Python os path join ignores folder names - python-3.8

I am doing the following:
import os
ii = r'Z:\Monthly\iOT\2021'
dir0 = os.path.splitdrive(ii)[1]
dir1 = os.path.join(r'G:', r'My Drive', dir0)
print(dir1) gives 'G:\\Monthly\\iOT\\2021' and completely ignores 'My Drive'. I understand it has something to do with two backslashes in front of dir0 but not sure how to remove it.
I was expecting
'G:\\My Drive\\Monthly\\iOT\\2021'

You can do as following
os.path.join('G:\\', r'My Drive', dir0[1:])
This "slices" the result of dir0, getting the characters from index 1 to the end of the string
This will result in
'G:\\My Drive\\Monthly\\iOT\\2021'
Remember the following, as stated in the docs
On Windows, the drive letter is not reset when an absolute path component (e.g., r'\foo') is encountered. If a component contains a drive letter, all previous components are thrown away and the drive letter is reset. Note that since there is a current directory for each drive, os.path.join("c:", "foo") represents a path relative to the current directory on drive C: (c:foo), not c:\foo.


file system watcher doesn't work when used full filename as filter

I'm trying setup a file watcher for one specific file C:\test.json via workspace.createFileSystemWatcher
This is the code I use:
const watcher = vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(new vscode.RelativePattern("C:\\", "test.json"));
watcher.onDidChange(uri => console.log("change", uri));
watcher.onDidCreate(uri => console.log("create", uri));
watcher.onDidDelete(uri => console.log("delete", uri));
For some reason events are not triggered, unless I replace filter test.json with *.json - then it works just fine.
Any ideas why complete filename doesn't work?
I see your question(s) ;>} on github. I'll post there as well.
It is interesting that this works:
const watcher = vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\Testing"), "test.json"));
Note that test.json is in a folder Testing.
This does not work - when test.json is at the root of C:
const watcher = vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\"), "test.json"));
So it looks like either vscode.Uri.file("C:\\") doesn't work properly at the drive root level or vscode.RelativePattern() doesn't work properly at the drive root level.
As we discussed on github (see API: createFileSystemWatcher() doesn't work when filter set to a specific file), the problem appears to be the trailing slash in C:\\. Since relative patterns like new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\Testing"), "test.json") work and patterns like new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\Testing\\"), "test.json") do not work.
But a backslash is required for a drive root level designation:
No, it doesn't. But it's because drive path requires trailing slash,
otherwise it's treated as relative path instead:
Use a backslash as required as part of volume names, for example, the
"C:" in "C:\path\file" or the "\server\share" in
"\server\share\path\file" for Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
from your comment at
so it does seem that vscode.RelativePattern() will not work at the drive root level because of the trailing slash (but the trailing slash is necessary and a simple vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\test.json")); does not work either).
We should update this answer with however the github issue is resolved - can your original new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\"), "test.json") be made to work.

Getting Error for Excel to Table Conversion

I just started learning Python and now I'm trying to integrate that with my GIS knowledge. As the title suggests, I'm attempting to convert an Excel sheet to a table but I keep getting errors, one which is wholly undecipherable to me and the other which seems to be suggesting that my file does not exist which, I know is incorrect since I copied it's location directly from it's properties.
Here is a screenshot of my environment. Please help if you can and thanks in advance.
Simply set, you put the workspace directory inside the filename variable so when arcpy handles it, it tries to acess a file that does not exist, in an unknown workspace.
Try this.
arcpy.env.workspace = "J:\egis_work\dpcd\projects\SHARITA\Python\"
arcpy.ExcelToTable_conversion("Exceltest.xlsx", "Bookstorestable", "Sheet1")
Arcpy uses the following syntax to convert geodatabase tables to excel
It is straight forward.
Excel tables cannot be stored in the geodatabase. Most reasonable thing is to store them in the rootfolder in which the geodatabase with the table is. Say I want to convert table below into excel and save it in the root folder or in the folder in which the geodatabase is.
I will go as follows: I have put the explanations after the #.
import arcpy
import os
from datetime import datetime, date, time
# Set environment settings
in_table= r"C:\working\Sunderwood\Network Analyst\MarchDistances\Centroid.gdb\SunderwoodFirstArcpyTable"
out_xls= os.path.basename(in_table)+'%Y%m%d') # Here
#os.path.basename(in_table)- Gives the base name of pathname. In this case, it returns the name table
# + is used in python to concatenate
# gives todays date
# Converts todays date into a string in the format YYYMMDD
# Please add all the above statements and you notice you have a new file name which is the table you input plus todays date
#os.path.dirname() method in Python is used to get the directory name from the specified path
geodatabase = os.path.dirname(in_table)
# In this case, os.path.dirname(in_table) gives us the geodatabase
# The The join() method takes all items in an iterable and joins them into one string
SaveInFolder= "\\".join(geodatabase.split('\\')[:-1])
# This case, I tell python take \ and join on the primary directory above which I have called geodatabase. However, I tell it to remove some characters. I will explain the split below.
# I use split method. The split() method splits a string into a list
#In the case above it splits into ['W:\\working\\Sunderwood\\Network', 'Analyst\\MarchDistances\\Centroid.gdb']. However, that is not what I want. I want to remove "\\Centroid.gdb" so that I remain with the follwoing path ['W:\\working\\Sunderwood\\Network', 'Analyst\\MarchDistances']
#Before I tell arcpy to save, I have to specify the workspace in which it will save. So I now make my environment the SaveInFolder
arcpy.env.workspace =SaveInFolder
## Now I have to tell arcpy what I will call my newtable. I use os.path.join.This method concatenates various path components with exactly one directory separator (‘/’) following each non-empty part except the last path component
newtable = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, out_xls)
#In the above case it will give me "W:\working\Sunderwood\Network Analyst\MarchDistances\SunderwoodFirstArcpyTable20200402"
# You notice the newtable does not have an excel extension. I resort to + to concatenate .xls onto my path and make it "W:\working\Sunderwood\Network Analyst\MarchDistances\SunderwoodFirstArcpyTable20200402.xls"
table= newtable+".xls"
#Finally, I call the arcpy method and feed it with the required variables
# Execute TableToExcel
arcpy.TableToExcel_conversion(in_table, table)
print (table + " " + " is now available")

Filepath lastPathComponent from HFS or POSIX path

I am on OSX, not iOS, Objective-C
I receive external input like this and i need to get the file.
Case A (posix path): "path/to/afile.extension"
Case B (HFS path): "path:to:afile.extension"
In Case A i can get the file with
[path lastPathComponent];
In Case B i can get it via
[[path componentsSeparatedByString:#":"] lastObject];
Unfortunately i don't know if the input is of type A or B. What would be the best way to identify if the delivered path is a posix path or a HFS path?
What would be the best way to identify if the delivered path is a posix path or a HFS path?
Off-the-top-of-my-head: I don't think you can do this trivially based on the string as the POSIX path separator, '/', is a valid in a HFS file name, and vice-versa. E.g. the POSIX path fragment:
... Desktop/a:colon.txt
and the HFS path fragment:
... Desktop:a/colon.txt
refer to the same file.
What you could do instead is check if the path exists using file manager (NSFileManager) calls - these take HFS paths - and the access(2) system call - which takes a POSIX path. If only one of these works you know the type of path you have, if both work you've got some unusually named disks and files and the path is ambiguous! (And if neither work the path is invalid interpreted either way.)
You can also do checks by creating a file NSURL from the path and if successful then calling NSURL methods to check for existence.
Your comment states that the files do not exist so checking for existence will obviously fail. So think about examining the path to work it out, only producing an error for ones you cannot figure out. E.g.:
If a path contains only '/' or ':' delimiters you can determine POSIX or HFS
A full HFS path always starts with the volume name followed by a colon. Determine the mounted volume names and check those against the path you have, if there is a match for one you have a HFS path
For checking for characters in a string, volume names, etc. start with the NSString, NSFileManager and NSURL documentation. Once you've built up your series of tests if you have any problems etc. ask a new question describing your tests, showing your code, etc. and someone will undoubtedly help you.

Network path not working for xlswritefig in Matlab

I am trying to open a workbook that is located on a network path using the function xlswritefig. I.e. the path does not start with the traditional letter such as C:\. Instead it looks as follows:
When I try to open the excel file on this folder in Matlab, I noticed that Excel adds the current path in front of the the path. I.e. if I am currently in folder
C:\Matlab\ then Excel tries to open:
How can I prevent this from happening and redirect to the network path?
The problem was with the function xlswritefig. To solve for this issue, step into the function and change the following line of code (line 86):
%**op = invoke(Excel.Workbooks, 'open', [pwd filesep filename]);
op = invoke(Excel.Workbooks, 'open', filename);
Thus remove the [pwd filesep] part.
I don't think UNC paths are supported in Matlab (at least the didn't use to). The simple way forward is to map your folder to a letter drive. It is possible to do this in Windows Explorer, but I tend to use net use in the command prompt. net help use will show you the syntax
UNC (network) paths are not supported by MATLAB. However, here is a workaround which sets (and unsets) a network drive letter using the system command.
% Execute system command to assign drive letter
system('net use Z: \\networkmain\folder\to');
% Perform actions under this drive
% ...
% Unmount the drive
system('net use Z: /delete');
You could use some simple looping to find the next available drive letter, as the system call shoudn't override an existing drive letter.

BigQuery loading batch folders error

I'm trying to load group of folders files in one time with when
i set
sourceURI = 'gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/app/reports/app_network_analytics_report/201409011*'
all the folders that i'm want to load start with 20140911
but i get the error:
ERROR: Invalid path: gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/apn/reports/appnexus_network_analytics_report/20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0/
20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0 is one of these folders(don't know why it's print the all folder name of this specific folder)
in some other folder tree cases it's works, but in this specific folder tree it's return the same error .
i know that cloud storage don't have real folders and it's part of the name of the object, but you understand what i mean.
is it bug?
Without more information, what it looks like is that you have a object file called gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/apn/reports/appnexus_network_analytics_report/20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0/ that is not a csv/json file. Some tools may create these dummy files in order to simulate directories. BigQuery requires all objects that match the input glob path to be importable files.
One solution would be to change the glob path to include a narrower set of files. You can pass multiple paths if that makes things easier. For example, you could pass