How to make tabBar screen like modal in React native? - react-native

I have 4 tab Bars.
Let's say each tab name is A, B, C, D.
If I stayed on tab screen C and click tab D,
I want to make transparent background of D which shows previous screen, C on behind.
Even though I make backgroundColor rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) on tab Screen D, I guess tab screen is not stacked like stack navigation, it just shows gray color like above.
Can I make transparent background showing previous screen by tabBar navigator?


How to fix White Screen after Splash Screen in React Native for iOS

For Android, I made the color of the white screen the same as the Splash Screen color. So how do I change the color of the white screen on iOS?
use react-native-bootsplash or implement splash screen by your own.
you can change the bg color of splash screen using xCode, find and select the .storyboard that is currently used in your project.
from the right side of your x code controls, you will see background prop, from there you can change it.

React Navigation unwanted Bottom Border Radius in Modal

I use a Bottom Tab Navigator with several different stacks in my React Native app. I have created a screen that opens like a modal using this in the screen options:
{ presentation: "modal" }
On iOS, phones with no physical home button (e.g. iPhone 12) get a strange unwanted bottom radius when the screen has been navigated to:
When the screen is being dismissed, the border radius gets even larger for a couple of seconds until it disappears completely:
I've tried changing the border radius on the screen's view but no luck. How do I get rid of this unwanted border radius? Thanks.

Background color not applying after shifting applied in material bottom tab navigator

I have 6 items in my navigator. I have put shifting={false} because I want to display all the labels. But now the specific background color for each tab is not applying. Is there a way to have all the labels and also the specific background colors?

react navigation createMaterialTopTabNavigator transparent

I'm trying to make the top tab buttons transparent, so the background behind them would be the background of their content screen. Is this behaviour possible to achieve with createMaterialTopTabNavigator?
I can't seem to find a way to make the tab buttons stick on top of the content. Can only make them appear above the screen content so there's only one fixed color for the tab buttons.
To make it clearer, let's say I have 3 screens, with red, green and blue backgrounds, I want the tab buttons to appear red green or blue, according to the focused screen
Ok, so in case anyone else is looking for the same functionality, just set tabBarOptions style position: 'absolute'

React Native Pass properties on goBack in react-navigation ?

I use react-navigation with StackNavigatior to navigate through screens. I navigate from the screen A to screen B where I can select one option from a list of options.
After I press Done, I want to go back to screen A and see what option I selected in screen B.
How can I do that ?
I tried to pass the option selected to goBack() method, but it doesn't work.
If screen A is a parent of screen B, you can pass something like:
setScreenBOption: function (option) {
to screen B.
Then from screen B whenever the option is selected, you can call
On screen A, you'd display this.state.screenBOption.
If screen A and screen B are siblings, you'd add the setScreenBOption function onto the parent of screen A and screen B and pass this.setScreenBOption down to screen B and this.state.screenBOption to screen A. On screen A, you'd display this.props.screenBOption.