Scalelite Nginx Service in docker - no valid ssl certificate - ssl

I am running a scalelite service with greenlight as a frontend service.
Greenlight cannot connect to scalelite due to 443 connection error.
When I try to connect to scalelite api manually there is an PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR.
I think there is a problem with a certificate.
Can somebody help me please.
Thanks a lot
Find an solution of the connection error


Not able to reach managed server over ssl (https)

I am able to reach my weblogic console over https connection but when I try to launch developer console that is setup as a managed server in the weblogic domain, it fails. However, I can reach the dev console over http port without any issues.
I checked the validity of certs installed my keystore and configured to enable ssl port in managed servers. I am not sure what I am missing here. Please advice if I am missing any additional checks/setups.
For eg,
http://<>:9005/console - works on http
https://<>:9009/edq - does not work on https
I verified from console that ports are right and ssl ports are enabled.

Connection refused in SoapU, but not python

I'm setting up a server with a couple of web services in Jboss 4.2.2. When I disable the SSL verification on the connector, all calls go through in SoapUI as well from a python script containing the same payload as the SoapUI script.
But when I enable the SSL verification with a connected keystore on the connector, all requests from SoapUI gets refused, with the following error:
Error getting response; org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to https://1...8:2443 refused
My python-script still runs and successfully recieves the response as expected.
I have also linked the same keystore to the SSL settings in SoapUI, but without luck. I'm not familiar enough with SoapUI to know what I'm missing.
Anyone got an idea?
2443 isn't the default https connector port. Check it out on your server configuation. You can check the ports on which jboss is listening too using netstat, or directly use telnet to probe the connection.

WCF HTTPS OpenSSL failed to connect write:errno=54

I've a WCF project and just started to integrate endpoints listening to https.
For testing I've created a self-signed certificate using this
The certificate is valid:
Now I'm trying to consume the services that are listening to https, but the connection via OpenSSL command line tools fails:
Also the -debug switch does not give any information.
Furthermore I've configured wcf tracing in order to resolve the error.
This gives me only information about the endpoint is listening to https but not anything about the connection error.
Can you please help me?
There was an issue with the certificate.
I've now created a CA certificate, intermediate (in order to support 2-step-validation) and the service certificate.
Furthermore it was necessary to link the certificate with the port of the service using netsh (netsh http add sslcert ipport=[your_port] certhash=[hash_of_cert] appid=[uuid]

How to setup puppet master as a node

Currently I have a master and agent working on separate Centos 6.5 VMs. I would like to be able to configure my own master as I will be tearing down and making a new master every time.
How can I get puppet agent --test --noop to work on my master machine as well?
Currently I receive an error:
Error: Could not request certificate: 502 "Proxy Error ( The specified Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port is not allowed. ISA Server is not configured to allow SSL requests from this port. Most Web browsers use port 443 for SSL requests. )"
SSL requests seem to be setup for port 443. Any thoughts?
Thank you very much!
Credit to Felix Frank, mr_tron
Issue seemed to be solved by removing http_proxy declaration in .bashrc file and anywhere else
Puppet Master now able to act as an agent
Thank you,

Do I need to install SSL on my server?

I have a virtual server with a few websites on it. To be honest I know next to nothing about SSL. When Itry to log in to my servers Web Host Manager or any of my sites Cpanels I get a screen (In chrome) saying "This website is not trusted". Is this because the server needs to have SSL installed on it?
Maybe it's not even to do with SSL, but any explanation is appreciated.
SSL secures your conecction between your browser and the server. If you have important data there you should install SSL to protect your connection from "sniffing".
SSL is network protocol so you have to install it or enable it on the server.
here is resource for installing/enabling SSL on Apache server:
and here is how to install/enable SSL on IIS: