How customize API url in Postman? - api

Is it possible to customize URL for client ?
In detail, currently working on API project where I need to give API url, suppose actual URL like this'2343'
Now I don't wish to show the actually locations and parameters names, also the actual URL is to long. so I'm willing to customize like'23423'
so client would call above URL and initial URL could trigger.
I tried by changing the current values of variable in postman, didn't work.
Also would like to ask, does postman token expires after certain period?


Ebay API: Connection between "Developer Account" and "Ebay Account"

A am just beginning to familiarize myself with the eBay RESTFUL API, forgive me this basic question, but I found no answer yet.
I have an eBay account since many years ago. I registered a developer account (same eMail address) recently, and I got the Tokens for Sandbox and Production. I have successfully used public APIs like list items, search items, and such, to verify the tokens, by querying some items in eBay.
How do I preceed from here to access data specific to my eBay account, like, for instance, the list of purchases and sales? Somehow I need to connect my app to my live eBay account, I guess, and give my app permissions to read data, but I could not find any matching setting in my eBay account settings nor in the API calls.
Please guide me through the next step: how do I give my app the required permissions, and how do I build a simple read-only query to query, for instance, the items I have purchased.
I think this question does not depend on any programming language, feel free to use any programming language you like.
Many Thanx!
Ok so if we are talking only about Authorization token and calling seller api like orders (in ebay it's called fullfilments i believe).
We need to start with creating User Token.
You can create one here:
Then you need to add ebay redirect URL:
I don't know much about Auth'n'Auth so I will talk only about OAuth
After adding new redirect URL you should add url address for authorization success and failure.
You will be redirected there after authorization.
Now we can test if generation of token works.
For this example i did set my redirect url like that:
We need to click "Test Sign-in" (set radio button to OAuth before)
You should be redirected to website:
You need to sign in with account which have access to or (depends if you are on sandbox or production environment)
After logging in I don't remember if there will be another window with confirmation of App scopes to confirm (I already done it before).
But if that is the case just click confirm button.
Now you should be redirected to which we did set up as our success redirect url
Url should look like that
That code parameter is much longer btw. And you can see that it's url encoded so you need to decode it before using
And now you are almost at home :D
You have 300 seconds to call a POST request to authorize with that code parameter.
Header required
Remember first screen shot?
You need to go there and get your App ID, Cert ID then concatenate it with ":" then encode it to Base64 and add before that value "Basic " keyword.
In pseudo code it should looks like that:
Authorization:Basic Base64.encode(AppID + ":" + CertID)
Body required
format of Body needs to be "x-www-form-urlencoded" (key:value format basically)
here you need
{code} - is value from success authorization url
{redirect_name} - you can find it on screen below marked with red circle
If you did everything right you should get response from ebay
"access_token": "v^1.1#i^1#r^0VbbxW1wjv4HZGAAA",
"expires_in": 7200,
"refresh_token": "v^1.1#i^1#f^0#r^FDQ=",
"refresh_token_expires_in": 47304000,
"token_type": "User Access Token"
You should save that data, access_token is used for accessing data, refresh_token is used to refresh access_token.
Example request with authToken
You need Authroization header:
Authorization:Bearer v^1.1#i^1#r^0VbbxW1wjv4HZGAAA
That's it I guess. To implement that into your app you need to be able to generate the first url which you are redirected to after clicking "Test Sign-in" and that's basically it.
Btw you refresh token like that
Body x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization:Basic Base64.encode(AppID + ":" + CertID)
I hope that will help someone. :)

Postman request - how to get data from endpoint based on API documentation

I want to retrieve data from a data warehouse that has a web-based API, I need to use an API key for authentication and use the GET / Customers command to retrieve the list of customers data, but when I am using that same thing in postman, it's returning the same documentation page of the data warehouse?
I am new to this any help will be really appreciated.
The URL doesn't look valid:
You need a base URL, endpoint, http method, authentication scheme, and credential or a token etc.
I don't know details about your system and API, so let's see an example:
base url is; your current base url is localhost:4444, is your server running on your machine? If so, it might be correct, but I assumer you're talking about a server running somewhere else, not on your computer
endpoint (path parameter) is /questions/69883697, in your case /customers
http method is GET and you find it here in Postman; it also means it will not go into query parameters where you put it:
authentication scheme - your docs mentions an api key that goes into a header called Authorization, so you have to set it in Headers, not as a query parameter:
Read carefully what's on your screen, Postman uses the same language as your API documentation, so if your doc speaks about headers, you need to go into Headers tab in Postman.

JMeter: auth2.0 Authentication Process (B2C Architecture)

Hitting the website- It is being redirected to an URL which contains parameters such as STATE, NONCE and CLIENT-REQUEST-ID which are dynamic.
So, in JMeter, I am unable to fetch those values as those are coming directly in a HTTP request.
Any Idea, how to fetch it?
While clicking on sign in with credentials, authentication process is happening which is generating a token id.
Then in next request, redirects occur and same kind of URL is achieved (as in step1). Again same parameters are passed.
And with this request, Access token is generated.
I am unable to fetch those parameter (nonce, state, client request id). Is there anything we can do?
According to Microsoft, client-request-id is optional (so you can probably just leave it off) and if I read this right is generated by the client. So you may be able to just generate a random GUID in JMeter.
If you're being redirected to an URL which contains the parameters you're looking for you should be able to capture them from the sub-sampler
using a suitable Post-Processor like Regular Expression Extractor
Also some values like consumer key are static and never change and some values like nonce are random
If you don't need to load test the OAuth login challenge itself you can ask developers or administrators to provide you a permanent token which you can send in the Authorization header using HTTP Header Manager
Yes, you are correct but in my case I am not getting any sub-sampler(s).
That's where trouble lies!
Also, those parameters are coming from 3rd Party which is hosting the site(not in the hands of Devs)..
The whole process I am doing is for load testing.
So, any thing you wanna add for this?

Instagram oAuthException missing url

I am unable to make any /media/search calls to the Instagram api without getting errors.
In firefox, the endpoint
(Where VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN, is a valid access token that works successfully with other api calls.)
I get the following output
{"meta":{"error_type":"OAuthParameterException","code":400,"error_message":"\"client_id\" or \"access_token\" URL parameter missing. This OAuth request requires either a \"client_id\" or \"access_token\" URL parameter."}}
I can't make sense of this error, since clearly, the access token is present in the url.
Could it be some weird character encoding issue?
Just a quick look at your URL and it looks like you have an extra ? in there before the access_token parameter.
The first ? tells it to accept parameters, and then each param is separated by &. You shouldn't need any more ?'s and they may actually cause it to parse incorrectly.

Search Netflix using API without the user being logged in?

I'm trying to search Netflix through their API, but without logging anyone in (because I want to do this on the back-end, not necessarily related to any user action). I'm just starting off with their API so please forgive me if I'm doing something completely stupid. Here's the URL I'm trying to access:
However, that gives me a 400 Bad Request error. Is there no way to browse/search the Netflix catalog without having a user first sign in to my application? Or am I doing something wrong?
Note: I'm accessing said URL through my browser, since I only want to perform a GET request, which is what a browser does by default.
When using OAuth you need to compute a signature for the request, even if you're using 2-legged authentication which just uses your shared-secret and no user token (this means that your application is logged in, but no user is logged in).
If it's an HTTP (as in non-SSL) URL then you need to be using the HMAC-SHA1* signature method rather than PLAINTEXT because you don't want your consumer secret being passed across the wire in plain text.
If they allow an HTTPS URL then you can use the PLAINTEXT method, but you'll still need to calculate it as per and pass that as the oauth_signature query string parameter instead of passing oauth_token_secret. Note that you'll also need to pass oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT as a parameter too.
Also, it might be worth looking at the response that comes back. If they implement the OAuth Problem Reporting extension then that could give you some help with what's wrong.
*or another method that encryptes your shared secret