Display mobile menu on desktop Prestashop 1.7 - prestashop

I would like to display the mobile menu on desktop, but I can't do it.
I would like display the burger menu, and when I click, the menu appears to the left.
Someone can help me ? Thanks a lot
This is the menu I want to show on desktop


How to remove Desktop tab in KDE Plasma

I would like to remove the Desktop tab from KDE Plasma desktop environment and get rid of the context menu. Is there a way to do this ?
Hi Chris, Thanks for the reply. I am running KDE 4.14.8. I am not seeing what you are describing. The context menu is the menu when you right click on the desktop. I think you are calling it "desktop menu". My original snapshot show that menu. That menu changed depending what desktop theme I selected. I could not find anything call Configure Desktop. The closest thing to that would be Default Desktop Setting and there is not there about the Tweaks tab. The project that I am working on is kind of mission critical. It would be just a plain desktop without anything. The only thing the user can do is log on, does his job and log off. All the things that can distract the user will be removed. I got most of them except for this pesky toolbox.
To remove the toolbox:
right-click on desktop to get the desktop menu
select Configure Desktop, a dialog appears
switch to Tweaks tab
uncheck Show the desktop toolbox
You can also drag it to a corner (when widgets are unlocked), then it will not show the current activity name, but will still be accessible.

creating a horizontal menu in social engine php

I have created a menu and inserted the generic menu widget onto a newly created page. I think by default it gives a verticle menu. I have tried various css codes found on the web to change it to a horizontal menu, but upon saving and refreshing the page I am not seeing any changes.
Can anyone advise me as to how I enable my generic menu to display the navigation links horizontally instead of vertically?
If I delete the menu and insert an html widget with code and links for a horizontal menu, other items such as my mini menu and footer menu display differently.
Thank you for your time

Windows desktop showing or focused

Is there a way to tell if the desktop is focused or showing? I want to know if the desktop is double clicked on.

Template 10:Hamburger Basic UI

I am developing a UWP app and I would like to make it look like the ms news app so just like in the news app when I click the Hamburger button it should not shift the title of the page to its right side rather it should do nothing to the title side.
What I get:
What I want:
Also Secondly what should I do so after clicking the hamburger button when the pane is opened and I click on anywhere other than the Panel like on the grid or on PageHeader the Hamburger control should close automatically just like in the news app.
Got it done by doing this:
<Controls:HamburgerMenu x:Name="MyHamburgerMenu"

Change Icon on Task Bar for VB.net

I have a program in vb.net which is ready to be published.
Its a small detail, but I'd like to change the icon on both the published app shortcut on my desktop, but more importantly on my taskbar (like where the chrome circle shows up).
Is there any way to accomplish this?
To change the main icon for your application, go to the "Application" tab under the project property page, and change the "Icon:" combo box.