How to have multiple vue applications in one project - vue.js

Where I work we have one .net web site with 3 different mvc areas which are for each type of user we work with. Clients, Recruiters and Employees. I'd like to recreate this in vue where it's one vue project but a separate client app, recruiter app and employee app. Using the vue.config.js file I'm able to do that.
const { defineConfig } = require('#vue/cli-service')
module.exports = defineConfig({
transpileDependencies: true,
pages: {
app1: {
entry: 'src/clients/main.js',
template: 'public/client.html',
filename: 'client.html',
title: 'Clients',
chunks: ['chunk-vendors', 'chunk-common', 'index']
app2: {
entry: 'src/recruiters/main.js',
template: 'public/recruiter.html',
filename: 'recruiter.html',
title: 'Recruiters',
chunks: ['chunk-vendors', 'chunk-common', 'index']
This works fine when I build a production version of the site with the cli. However I cannot get it to work properly when I run the local dev version. Here's a screenshot of my project (using webstorm).
Before I set up all of the separate apps, when I would run vue-cli-service serve the public index.html file would get the main.js file from the src folder injected into it. I am trying to get the same thing happening for the Clients and Recruiters folder where the recruiters/main.js file get injected into the public/recruiter.html file and so on for clients. For now, I'm guessing because of the vue.config.js file, it no longer injects the src/main.js into the public/index.html file.
Is there a setting for the cli to do this? Or a config file I'm missing?


How to uglify a js file upon building the vue project

I have a VUE2 project and in the public folder I created an iframe.html file that will be loaded in an iframe.
That iframe will also load a javascript.js file that I want encoded/uglified upon "npm run build" but I also want to be able to access it during dev.
How could I proceed?
Should this js file be placed inside the /src/assets/ folder and referenced from the iframe.html file? If yes, any advice?
Or should it stay in the public folder and upod the dist folder being built, encode it with something.
Any solution is welcome, thanks in advance!
Edit: Here are further details of how I use the iframe.
First, I'm referencing the .vue file in the router like so:
path: "/pages/:id/edit",
name: "edit",
component: () => import("../views/Edit.vue"),
Next, in the Edit.vue file, I add the iframe like so (note how it's referencing iframe.html that is in the public directory):
Next, in the iframe.html it's just normal html code, with this part including the javascript.js file (that actually is in the public folder as well for now)
<script src="javascript.js"></script>
You can explicitly include the .js file in your Webpack config by adding a rule for UglifyJsPlugin:
npm i -D uglifyjs-webpack-plugin
const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
optimization: {
minimizer: [
new UglifyJsPlugin({
include: /\/regex-for-file/,
minimize: true
In Vue.config.js, this might look like:
configureWebpack: {
plugins : [
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
uglifyOptions: {
include: /\/regex-for-file/,
minimize: true
Another option is to use uglify-es; this would allow you to get even more explicit by specifying from where to copy the file during build (assuming you might want the file located outside of src/):
npm i -D uglify-es // CopyWebpackPlugin ships w/ Vue's Webpack conf by default
const UglifyJS = require('uglify-es');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const resolveAbs = (dir) => resolve(__dirname, dir);
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
from: resolveAbs('../external'),
from: resolveAbs('../src/custom-build-path'),
transform: (content, path) => UglifyJS.minify(content.toString()).code;
To be able to access it during dev, you can include the path of the js file (relative to your Vue src directory) using the resolve.alias option in the config (so you don't need to deal with possibly ridiculous relative paths in your project). Finally, you can look into webpack's HTML plugin docs for info on importing an external index.html file if needed
I would recommend not putting it in static; by default it will not be minified and built if placed in that directory.
Update/edit: Sorry, I saw a 'uglify' and just assumed you wanted uglify js. As long as the script is in your Vue project directory (or otherwise specified in the Webpack config) the file should be minified during build. Vue has pretty smart defaults for Webpack; assuming the iframe is being referenced somewhere in the app i.e. the dependency graph it will be built.

Multi page VueJS / Express asset issue on production

I'm trying to deploy a VueJS/Express app to Heroku which consists of two App.vue instances using the 'pages' option on vue.config.js. One for the homepage, and then a seperate Vue app for the Saas app itself. Everything works locally in development, but I'm struggling with the server settings in Express for production on Heroku.
When I go to the page 'app' at looking at the sources tab in DevTools the app.js and app.css files returned are both the actual HTML of app.html, hence the app not loading.
The homepage works fine and is calling the 'index' page as expected.
Here is my vue.config.js
module.exports = {
pages: {
index: {
entry: 'src/pages/index/main.js',
template: 'public/index.html',
chunks: ['chunk-vendors', 'chunk-common', 'index']
app: {
entry: 'src/pages/app/main.js',
template: 'public/app.html',
chunks: ['chunk-vendors', 'chunk-common', 'app']
And the relevant production settings in Express;
const history = require('connect-history-api-fallback');
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'){
rewrites: [{
from: /\/app/,
to: '/app.html'
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../../client/dist')))
I've tried adding <base href="/ "> to the HTML templates, as well as <base href="/app/" > but to no avail, as suggested in other answers I've found. Also the publicPath webpack option doesn't work for multiple pages as noted in the VueJS docs.
Removing the history redirect setting in Express allows me to navigate to - which works, however as soon as I refresh the page it redirects back to the 'index' page.
Any help would be great, I've exhausted my Googling skills.
I managed to work it out, incase anyone has the same issue in future.
The connect-history-api-fallback package needed to provided with the htmlAcceptHeaders option to only rewrite the html location, and not the JS/CSS assets.
rewrites: [{
from: /\/app/,
to: '/app/index.html'
htmlAcceptHeaders: ['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../../client/dist')))

how to override vue cli-service entry settings

I'm trying to integrate a vue project that I built with the vue cli into an existing .net app. I'm very new to vue, so I'm trying to follow guides and such, but am left with lots of questions.
While trying to compile this, I found that the vue cli-service node module has the following for setting the main.js file located in it's base.js file.
.filename(isLegacyBundle ? '[name]-legacy.js' : '[name].js')
I need to override this since my .net app doesn't have a src directory and the usage of this vue app won't follow that path structure. I'm not seeing a way to do it in my vue.config.js file. I would expect that if I can override it, that would be the spot.
I could overwrite the base.js file where this exists, but when a co-worker runs npm install, they would get the default value rather than what I have. The only option I see there is checking in all the node modules to git which we really don't want to do.
For anyone in a similar situation, I found what worked for me. It's not the ideal solution due to the fact that it forces you to build into a js folder. That resulted in the file being put in Scripts\build\vue\js. Would be nice to be able to just dump it in the vue folder, but at least this works. Code below.
module.exports = {
publicPath : "/",
outputDir: "Scripts/build/vue", //where to put the files
// Modify Webpack config
chainWebpack: config => {
// Not naming bundle 'app'
config.entryPoints.delete('app'); //removes what base.js added
// Overriding webpack config
configureWebpack: {
// Naming bundle 'bundleName'
entry: {
quote: './Scripts/Quote/index.js' //where to get the main vue app js file
optimization: {
splitChunks: false
filenameHashing: false,
pages: {
quoteApp: { //by using pages, it allowed me to name the output file quoteApp.js
entry: './Scripts/Quote/index.js',
filename: 'index.html'

Webpack Cannot Resolve node_modules lazy assets

I'm working on a vuejs project and we're trying to use external vue cli applications as libraries. In these libraries we want to be able to export a router config, which lazy loads the components within one of these modules. However when we compile this using the vue-cli-service into a library and it's got lazy chunk assets we cannot resolve them with webpack.
I have a feeling its something to do with the public path, or some simple configuration but i'm just stuck and banging my head against a wall at this stage with it.
Here's a simple overview of what we're doing
App1 -> main app, installs App2, imports { router } from 'app2'
App2 -> library, compiles to common js lib exports router config
The console output from app1
The router configuration from app2
The router importing app2 from app1
/* config.module.rule('js') */
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: [
function () { /* omitted long function */ }
use: [
/* config.module.rule('js').use('cache-loader') */
loader: 'cache-loader',
options: {
cacheDirectory: '/Users/evan/test/node_modules/.cache/babel-loader',
cacheIdentifier: '39e7e586'
/* config.module.rule('js').use('babel-loader') */
loader: 'babel-loader'
I think I know what the problem is.
It appears that you're suffering from the fact that the default config of webpack bundled with VueJS does not support what you are trying to accomplish. In fact, it may very well be that Webpack does not support what you are trying to accomplish #2471 #6818 #7843.
When you compile app2 into UMD and try to use it within app1 by importing the UMD, the dynamic imports of app2 are not being resolved and are thus not copied over to the publicPath of app1. Since it is a dynamic import, compilation succeeds to the point where you can deploy the app. When you try to load the app however, it starts complaining that chunks are missing.
Here's one way to solve this problem:
"name": "app2",
"main": "src/router.js"
const Hey = () => import(/*webpackChunkName: 'app2.Hello.vue' */ './components/HelloWorld.vue')
export default [
path: '/app2',
component: Hey,
name: 'app2.hey'
import app2Router from 'app2'
import Home from './views/Home.vue'
export default new Router([
mode: 'history',
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: Home
By marking the main or module of app2/package.json as router.js instead of the the UMD bundle, you are forcing app1 to build the whole dependency graph and include any dynamic import that is detected. This in turn causes the dependencies to be copied over properly.
You could also achieve the exact same results by using
import app2Router from 'app2/src/router'
Supposedly, this issue is now fixed in Webpack 5

ASP.Net vNext structure and development flow

I've recently downloaded VS15 CTP-6 to get the feeling of how to develop the next generation VS projects, but having trouble figuring out the development flow I should be following with this separation of code and wwwroot.
The way I understand it is this (Angular project):
Develop views, css and js.
Use grunt tasks to uglify and copy css and js to wwwroot folder.
Browse wwwroot as a local IIS site to see the changes.
When wwwroot is ready for production, copy its content.
But if I find a problem during step 3, how can I find its origin given that the js and css are minified ?
Surely I'm wrong, so should I create another copy of wwwroot for development, without the minification?
You should use grunt task to uglify/minify your code when you're ready to go in production
And use an other grunt task to copy your code when you're in dev
Or you can use uglify with 2 target: 1 to uglify and 1 to beautify:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
bower: {
install: {
options: {
targetDir: "wwwroot/lib",
layout: "byComponent",
cleanTargetDir: false
uglify: {
ugli_target: {
files: {
"wwwroot/scripts/chat.js": ["Scripts/chat.js"]
beauty_target: {
options: {
beautify: {
beautify: true
mangle: false,
sourceMap: true
files: {
"wwwroot/scripts/chat.js": ["Scripts/chat.js"]
// This command registers the default task which will install bower packages into wwwroot/lib
grunt.registerTask("default", ["bower:install"]);
// The following line loads the grunt plugins.
// This line needs to be at the end of this this file.