Way around the bcp/freebcp queryout Long Query String error - bcp

It's an old bug fixed in Microsoft's Q279180, that can no longer be viewed. In fact, you get that sardonic response from them.
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I'm working with a very restricted read-only sources (SQL Server DBs) and no root access to mod client options on Unix; so my idea was to use the freebcp from FreeTds in the queryout mode to submit a joined sql for an extract. And of course this won't allow anything above some puny 100 characters for a query text.
Wonder, if anyone has found a way around it.


Possible SQL Injection with redirect to webpage if injected query is correct

Under the authorization of my friend, I am testing his website against potential vulnerabilities.
I was trying to find if I was able to inject a SQL query into a POST request parameter hi' or 1=1 --:
I found that the document prints out:
<div class="error">index job,query: syntax error, unexpected '-' near '-'</div>
while with ' or 0=0 -- I get:
<div class="error">index job,query: syntax error, unexpected '|' near ' | 0=0) --'</div>
does this mean that it's vulnerable to SQL Injection? If yes, how can I make it print server system data (like information, etc.)? By the way, if the string is correct it gets redirected to another webpage (I think that's why SQLMap tells me the parameter is not SQL-injectable).
EDIT: I can see the query works just if the URL gets redirected, but I won't see the query output. If the URL doesn't get redirected, I can see these SQL query errors. I'm trying to see how to get the output and do something more useful to attack the website, or even make it detectable from sqlmap.
The current command I'm using is sqlmap -r thework.txt -p query --dbs. thework.txt contains the full valid POST request.
SQL injection isn't only about malicious attacks that read data or change data on your site.
The majority of SQL injections are simply errors like the one you saw. They might not even be malicious. What if you have an SQL injection vulnerability that simply causes an error when someone wants to register their last name as "O'Reilly"? The user is well-intentioned, but your site breaks when they use their real name.
That's reason enough to detect and fix cases of SQL injection in your code.
You didn't post your code that builds the SQL query from this input, so what you have shown is only circumstantial evidence. But I do infer that you are copying a GET input into your SQL query without proper escaping or the preferred method, using a query parameter.
Wish I had 50 reps so I could put this in comments. But yes the site is most likely vulnerable. To be sure ask your friend to allow you to run an initial exploit.
sqlmap.py -u < Target Address> --dbs
If you successfully pull up the data base you have found the vulnerability or at least have confirmed there is a vulnerability.

How to use this weird .sql file?

I have a very strange 'reload.sql' file that I need to use to build a database.
It references about 200 XXX.dat files with straight-up readable data (although useless without explanations regarding the meaning of the fields).
I have tried msssql server, mysql workbench (on a server local-hosted on wamp), and directly accessing it through DBeaver and IBConsole, but I cannot manage to execute/build it.
It uses a weird syntax. There are elements like
that hinted me towards T-SQL, but using sqlcmd on it gave me thousands upon thousands of errors regarding keywords.
Specifically, the very first batch of executable lines says
SET OPTION date_order = 'YMD'
SET OPTION PUBLIC.preserve_source_format = 'OFF'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION tsql_outer_joins = 'ON'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION st_geometry_describe_type = 'binary'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION st_geometry_on_invalid = 'Ignore'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION non_keywords = 'attach,compressed,detach,kerberos,nchar,nvarchar,refresh,varbit'
which generates about 150 errors 'Incorrect syntax near OPTION keyword' on its own, and according to google is part of a 'rexx' procedure but 'date_order' should then be 'DATFMT', right?
Another track is that of SyBase, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work (through my trials I did manage to build a .db file, that, well, is useless to me since I can't build it either..).
I've tried accessing it through ODBC pilots as well but none worked (the paradox ODBC did not crash, but said there was an error with a FROM clause, which are generated automatically...).
I need to know a way to build a database from this file or directly access the data it references, which I can't really post since it contains private medical data.
Also what madman came up with this.
The very first google link (for me anyway) against 'st-geometry-describe-option' shows this is a SAP SQL Anywhere database i.e. http://dcx.sybase.com/1200/en/dbadmin/st-geometry-describe-option.html
So I would suggest starting from the SQL Anywhere documentation and you will need to install the database software beforehand.

How to run an oracle query in linux with a table like output

I'm totally new in running sql queries in linux and I'm having a hard time dealing with it's output.
So I managed to access my database in oracle in linux and trying to run a simple query right now:
I'm expecting it to be in a table-like output but instead i got this:
Any Help would be much appreciated. By the way, I'm accessing my Oracle server through putty. I don't know if that helps in anything.
--forgot to mention that I also use sqlplus. Don't know if that would make any difference
Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of Oracle.
Viewing large amounts of data (especially "wide" data) through sqlplus has always been less than pretty. Even back in the 1990s Oracle rival Ingres had a rather nice isql which made a much better fist of this, although the flipside of that was using isql to spool to a data file (no headers and trimmings, etc) was slightly harder. I think the rather primitive nature of SQLPLus is why TOAD/SQL*Developer etc have become popular.
To make the output easier to read, you need to learn the basics of sqlplus formatting, in particular SET LINES, PAGES, TRIMSPOOL, TAB, and the COLUMN formatting command.
Use COLUMN to control the formatting of each column.
One possible option is to use SET MARKUP and spool to a file, which formats the output as HTML table, but then you need a HTML viewer/browser to view the results.
On PuTTY your options are limited, but if you have xterm and can invoke the browser on Linux, you might find something like a shell script:
sqlplus un/pw #the_file
firefox the_output.html
Contents of the_file.sql:
spool the_output.html
SELECT * FROM user_objects;
spool off
If you have a share between the Linux system where the the_output.html resides and can mount that on WIndows, you could run the query on Linux with MARKUP oN, spool to the share, then click refresh on the Browser.
Clunky, and not really what you want, but try it and see what you get.
It displays the entire column that's it.
You can format your column before running the query with the below:
e.g.: format my column to display 10 characters only
column IN_01 format a10
There are some basic configuration tricks that you should apply when using SQLplus. A basic set of parameters would be something like this:
set pagesize 50000
set linesize 135
set long 50000
set trimspool on
set tab off
All these should be placed in a login.sql file which should be in the directory you are launching sqlplus from.
This will solve your current problem, but for further reading I suggest checking out this page: Configuring sqlplus.

Return Active Directory jpegPhoto attribute in LDAP SQL query from SSMS in SQL Server

I've hit a brick wall on this issue and I can't seem to find or work out what is going wrong or find an answer to my problem ... I'm totally new to querying Active Directory, so I am hoping I've not done something that will warrant slapping my forehead when points me towards the solution!
So, I've uploaded images into both thumbnailPhoto and jpegPhoto and I can see in ADSI Edit that these do have a value.
I've set up a linked server (named ActiveDirectory) on our 2008 R2 Database Server and I can successfully query this and return results. If I run the query below, it returns the values fine, but once I uncomment the jpegPhoto line (commented out in the code below), I get the error ...
Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider "ADSDSOObject" for linked server "ActiveDirectory". Could not convert the data value due to reasons other than sign mismatch or overflow.
The query runs correctly with jpegPhoto uncommented if the contents of that field are never populated in the returning result set.
-- ,jpegPhoto
FROM OpenQuery (
') AS AD
WHERE cn = 'username'
It seems strange to me that the result can be returned from the OpenQuery (I've tried OpenRowset to no avail), it fails outside of that it seems.
I have also tried all manner of CAST and CONVERT, but I'm at a loss now as to how I can actually get the contents of this field returned in my query (which I am just attempting to run in SQL Server Management Studio.
Has anyone come across this issue and overcome it?
I'm definitely hoping so!!
Thanks in advance!!
Old issue I know but for those finding this on the googles.
As far as I can tell, for thumbnailPhoto, OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Directory Services is limited to 4k field sizes. This means if you upload a teenytiny photo, it works.
For jpegPhoto, there is a difference in the field type -
thumbnailPhoto is single valued and has a upper-Range of 102400 bytes.
jpegPhoto on the other hand is multivalued and doesn’t enforce an upper-Range
And, according to other pages on the internet -
The ADSI provider for SQL Server is rather limited - not supporting multi-valued attributes is one of those limitations.

Sync Framework between SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server CE

I'm working with a moderately sized database of about 60,000 records. I am working on building a mobile application which will be able to check out a single table into a compact .sdf on for viewing and altering on the device, then allow the user to sync their changes back up with the main server and receive any new information.
I have set it up with the Sync Framework using a WCF Service Library. When setting up the connection for some reason the database won't let me check "Use SQL Server Change Tracking" and throws up the error:
"'Unable to initialize the client database, because the schema for table 'Inventory' could >not be retrieved by the GetSchema() method of DbServerSyncProvider. Make sure that you can >establish a connection to the client database and that either the >SelectIncrementalInsertsCommand property or the SelectIncrementalUpdatesCommand property of >the SyncAdapter is specified correctly."
So I leave it unchecked and set it to use some already created columns "AddDateTime" and "LastEditTime" it seems to work okay, and after a massive amount of tweaking I have it partially working. The changes on the device sync up perfectly with the database, updates, deletes, all get applied. However, changes on the server side...never get updated. I've made sure everything is set up right with the bidirectional setup so that shouldn't be the problem. And, I let it sit overnight so the database received ~500 new records, this morning it actually synced the latest 24 entries to the database...out of 500 new. So that should be further proof that it's able to receive information from the server, but for all useful purposes, it's not.
I've tried pretty much everything and I'm honestly getting close to losing it. If anyone has any ideas they can throw out I can chase after I would be most grateful.
I'm not sure if I just need to go back and figure out why I can't do it with the "SQL Server Change Tracking". Or if there is a simple explanation for why it's not actually syncing 99% of the changes on the server back to the client.
Also, the server database table schema can't be altered as a lot of other services use it. But the compact database can be whatever the heck in needs to be to just store the table and sync properly in both directions.
Thank you!!
Quick Overview:
Using WCF and syncing without SQL Server Change Tracking (Fully enabled on server and database)
Syncing changes from client to server works perfectly
Syncing from server back to the client not so much: out of 500 new entries overnight, on a sync it downloaded 24.
EDIT: JuneT got me thinking about the time and their anchors. When I synced this morning it pulled 54 of about 300 new added records. I went in to the line (there are about 60 or so columns, so I removed them for readability, this is kind of a joke)
this.SelectIncrementalUpdatesCommand.CommandText = #"SELECT [Value], [Value], [Value] FROM >TABLE WHERE ([LastEditDate] > #sync_last_received_anchor AND [LastEditDate] <= >#sync_new_received_anchor AND [AddDateTime] <= #sync_last_received_anchor)";
And replaced #sync_last_received_anchor with two DIFFERENT times. Upon syncing it now returns the rows trapped between those two and took out the middle one giving me:
this.SelectIncrementalUpdatesCommand.CommandText = #"SELECT[Value], [Value], [Value] FROM >TABLE WHERE ([LastEditDate] > '2012-06-13 01:03:07.470' AND [AddDateTime] <= '2012-06-14 >08:54:27.727')"; (NOTE: The second date is just the current time now)
Though it returned a few hundred more rows than initially planned (set the date gap for 600, it returned just over 800). It does in fact sync the client up with the the new server changes.
Can anyone explain why I can't use #sync_last_received_anchor and what I should be looking for. I suppose I could always add box that allows the user to select the date to begin updating from? Or maybe add some sort of xml file to store the sync date that would be updated anytime a sync was -successfully- completed?
Ran the SQL profiler on it...the date (#sync_last_received_anchor) is getting set to 8 hours ahead of whatever time it really is. I have no idea how or why it's doing this, but that would definitely make sense.
Turns out the anchors are collected like this:
this.SelectNewAnchorCommand.CommandText = "Select #sync_new_received_anchor = GETUTCDATE()";
That UTC date is what was causing the 8 hours gap. To fix it either change it to GETDATE(), or convert your columns to UTC time in the WHERE clause of the commands.
After spending many hours with many cups of coffee, I've figured out how to solve this error of mine. While I was running the code on desktop testing area, everything seemed to be working perfectly; however the same code and webservice on target device gave this error repeatedly. Then, suddenly, the "dbo_" prefixes on compact database table names started looking interesting, like they were trying to tell me something really important. So, I've listened...
on ClientSyncAgent.cs should be changed to