Keycloak migration from v8 to v18 - migration

We have a requirement to migrate keycloak from v8 to v18.
Can someone please suggest how to start migration ?
Any reference links/document for migration step?
Do's and Don't ?
Thanks !

Keycloak migration guide is located here.


Quick start installtion for prestashop

we have some issues to create a prestashop quickstart package, we change many files but not getting any success, we request you any author available on this platform who has already done this process, please help us to make an this quickstart package, we highly appreciate your help.
Thank you very much

How to integrate TOSCA with github

I have just started using TOSCA. Currenly using version 11.2.
I would like to ask can we integrate TOSCA with github to store the repository?
if yes, then how can we do it?
which version to use for this ?
I would suggest using the latest version available and then connect to GitHub as described here:

Install B2B Customer module (deprecated). In VirtoCommerce

B2B Custumer module give migration error after install and restart module.
My Virtocommerce platform version is 2.13.35 community.
I hope some can help you to solve this error.
Thanks In Advance...
As you said, this module is obsolete and is no longer supported.
All the necessary b2b functionality is built into other modules in the new version platform.

Plugin or upgrade for interspire isc

Has anyone got or created an upgrade to Sagepay v3 for the old Interspire ISC ? We need it to keep an existing site working while we build its replacement.
There is a new Unofficial upgrade for Interspire Shopping Cart version 7 at Hope that helps. There is also an addon shop at

Is it possible to restore course backup from Moodle 2.x to Moodle 1.9(8)?

So that is the question. I need it because I create my course in Moodle 2.1 but there is Moodle 1.9 installed in my University. So I need the way to export/restore my course to older Moodle version. Thanx for any help.
From my knowledge, it's not possible to restore a 2.X backup to 1.9.