Making a Spring Rest API asynchronous using CompletableFuture - api

I have to expose a ReST API that will perform some operation and write the data in a CSV file. This is a very long running process so I want to make it asynchronous so that when client call this API it will simply return status code 202 and then run in background and write data on the csv file.
I was trying to use CompletableFuture with ResponseEntity<?>.
Is there any better way of implementing this without CompletableFuture?
I have a method createFileInBackground(FileInputData fileData) that will write the data in CSV file.
CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<?>> cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
return cf;
Now the first question is - Will the complete() method run in a separate thread?
The issue which I am facing is that the client receives status code 500 instead of 202. with below exception in log-
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Async support must be enabled on a servlet and for all filters involved in async request processing. This is done in Java code using the Servlet API or by adding "true" to servlet and filter declarations in web.xml.
I am not using Spring Boot.
Any help would be highly appreciated.


WL.Server.invokeProcedure calls GET/POST method

We are using WL.Server.invokeProcedure to call procedure between two Javascript adapters. Basically we are doing adapter mashup.
How Mobilefirst calls WL.Server.invokeProcedure procedure either GET or POST.
responseData = WL.Server.invokeProcedure({
adapter: "ServiceAdapter",
procedure: "storeDocuments",
parameters: [params],
The above code doesn't have method parameter. We are facing issue for large payload where procedure calling fails for large JSON parameter object.
Is there any other way to pass large payload.
When adapter mashup happens, adapter1 constructs a REST url of adapter2 and fires it. This call will reach adapter2 as if originating from an external client.
You can try out the JNDI property mfp.adapter.invocation.url and set a local url here , such that REST call stays internal to the system . This way the calls should execute faster and you should be able to carry more payload.
Set the JNDI property with a locally accessible URL including the context root.
For example:
Modify the value to suit your environment.
More details here.

Capture start of long running POST MVC4

I have a subroutine in my Controller
Sub Index(Id, varLotsOfData)
'Point B.
'By the time it gets here - all the data has been accepted by server.
What I would like to do it capture the Id of the inbound POST and mark, for example, a database record to say "Id xx is receiving data"
The POST receive can take a long time as there is lots of data.
When execution gets to point B I can mark the record "All data received".
Where can I place this type of "pre-POST completed" code?
I should add - we are receiving the POST data from clients that we do not control - that is, it is most likely a client's server sending the data - not a webbrowser client that we have served up from our webserver.
UPDATE: This is looking more complex than I had imagined.
I'm thinking that a possible solution would be to inspect the worker processes in IIS programatically. Via the IIS Manager you can do this for example - How to use IIS Manager to get Worker Processes (w3wp.exe) details information ?
From your description, you want to display on the client page that the method is executing and you can show also a loading gif, and when the execution completed, you will show a message to the user that the execution is completed.
The answer is simply: use SignalR
here you can find some references
Getting started with signalR 1.x and Mvc4
Creating your first SignalR hub MVC project
Hope this will help you
If I understand your goal correctly, it sounds like HttpRequest.GetBufferlessInputStream might be worth a look. It allows you to begin acting on incoming post data immediately and in "pieces" rather than waiting until the entire post has been received.
An excerpt from Microsoft's documentation:
...provides an alternative to using the InputStream propertywhich waits until the whole request has been received. In contrast, the GetBufferlessInputStream method returns the Stream object immediately. You can use the method to begin processing the entity body before the complete contents of the body have been received and asynchronously read the request entity in chunks. This method can be useful if the request is uploading a large file and you want to begin accessing the file contents before the upload is finished.
So you could grab the beginning of the post, and provided your client-facing page sends the ID towards the beginning of its transmission, you may be able to pull that out. Of course, this would be reading raw byte data which would need to be decoded so you could grab the inbound post's ID. There's also a buffered one that will allow the stream to be read in pieces but will also build a complete request object for processing once it has been completely received.
Create a custom action filter,
Action Filters for executing filtering logic either before or after an action method is called. Action Filters are custom attributes that provide declarative means to add pre-action and post-action behavior to the controller's action methods.
Specifically you'll want to look at the
OnActionExecuted – This method is called after a controller action is executed.
Here are a couple of links:
Here is a lab, but I think it's C#

Optimize API call in Symfony

How optimize an API call in symfony?
I call with Guzzle bundle, but the time in some situations is very long.
In client application call a function from the server.
In server application extract the objects from the database and send back to the client.
In client creat the new object with properties from server respons.
One of the ways to improve your API calls is to use caching. In Symfony there are many different ways to achieve this. I can show you one of them (PhpFileCache example):
In services.yml create cache service:
class: Doctrine\Common\Cache\PhpFileCache
arguments: ["%kernel.cache_dir%/path_to/your_cache_dir", ".your.cached_file_name.php"]
(Remember, you need Doctrine extension in your app to work)
Then pass your caching service your_app.cache_provider to any service where you need caching:
Again in your services.yml:
class: AppBundle\Services\YourService
arguments: ['#your_app.cache_provider']
Finally, in your service (where you want to perform API caching):
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider;
class YourService
private $cache;
public function __construct(CacheProvider $cache)
$this->cache = $cache;
public function makeApiRequest()
$key = 'some_unique_identifier_of_your_cache_record';
if(!$data = $this->cache->fetch($key))
$data = $provider->makeActualApiCallHere('http://some_url');
$this->cache->save($key, serialize($data), 10800); //10800 here is amount of seconds to store your data in cache before its invalidated, change it to your needs
return $data; // now you can use the data
This is quite GENERIC example, you should change it to your exact needs, but idea is simple. You can cache data and avoid unnecessary API calls to speed things up. Be careful though, because cache has drawback of presenting stale(obsolete) data. Some things can (and should) be cached, but some things don't.
If you control the server
You should put a cache reverse proxy like Varnish on top of your PHP server. The PHP app must send HTTP cache headers to tell to the proxy how many time it must cache the request. Alternatively, you can use a library like FOSHttpCache to setup a cache invalidation strategy (the PHP server will purge the cache from the proxy when an update of the data occurs - it's a more advanced and complex scenario).
The PHP server will not even be called if the requested resource is in the reverse proxy cache.
You should also use a profiler like or xhprof to find why some parts of your PHP code (or your SQL queries) take so many time to be executed, then optimize.
If you control the client
You can use this HTTP cache middleware for Guzzle to cache every API result according to HTTP headers sent by the API.

how can i call a worklight's SQL adapter on the load event of a html page

I have an existing SQL adapter used to get some data from the DB server, a simple query that returns a language.
I want to call it from an HTML page, to display the page in the language returned from the adapter.
I'm trying to call it before the dojoConfig object is created because it sets the locale, that then it's used by dojo to do the internationalization work. Is there a way to call the adapter synchronously so it executes before the dojo configuration happens? I mean to catch either the success or failure response before a dojoConfig object is created.
How could i invoke it?
Worklight APIs can only be used once wlCommonInit has been called.
If you can delay/postpone/set dojoConfig on the success callback of the adapter call, then this may be your way out of the problem you have encountered.

Async ActionResult implementation is blocking

Here I have an MVC 4 application and I am trying to create an Asynchronous ActionResult with in that.
Objective : User has a download PDF Icon on the WebPage, and downloading takes much of time. So while server is busy generating the PDF, the user shall be able to perform some actions in webpage.
(clicking "download PDF" link is sending and ajax request to the server, server is fetching some data and is pushing back the PDF)
What is happening is while I call the ajax to download the PDF it starts the process, but blocks every request until and unless it returns back to the browser. That is simple blocking request.
What I have tried so far.
1) Used AsyncController as a base class of controller.
2) Made the ActionResult to an async Task DownloadPDF(), and here I wrapped the whole code/logic to generate PDF into a wrapper. This wrapper is eventually an awaitable thing inside DownloadPDF()
something like this.
public async Task<ActionResult> DownloadPDF()
string filepath = await CreatePDF();
//create a file stream and return it as ActionResult
private async Task<string> CreatePDF()
// creates the PDF and returns the path as a string
return filePath;
YES, the Operations are session based.
Am I missing some thing some where?
Objective : User has a download PDF Icon on the WebPage, and downloading takes much of time. So while server is busy generating the PDF, the user shall be able to perform some actions in webpage.
async will not do this. As I describe in my MSDN article, async yields to the ASP.NET runtime, not the client browser. This only makes sense; async can't change the HTTP protocol (as I mention on my blog).
However, though async cannot do this, AJAX can.
What is happening is while I call the ajax to download the PDF it starts the process, but blocks every request until and unless it returns back to the browser. That is simple blocking request.
AFAIK, the request code you posted is completely asynchronous. It is returning the thread to the ASP.NET thread pool while the PDF is being created. However, there are several other aspects to concurrent requests. In particular, one common hangup is that by default the ASP.NET session state cannot be shared between multiple requests.
1) Used AsyncController as a base class of controller.
This is unnecessary. Modern controllers inspect the return type of their actions to determine whether they are asynchronous.
YES, the Operations are session based.
It sounds to me like the ASP.NET session is what is limiting your requests. See Concurrent Requests and Session State. You'll have to either turn it off or make it read-only in order to have concurrent requests within the same session.