Ebay API: Connection between "Developer Account" and "Ebay Account" - ebay-api

A am just beginning to familiarize myself with the eBay RESTFUL API, forgive me this basic question, but I found no answer yet.
I have an eBay account since many years ago. I registered a developer account (same eMail address) recently, and I got the Tokens for Sandbox and Production. I have successfully used public APIs like list items, search items, and such, to verify the tokens, by querying some items in eBay.
How do I preceed from here to access data specific to my eBay account, like, for instance, the list of purchases and sales? Somehow I need to connect my app to my live eBay account, I guess, and give my app permissions to read data, but I could not find any matching setting in my eBay account settings nor in the API calls.
Please guide me through the next step: how do I give my app the required permissions, and how do I build a simple read-only query to query, for instance, the items I have purchased.
I think this question does not depend on any programming language, feel free to use any programming language you like.
Many Thanx!

Ok so if we are talking only about Authorization token and calling seller api like orders (in ebay it's called fullfilments i believe).
We need to start with creating User Token.
You can create one here:
Then you need to add ebay redirect URL:
I don't know much about Auth'n'Auth so I will talk only about OAuth
After adding new redirect URL you should add url address for authorization success and failure.
You will be redirected there after authorization.
Now we can test if generation of token works.
For this example i did set my redirect url like that:
We need to click "Test Sign-in" (set radio button to OAuth before)
You should be redirected to website:
You need to sign in with account which have access to sandbox.ebay.com or ebay.com (depends if you are on sandbox or production environment)
After logging in I don't remember if there will be another window with confirmation of App scopes to confirm (I already done it before).
But if that is the case just click confirm button.
Now you should be redirected to https://localhost.com which we did set up as our success redirect url
Url should look like that
That code parameter is much longer btw. And you can see that it's url encoded so you need to decode it before using
And now you are almost at home :D
You have 300 seconds to call a POST request to authorize with that code parameter.
POST https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token
Header required
Remember first screen shot?
You need to go there and get your App ID, Cert ID then concatenate it with ":" then encode it to Base64 and add before that value "Basic " keyword.
In pseudo code it should looks like that:
Authorization:Basic Base64.encode(AppID + ":" + CertID)
Body required
format of Body needs to be "x-www-form-urlencoded" (key:value format basically)
here you need
{code} - is value from success authorization url
{redirect_name} - you can find it on screen below marked with red circle
If you did everything right you should get response from ebay
"access_token": "v^1.1#i^1#r^0VbbxW1wjv4HZGAAA",
"expires_in": 7200,
"refresh_token": "v^1.1#i^1#f^0#r^FDQ=",
"refresh_token_expires_in": 47304000,
"token_type": "User Access Token"
You should save that data, access_token is used for accessing data, refresh_token is used to refresh access_token.
Example request with authToken
GET https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/sell/fulfillment/v1/order?filter=creationdate:[2022-03-31T08:25:43.511Z..]
You need Authroization header:
Authorization:Bearer v^1.1#i^1#r^0VbbxW1wjv4HZGAAA
That's it I guess. To implement that into your app you need to be able to generate the first url which you are redirected to after clicking "Test Sign-in" and that's basically it.
Btw you refresh token like that
POST https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token
Body x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization:Basic Base64.encode(AppID + ":" + CertID)
I hope that will help someone. :)


Spotify API scopes not being recognized - not able to access user info

I am currently implementing a feature that you have the ability to save a song displayed on my iOS application (written with Swift) and this save button allows the song to be appended to the user's Spotify library. According to the Spotify Developer guide, the only scope required for this feature is user-library-modify when authorizing the app with the user. The url to be opened goes like this:
This all works perfectly - the url is opened for the user to approve of the changes my app can make and the callback url with the required code is in the url is opened.
The next step in performing the required function is to get an exact token in order to use the api, which is done by calling the url:
With this url, a json file is returned with the new token and info with it, BUT when looking at the permitted scopes the token has, it is empty:
["scope": , "token_type": Bearer, "access_token": the_token_string, "expires_in": 3600]
Also, when I still try to perform the request it returns:
["error": {
message = "Insufficient client scope";
status = 403;
In this lengthy process, what am I doing wrong? In case you are wondering, here are a few things I have tried without success:
1) Re-listing the scopes in the explicit token request
2)Adding utf-8 encoding to the redirect uri (not sure if this changes anything)
3)Adding many other scopes (although this clearly does not target the problem)
If anyone knows what I am doing wrong or has any suggestions as to what I should try, I am grateful for any helpful response!
I have found my mistake. The grant_type I have entered in my url set to client_credentials. However, this method of accessing the web API only permits the usage of publicly available data, not user info. Therefore, this method of authorization does not accept the parameter scope, forcing the spotify account service to ingnore this additional parameter. The other options DO allow accessing the user data, which are:
authorization_code, and refresh_token
The way this now has to be done is to:
1) Authorize the user regularly (with supplying the scopes) to retrieve the initial authorization code
2) Then, with this code, make the token request, but specifying the grant_type to be set as authorization_code
3) You have then received a valid access_token valid for one hour AND a refresh_token
4) Use the access_token when necessary and when this token expires, make another token request, but this time with the grant_type set as refresh_token and setting the code parameter to the previously gained refresh_token
5) You now have the next access_token and refresh_token
6) Repeat steps 4-5 until infinity

Keycloak - Multi/2FA Factor - OTP - QR Code - Custom Login Screen - Rest API

I have my own Login page where user enters username/password.
This username/password are used to login through Keycloak Rest API.
input - {username,password,grant_type,client_secret,client_id}
And in response i get access token.
Now i wish to enable Authenticator (Google Authenticator). I have enabled it from backend. Now if user wishes to login thorugh my application, my login page i need to get below details.
1.) Somehow i need to include QR Code that appears on keycloak login page post username/password validation to show on my login screen for the first time login once user enter username/password. So do we have any API which return Keycloak QR code image in response.
2.) Subsequent login i will have OTP field, so need a REST api to pass OTP along with username/password.
Please help with REST API if keycloak has any. Integrating through Javascript.
Similar flow as described in use case 1 here
Just want to use keycloak as a database, doing all operation for me, input will be my screen. I do want redirection of URL's while login in and yet should be standalone deployed.
I've managed to implement this through the rest API of Keycloak. To realize this, you need to extend Keycloak yourself with a SPI. To do this create your own Java project and extend org.keycloak.services.resource.RealmResourceProvider and org.keycloak.services.resource.RealmResourceProviderFactory. You can find more information in the official docs (https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/server_development/#_extensions), github examples and other stack overflow posts how to do this.
Once you got this up and running you can implement it like this:
public YourDtoWithSecretAndQr get2FASetup(#PathParam("username") final String username) {
final RealmModel realm = this.session.getContext().getRealm();
final UserModel user = this.session.users().getUserByUsername(username, realm);
final String totpSecret = HmacOTP.generateSecret(20);
final String totpSecretQrCode = TotpUtils.qrCode(totpSecret, realm, user);
return new YourDtoWithSecretAndQr(totpSecret, totpSecretQrCode);
public void setup2FA(#PathParam("username") final String username, final YourDtoWithData dto) {
final RealmModel realm = this.session.getContext().getRealm();
final UserModel user = this.session.users().getUserByUsername(username, realm);
final OTPCredentialModel otpCredentialModel = OTPCredentialModel.createFromPolicy(realm, dto.getSecret(), dto.getDeviceName());
CredentialHelper.createOTPCredential(this.session, realm, user, dto.getInitialCode(), otpCredentialModel);
The secret received with the GET must be send back with the POST. The initial code is the one from your 2FA app (e.g. Google Authenticator). The QR code is a string which can be displayed in an img with src 'data:image/png;base64,' + qrCodeString;
I know this is an old question, but I've recently been looking at something similar, and so thought it would be potentially valuable to share what I have found for others who may be looking into this and wondered what the possibilities are.
You can only really use the existing Keycloak actions to do this or embed the user account management page found at https://{keycloak server URL}/auth/realms/{realm name}/account in an iframe. That's it, I'm afraid. In my opinion it is currently best to just assign actions directly to accounts or use the Credential Reset emails to assign actions; both of these can be done via the Admin API if desired:
Send Credential Reset email containing assigned actions:
Set actions directly on the account (include the actions in the requiredActions portion of the user JSON that you send in the body to the endpoint):
Background is that as part of a project that I have been working on we wanted to see if we could have an integrated way for users to set up their initial password and OTP device when a new account has been created for them, since the default method of sending them an email from Keycloak using the "Credential Reset" functionality has the limitations that a) it doesn't provide a link to the application itself unless you override the theme, and if you have multiple instances of the application for different users you have no way of knowing which instance to provide the link for, so may have to end up including a list of them, and b) it often doesn't feel truly native to the application, even with changes to the theme. If you're sensible though, I'd suggest you stop and just use this functionality - please see the TL;DR section above for details.
So, in short there is NO API endpoint for receiving a QR code to set up an OTP device. There are two places, however, where the QR code can be retrieved from - the OTP device setup screen when you log in as a user who has had a "Configure OTP" action assigned to their account, and the user's own account management screen.
The first option of the Configure OTP action screen is a non-starter. It only shows up when you log in, and so by definition the user has to log in to Keycloak via the Keycloak login page in order to trigger the page to be displayed. At this point you're already on a Keycloak page instead of one of your app's pages, and so unless you can get very creative with changes to these Keycloak pages via a custom theme, tapping into this page isn't really an option.
The second option is more interesting, but far from ideal. Every user who has logged in has access to an account management page that can be found at https://{keycloak server URL}/auth/realms/{realm name}/account. This page allows you to do things like change your name, password, etc. and it also allows you to add an OTP device if you don't already have one, or delete any existing OTP devices associated with your account. This OTP device tab of the account management page can be reached directly via https://{keycloak server URL}/auth/realms/{realm name}/account/totp.
As I mentioned, there isn't an API that you can access to view the QR code that shows up on this page. The only way it is accessible is via the GET request to https://{keycloak server URL}/auth/realms/{realm name}/account/totp, which returns the HTML for the page I've already mentioned. Okay great, so can we scrape the QR code programmatically and then put it in our own page on our application? Err, no, not really. You see, whilst a lot of the Keycloak API endpoints rightly allow you to send a bearer token (e.g. access token) in the authorization header to access and endpoint, this page will not accept a bearer token as a means of authentication/authorization. Instead it uses a session cookie that is locked down to the Keycloak URL. This cookie is set when you log in to your application via the Keycloak login page, and so is available to this account management page when you navigate to it, having already logged in, and since the account management page uses the same server and domain name as the original Keycloak login page, it has access to the cookie and can let you in. This cookie cannot be sent by your application to e.g. your own REST API to then programmatically call the account management page and scrape the QR code, because your application doesn't have access to it for good security reasons. This might be something you can change in Keycloak somewhere, but if there is I would strongly recommend against changing it.
So if we can't scrape the page from our own server, can we do something on the front-end? Well, as mentioned, your application doesn't have access to the session cookie but if you make a request (e.g. using fetch or axios) in your front-end JavaScript to the account management page then that request will send the cookie along with it, so that could work right? Umm, well actually you will get hit with an error message in this scenario due to CORS. CORS is Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing and in order to allow the Keycloak page to be accessed then you would have to open up the settings on the server to allow it to be accessed from your website's address. I've seen some articles that look at how you can open up your CORS settings on Keycloak if you wish but I'd be very nervous about doing this. I don't know enough about the internals of Keycloak and how it operates to comment on how much of a security risk this is, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it. There some information here (Keycloak angular No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present) on changing the "Web Origins" setting of your application's Keycloak client, but this opens up your application to some serious potential abuse. There is also the MAJOR issue that even if you scraped the QR code, the device isn't actually added to the user's account (even though it appears in the authenticator app) until you enter a code into the page that the QR code is on and click Save. Since there isn't an API endpoint that you can use to complete this operation, I therefore don't think that this option is viable either. I've tried out whether or not you can use the token retrieval endpoint at https://{keycloak server URL}/auth/realms/{realm name}/protocol/openid-connect/token to see if making a request with your username/password/otp code will somehow "register" your device and complete the process, but although you can get a token this way, and it doesn't complain about the otp code, it doesn't actually take any notice of the code because as far as it's concerned the user's account doesn't have a device registered with it. So we have to use the form on the account management page in order to complete this registration process.
So the final way of possibly doing this is.... an iframe. Sorry, yeah it's rubbish but that's all your left with. You can have the iframe point at your account management page, and because the user is logged in then they will be able to see the contents from your application's page. You can use relative positioning, fixed width and height and remove scroll bars to ensure that you ONLY show the QR code and the fields for the one time code, device name, and the Save/Cancel buttons. This, sadly, seems to be the only option at the moment, and due to how nasty and unreliable iframes can be in general - they certainly don't feel native to your application, and you'll need to override your Keycloak theme to get the page in question to look more like your app - I'd recommend steering clear of this and using the standard approach of using Keycloak actions and the Admin API instead.
If you've made it this far, congratulations, you win at Stack Overflow :-)

Facebook Login without JSSDK, how to get token if already authorized previously

So I am updating an older desktop app (written in VB, .net 4.0) with facebook integration and followed the guide found here, and have been able to successfully get a token (by parsing the uri of the embedded webview if it contains "token="). Now my problem is if I try to login with a facebook account that has already approved the app in a prior session, the webview just gets redirected to https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html without any token information.
Do I HAVE to log all of the tokens I generate manually (ie on successful token generation, I can call their profile info, use their FB ID as key and save the token)? Even if I do, since the email and password is input directly into the facebook login window, how do I check if the user already has a token?
Thanks in advance
The access token can change any time, you need to get it everytime. After getting the token, I immediately get the user information https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=??? and use that ID to find their database information.
I couldn't quickly find facebook information but on google's oauth information it says "The access token is also associated with a limited scope that define the kind of data the your client application has access to (for example "Manage your tasks"). An important goal for OAuth 2.0 is to provide secure and convenient access to the protected data, while minimizing the potential impact if an access token is stolen."
Ok so I finally figured it out myself. My mistake was apparently requesting the access_token directly (ie https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?response_type=token...) to try and save time.
I fixed it by making a request for a 'code' instead (ie https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?response_type=code), which I then use to make a second request to retrieve an access token as documented here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/login-flow-for-web-no-jssdk/, "Exchanging code for an access token" section a bit lower on the page.
Hope this helps someone in the future, this was very frustrating on my part.

LinkedIn OAuth Request with no Verifier

Hi everyone, i am currently writting a lib to make generic OAuth Requests in C#.
The first part, of getting a Token and a Token secret is working for Twitter and Linkedin already ( RequestTokens ), but as soon as i jump to the Authorization part it does not work for Linkedin,but it does for twitter.
Useful Informations
I am currently using a method to generate AUTHORIZATION_URL for the Request. For Example :
Same for Twitter,using its own url. Both services are getting a correctly generated URL, and the window that pops up when i copy it in the browser is correcly.
After the user hits the button, different things happens depending on the service.
1 - Twitter : The browser redirects me to the Callback Page, and on the url there is a Verifier that i am currently parsing and storing it. Perfect.
2 - LinkedIn : In the sample i have,everything works just as twitter does, but when i use my own lib, there is no redirect for the callback url,instead, i am getting redirected to a url with a oob? tag, and a verifier number is shown in the screen, instead of appearing in the querystring.
What should i do to make sure that the OAuth method i will be using is the Normal one,instead of the Out Of Band method. I am making sure that the CALLBACK URL that i set in the lib, is being used for the Signature on the First Request (REQUEST_TOKEN STEP). Also, twitter works when i do this.
Any idea of whats happening ? Let me know if there is any useful information i can add to make sure that my question will be as complete as possible.
Thanks in advance
I solved it.
I forgot to add the Callback parameter to the Signature in the BaseGenerator,instead, it was commented.
Thanks anyways for everyone

Authorizing for Google ToDo List (AuthToken, secid)

I'm trying to get access to the Google's todo feed with this url:
If I open this in my browser with a correct secid, it shows me right what I want.
Now, the question is: how do I get secid programmatically (specifically, in a java program)? I have access to the authToken (from CalendarService), but I have no clue how to use it to authorize my access to the URL above.
I tried to use the url http://google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin, but I didn't find any examples.
Any help, please?
From what I read secid is a session ID obtained from browser's cookies. Whereas your case uses Java which implies a server app. If that is the case, you want to drop the idea of using secid entirely.
Instead, you want to check out Google's OAuth2 documentation. If you are using Java, most likely you would be interested in the web-server OAuth flow. Pay special attention to the sequence diagrams.
The key steps include:
1) Obtain an authorization code from Google OAuth with the user's consent. For that, you redirect the user to Google with the appropriate scope. Check the list of calendar scopes for your case. Once the user consents, Google redirects back to you with an authorization code.
2) Call Google OAuth with the authorization code and your app's credentials to exchange for an access token.
3) Call Google's Calendar API using the access token.
And if you use Google's Java client as suggested by #ChaosPredictor, chances are some of the steps are already wrapped into the Java client (and your code will be much simpler).