-around" for the OPs problem.
We also experienced this problem and I like all the answers that suggest using a script defined in package.json.
For our solutions we often use the following sequence:
npm install --save-dev webpack-cli (if you're using webpack v4 or later, otherwise use npm install --save-dev webpack, see webpack installation, retrieved 19 Jan 2019)
npx webpack
Step 1 is a one-off. Step 2 also checks ./node_modules/.bin. You can add the second step as a npm script to package.json as well, for example:
"scripts": {
"build": "npx webpack --mode development",
and then use npm run build to execute this script.
Tested this solution with npm version 6.5.0, webpack version 4.28.4 and webpack-cli version 3.2.1 on Windows 10, executing all commands inside of a PowerShell window. My nodejs version is/was 10.14.2. I also tested this on Ubuntu Linux version 18.04.
I'd advise against installing webpack globally, in particular if you are working with a lot of different projects each of which may require a different version of webpack. Installing webpack globally locks you down to a particular version across all projects on the same machine.
npx webpack
It is worked for me. I'm using Windows 10 and I installed webpack locally.
For me it worked to install webpack separately. So simply:
$npm install
$npm install webpack
I'm not sure why this should be necessary, but it worked.
Just run your command line (cmd) as an administrator.
I've had same issue and just added the code block into my package.json file;
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack -d --progress --colors"
and then run command on terminal;
npm run build
you have to install webpack and webpack-cli in the same scope.
npm i -g webpack webpack-cli
npm i webpack webpack-cli
if you install it locally you need to call it specifially
node_modules/.bin/webpack -v
Install WebPack globally
npm install --global webpack
I had this issue when upgrading to React 16.12.0.
I had two errors one regarding webpack and the other regarding the store when rendering the DOM.
Webpack Error:
webpack is not recognized as a internal or external command,operable program or batch file
Webpack Solution:
Close related VS Solution
Delete node_modules folder
Deleted package-lock.json
npm install
npm rebuild
Repeated this 2-3 times
Store Error:
Type Store<()> is not assignable to type Store<any, AnyAction>
Store Solution:
Suggestions to update my React version didn't fix this error for me, but irrespective I would recommend doing it.
My code ended up looking like this:
<Provider store={store as any}>
<ConnectedApp />
As per this solution
This below-given commands worked for me.
npm cache clean --force
npm install -g webpack
Note - Run these commands as administrator. Once installed then close your command prompt and restart it to see the applied changes.
If you create a boilerplate folder for your JS projects so that you can use JS Modules, webpack and Babel are great tools.
Don't install webpack globally and after installing the most recent versions of both, your package.json file will be loaded up and ready to copy for future projects.
Make sure to delete the node_modules folder to decrease file size in your boilerplate folder and then to reinstall node_modules use npm install.
I forgot to run npm install and kept getting this error when trying to run my webpack dev-server until I realized I needed to run npm install to install node_modules and then it worked.
If you have just cloned a repo, you first need to run
npm install
The error your getting will be generated if you are missing project dependencies. The above command will download and install them.
I got the same error, none of the solutions worked for me, I reinstalled node and that repaired my environment, everything works again.
I also Face the same issue this command works for me
npm install --save-dev webpack
Try this folks, the cli needs to be updated to the latest version
npm install --save-dev #angular/cli#latest
credit goes go to R.Richards
The fix for me was locally installing webpack as devDependency. Although I have it as devDependencies it was not installed in node_modules folder. So I ran
npm install --only=dev
Sometimes npm install -g webpack does not save properly. Better to use npm install webpack --save . It worked for me.
I had this same problem and I couldn't figure it out. I went through every line of code and couldn't find my error. Then I realized that I installed webpack in the wrong folder. My error was not paying attention to the folder I was installing webpack to.

NPM: To install a package along with its own devDeps

I am just getting myself familiar with command line tools like npm. I've been searching around for the answer but was not able to find a clear one.
What I am trying to do is to install materialize-css package into my test package, as well as its devDependencies, like "autoprefixer". This is materializeCSS's package.json file.
Here's what I do:
Under my newly created and blank folder "testProject", I use npm init to create a package.json file for my test package:
"name": "create_project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Setting up a project",
"main": "index.html",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "shenk wen",
"license": "MIT"
Then, I do
npm install materialize-css
I was expecting the above command would install all the dependencies and devDependencies of materialize-css, but only the dependencies is being installed. I read this question and the accepted answer suggests adding --dev to the command. But that seems not the answer I am looking for because --dev would only make materialize-css a devDependency of my test package, but not installing its own devDependencies. The other answers are not so straightforward. Is there any parameter I can use to achieve this? Or do I have to change the env_variable which I don't know how to?
In older npm versions, 'npm install --dev' installed all devDependencies of all your dependencies. This also used to work in a recursive fashion, so you end up downloading also devDependencies of devDependencies of your dependencies and so on. This resulted in enormously long install time / download size.
Also, the purpose of the feature is questionable: Why should you care about devDeps of your deps? For these reasons --dev was removed from npm:
Current behavior for 'npm install' is: install all deps and devDeps for the 'main' package (the one you 'npm install'-ed in the first place), but when recursing, install only deps (and no devDeps).
If you want to install & save the dependency to your package.json, you should use --save or --save-dev, I don't think --dev does this.
If you want the devDependencies of a module you've installed as a dependency to your project, you almost certainly want to git clone that module's repo or fork it instead. When you run npm install in your cloned repo, that will also install all of the module's devDependencies.
(I'm not a developer by trade and my npm-fu was a bit rusty, so I confused myself about what I was trying to do. Tomas Kulich's question "Why should you care about devDeps of your deps?" helped me realize the error of my ways.)

grunt js installing packages

I'm building a grunt javascript project with grunt, and I have a package.json file that looks something like:
... name, author, etc here ...
"dependencies": {
I can run npm install to install grunt-html and this works just fine. But when I add new dependencies, all developers on the team must know to run npm install again. Is there a way to automatically install any packages that have not yet been installed? Should I just run npm install always to ensure I'm up to date?
Yes npm install is the easiest way IMO. Getting everyone familiar with the other npm commands makes managing deps easier as well. Such as:
npm ls to list out the currently installed modules.
Or the --save flag ie, npm install grunt-html --save to install and insert the package and version into your package.json.
npm prune to remove modules not included in your package.json.
Other ways to manage dependencies are to commit the node_modules folder in your repository to avoid other devs from having to run npm install. Or for more complex projects consider using npm shrinkwrap to lock down dependencies to specific versions: npm shrinkwrap docs.
I have not tried grunt-install-dependencies (, but it seems this may fullfill your needs. Just add the command install-dependencies as first task within your custom definfed grunt tasts, e.g.
grunt.registerTask('build', [ 'install-dependencies', 'useminPrepare', ... ]);