Can't Access/Download GitHub Repository that I need for Class - rtools

I need to test and debug a script for one of my classes but I can't seem to get the code to work.
install_github("dbspitz/migrateR/migrateR", build_vignettes = T)
Once I get here it tells me that I can't install "migrateR" from GitHub because the system command Rcmd.exe failed.
When I try to use install.packages("migrateR"),I get told that the version of that package is not available for my version of R.
I tried to download Rtools42 but it made it so that I couldn't use any other of the packages and had to delete R Studio and redownload the app. Please advise on how to get past this step.


Not able to add implementation ''

I am trying to add Places SDK for android.
I am following the following documentation and
Unfortunately i am not able to add dependency "implementation ''"
I have gone through following links. But no use. Please help me with this.
Failed to resolve:
Google's new Places Library ( implementation '') not resolving
Finally i found solution to my issue.
I solved it by installing the compatibility library.
Followed this.
Following two steps resolved my issue.
Copy the contents of, and save as a file to your local computer.
Use the following command to run the compatibility script
./ 2.1.0
After this, I could run my project successfully and could Place API.

I found that there is an error import path in saved_model.go

in github:
import (
tfpb ""
what's this(tfpb "") ?
I cannot find it in anywhere , so can my program
How can I solve this problem
there is details:
today I try to install tensorflow for Go and execute it, I use this cmd:
go get
then i test tf for go:
go test
(according with this site: tensorflow)
but i got this message:
cannot find package "" in any of:
/home/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/go_work/src/ (from $GOPATH)
then i visit github then i cannot find this path , How can I solve this problem?
thanks for you guys.!
You can look at the similar issue on Github: 23257
So, there's no proper fix out there which is documented, until then you can try this out. I resolved my error using the following way:
Run go get
package cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.13.5/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/Users/subhamsarkar/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
Above get surely fails to find the said package, but the repo is already cloned to your GOPATH
cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout r1.11
Now again run,
go get
Reason: Discussion
Also, I believe you have installed the TensorFlow C library which is required for the TensorFlow Go package.
Note: I tested on
OS: MacOSX 10.15.2
Go version: go1.13.5 darwin/amd64
Since this issue isn't getting fixed, I decided to maintain a fork:
go get
You can also use tfgo that depends on the fork and it allows a simplified usage of the Go bindings:
go get

Couchapp - default template not found when running `couchapp generate ...` on Windows

After thorough browsing I decided to post here as I could not find a working prompt on the problem.
I installed CouchDB and Couchapp (in version 1.0.0, freshest one on Github) on Win8 machine and when I try to run couchapp generate app contacts I get:
2014-11-21 22:01:00 [ERROR] couchapp error: Can't create a CouchApp in C:\Users\
Michal\Desktop\contacts: default template not found.
I have not so far dug deeper into the Couchapp code to see if I can fix it. Fixes applied by Couchapp creator, Benoit, don't work for me.
All advice/constructive criticism much appreciated.
OK, I got it working - all that was needed was to include an environment variable for couchapp.exe. So, if you are installing a standalone version of Couchapp from the downloads section (, e.g. ) you NEED TO MAKE SURE that you first of all execute the installer and then point you environment variables Path to it, that's all. Hope it helps.

casperjs.bat on windows fails with cannot find module cli.js error

I'm trying out casperJS to run some automated tests. On windows. I followed this installation guide but am stuck.
when I try to run a simple test from the command line like this:
casperjs.bat smoketest.js
I get the following error:
Error: Cannot find module 'C:/code/base/main/Shared/casperjs\modules\cli.js'
I checked, and the file cli.js does exist under the specified path.
I thought the problem could be the mixture of forward and backward slashes in the path, but I edited the bootstrap.js casper code to hard code the path and it made no difference - it still the cannot find module.
I'm have tried this using phantomJS version 1.9.0, and 1.8.2.
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Has anyone had success running casper on Windows?
This is due to a bug in PhantomJS 1.9.0 that does not allow for absolute path loading in Windows. Afaik, this should only be apparent if you are using a master build of CasperJS (v1.1).
This bug has been fixed, but is not yet in the Windows binary. You can compile it yourself if you'd like, but that can take quite a bit of time.
I was using the master build of casper. With the latest released version, 1.0.2, it works fine.

Not getting TBB to compile test examples

I am not getting TBB to work. I am following the steps in the "Getting started" document.
I am doing the following steps:
downloading the linux files + the sources files.
extracting them in 1 directory
calling make
going to tbb.../bin calling source intel64
going to examples/Getting_started/sub_string_finder
calling make
I then get the error:
sub_string_finder.cpp:32:30: fatal error: tbb/parallel_for.h: No such file or directory
I really googled a lot but can't find any related stuff.
I did also try to add some -I statement but it didnt help
I assume it is kind of a including/linking problem but I dont know how to fix.
This is all done on fedora 16 64bit. (kernel 3.1.4) // TBB version 4.0
The solution was to install tbb-devel package.