Not able to add implementation '' - kotlin

I am trying to add Places SDK for android.
I am following the following documentation and
Unfortunately i am not able to add dependency "implementation ''"
I have gone through following links. But no use. Please help me with this.
Failed to resolve:
Google's new Places Library ( implementation '') not resolving

Finally i found solution to my issue.
I solved it by installing the compatibility library.
Followed this.
Following two steps resolved my issue.
Copy the contents of, and save as a file to your local computer.
Use the following command to run the compatibility script
./ 2.1.0
After this, I could run my project successfully and could Place API.


Can't Access/Download GitHub Repository that I need for Class

I need to test and debug a script for one of my classes but I can't seem to get the code to work.
install_github("dbspitz/migrateR/migrateR", build_vignettes = T)
Once I get here it tells me that I can't install "migrateR" from GitHub because the system command Rcmd.exe failed.
When I try to use install.packages("migrateR"),I get told that the version of that package is not available for my version of R.
I tried to download Rtools42 but it made it so that I couldn't use any other of the packages and had to delete R Studio and redownload the app. Please advise on how to get past this step.

Unable to link react-native with rn-fetch-blob

I want to display a pdf in my react-native app. I used documentation from I installed rn-fetch-blob and react-native-pdf. i have linked react-native-pdf .
but when i ran command "react-native link rn-fetch-blob" it didn't get linked.
and i got the following message in command prompt:
rn-fetch-blob will not automatically add Android permissions after 0.9.4
please run the following command if you want to add default permissions :
RNFB_ANDROID_PERMISSIONS=true react-native link
I tried this command and i got:
"'RNFB_ANDROID_PERMISSIONS' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
I am using this version: react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.59.8
I also tried to set it manually with the reference
I was to set it in 3 files according to the last reference i provided -
I used first: "node_modules/rn-fetch-blob/android/build.gradle" (which is "android/app/build.gradle" in documentation )
I used second: "node_modules/rn-fetch-blob/android/src/main/java/com/RNFetchBlob/" (which is "" in documentation )
third file was "android/settings.gradle" which i didn't find in "node_modules/rn-fetch-blob/android/"
so i bacame unable to set it manually.
May be I am using wrong file paths to set it manually. If any one have any idea about it or any suggestions for me to solve it in a better way. please help me out.
Or if any other way to solve "displaying a pdf in react-native" please provide me that also.
linking problem is solved after setting it manually and than by using command set RNFB_ANDROID_PERMISSIONS=true in command prompt.
But now still getting an error after using in code import Pdf from 'react-native-pdf'; . the error is shown below.
anyone having idea about it. or any other way to display a pdf in react-native, kindly let me know.
If you run this command "rn-fetch-blob": "^0.10.13",install this version is worked for me,if you install another one your app was crashed/stoped.

Error: Cannot find entry file ./node_modules/react-native-scripts/build/bin/crna-entry.js in any of the roots:

I keep receiving this error when running my App.js for React Native that was working perfectly well before I attempted installing Victory charts. Somehow something broke and after over three hours of work I am unable to figure out a solution. I have tried everything I could find on the web including uninstalling watchman, reinstalling watchman, reverting to React Native 0.55.4, some other recommended commands. Nothing is working.I am so confused.
$ yarn add react-native-scripts
This helped.
I think the other library may hurt the installation part of your package. To solve this issue on IOS you need to add its library like below:
First do 'yarn add react-native-scripts'. In the case that it dose't work continue other steps.
1-Go to the node module of your project and find the package folder and find the ios file inside it.
2- Then drag it into ‘library’ section of your xcode. (It is the subset of your project folders)
3- Then go to ‘build phase’ and in the ‘Link binary with libraries’ add it there by clicking on the plus sign
4- Then in some cases you need to add the correct path of the ios file inside your node module in the xcode. To do that you should go to ‘build setting’ section in the xcode and search header there. Then you need to add the path there below other paths.
5- Then clear everything (cmd+shift+k) and then finally compile it.
I hope it works for you.
In my case the "crna-entry.js" file does exist in the roots and my project should work (nothing have been modified from last time when it does work).
After hours searching, finally I figured out the reason:
the packager's directory checking is case-sensitive and in windows terminal the drive "c:/" will not be auto-corrected to "C:/" which will lead to error.
Hope this will help someone who gets the same error.
Below is the full error message:
The development server returned response error code:404 Cannot find
entry file node_modules/react-native-scripts/build/bin/crna-entry.js
in any of the roots:

IntelliJ System.out.println() - Cannot resolve method println(java.lang.String)

I am using IntelliJ IDEA, learning Java. All went well until yesterday, when the mentioned error occurred.
I didn't make any changes. I was looking for the solution the following ways:
reboot the pc
restart IntelliJ.
delete the project directory and use another one (both on desktop)
nothing helps. buy running simple hello world method. It keeps showing this error:
Is there someone able to help me?
ok, is solved.
file -> invalidated caches / Restart
One reason for this to happen is if you have print statement somewhere on the body of the class, and not inside a method.
Here is an example:
But if the print is inside a method, it should work fine.
Here is an example:
I think if you have tried the method above, maybe you can consider where you use System.out.println() because this method should only used in main(String args[]){},the latest version of the Idea is OK. I wish what said can help you.
If you have orcale sdk configured as your project sdk there is no way System.out.println can't be found - besides you are using another System.out.
So my guess is that you don't have a proper project sdk configured.
Goto to Project Settings or press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S, go to Project Settings -> Project and check if your sdk is setup correctly.
In my case my project was set up to Java 6th and I had installed jre1.8.0_131 which I assume was causing the problem. After changing Java to level 8 problem have been solved.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s or go to File -> Project Structure -> Project, and set Project Language Level to yours.
case 1: if all sdk setup is complete and perfect
file -> invalidated caches / Restart
this could work
case 2 : if something missing in sdk setup of intelij
then goto
1.file->project structure->libraries on + button
3. add location of lib folder of tomcat directory
to add lib directory to tomcat
import static java.lang.System.out;
Or do you possibly have more than one class named System?
Or possibly this link could be of use to you.
Just make sure that your SDK in the setting of INTELIJI is set up have a look here
I had that problem because I pulled the repository from work where we have java 8, but on my private computer, I have 17..

Couchapp - default template not found when running `couchapp generate ...` on Windows

After thorough browsing I decided to post here as I could not find a working prompt on the problem.
I installed CouchDB and Couchapp (in version 1.0.0, freshest one on Github) on Win8 machine and when I try to run couchapp generate app contacts I get:
2014-11-21 22:01:00 [ERROR] couchapp error: Can't create a CouchApp in C:\Users\
Michal\Desktop\contacts: default template not found.
I have not so far dug deeper into the Couchapp code to see if I can fix it. Fixes applied by Couchapp creator, Benoit, don't work for me.
All advice/constructive criticism much appreciated.
OK, I got it working - all that was needed was to include an environment variable for couchapp.exe. So, if you are installing a standalone version of Couchapp from the downloads section (, e.g. ) you NEED TO MAKE SURE that you first of all execute the installer and then point you environment variables Path to it, that's all. Hope it helps.