How to use this weird .sql file? - sql

I have a very strange 'reload.sql' file that I need to use to build a database.
It references about 200 XXX.dat files with straight-up readable data (although useless without explanations regarding the meaning of the fields).
I have tried msssql server, mysql workbench (on a server local-hosted on wamp), and directly accessing it through DBeaver and IBConsole, but I cannot manage to execute/build it.
It uses a weird syntax. There are elements like
that hinted me towards T-SQL, but using sqlcmd on it gave me thousands upon thousands of errors regarding keywords.
Specifically, the very first batch of executable lines says
SET OPTION date_order = 'YMD'
SET OPTION PUBLIC.preserve_source_format = 'OFF'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION tsql_outer_joins = 'ON'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION st_geometry_describe_type = 'binary'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION st_geometry_on_invalid = 'Ignore'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION non_keywords = 'attach,compressed,detach,kerberos,nchar,nvarchar,refresh,varbit'
which generates about 150 errors 'Incorrect syntax near OPTION keyword' on its own, and according to google is part of a 'rexx' procedure but 'date_order' should then be 'DATFMT', right?
Another track is that of SyBase, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work (through my trials I did manage to build a .db file, that, well, is useless to me since I can't build it either..).
I've tried accessing it through ODBC pilots as well but none worked (the paradox ODBC did not crash, but said there was an error with a FROM clause, which are generated automatically...).
I need to know a way to build a database from this file or directly access the data it references, which I can't really post since it contains private medical data.
Also what madman came up with this.

The very first google link (for me anyway) against 'st-geometry-describe-option' shows this is a SAP SQL Anywhere database i.e.
So I would suggest starting from the SQL Anywhere documentation and you will need to install the database software beforehand.


How do I declare a variable for a hard coded database?

I have some hard coded database values in my SQL and I need to convert to variables , I have declared them in places but I need Production2 to be changed to #Source_Database_Name variable below but I dont know how to place it in with the Information Schema just after it without getting a syntax error
I guess that the only way you can do this is dynamic sql generation (unfortunately). And there's actually quite a few reasons (from database engine's perspective) for not allowing a user to parametrise queries in a way you want. The one that sits on top of my head is that it will make impossible to validate syntax of your query (no way to know that you're referring to what actually exists).
In case you're talking about "being able to execute the same set of SQL against different database(s)" and you're actually executing this sql from code (.NET / anything), you can achieve the same result by specifying target database in connection string (i.e. by changing the level where you set database -- not in the [sql] script, but rather at some external point).

How do I programmatically run a complex query on an as400?

I'm new at working on an as400 and I have a query the joins across 4 tables. The query itself is fine, it runs in STRSQL and displays the results.
What I am in struggling with is getting the query to be able to run programmatically (it will eventually be run from a scheduled CL script).
I tried have creating a physical file that contains the query running it with RUNQRY, but it simply displays the query itself, not the actual result set.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Thanks everyone for the direction and the resources, with them I was able to reach my goal. In case it helps anyone, this is what I ended up doing (all of this was done in it's own library, ALLOCATE):
Created a source physical file (using CRTSRCPF): QSQLSRC, and created a member named SQLLEAGSEA, with the type of TXT, that contains the SQL statement.
Created another source physical file: QCLSRC, and created a member named POPLEAGSEA, with the type of CLP, that changes the current library to ALLOCATE then runs the query using RUNSQLSTM (more detail on this below). Here is the actual command:
Added the CLP to the scheduled jobs (using ADDJOBSCDE), running the following command:
With regard to RUNSQLSTM, my research indicated that I wasn't going to be able to use this function, because it didn't support SELECT statements. What I didn't indicate in my question was what I needed to do with the the result - I was going to be inserting the resultant data into another table (had I done that I'm sure the help could have figured that out a lot quicker). So effectively, I wasn't going to be doing an SELECT, my end result is actually an INSERT. So my SQL statement (in SQLLEAGSEA) begins with:
From my research, I gather that RUNSQLSTM doesn't support SELECT because it doesn't have a mechanism to do anything with the results. Once I stopped taking baby steps and realized I needed to SELECT AND INSERT in the same statement, it solved my main problem.
Thanks again everyone!
The command is RUNSQLSTM to run a static SQL statement in a physical file member or stream file.
It is a non-interactive command so it will not execute sql statements that attempt to return a result set.
If you want more control, including the ability to run interactive statements, see the Qshell db2 utility.
For example:
Note that the db2 utility only accepts the *SQL naming convention.
QM Query
If all the SQL you need is the single complex SQL statement, and this is what it sounds like, then your best bet is to use Query Management Query (see QM Query manual here).
The results can be directed to a display, a spool file, or a physical file (ie a DB2 table). The default output when run interactively is to the screen, but when run in a (scheduled) batch job it will default to a spool file report.
You can create the QM Query interactively via WRKQMQRY, in prompted mode (much like Query/400) or in SQL mode. Or you can compile the QM Query from source, with the CRTQMQRY command.
To run your QM Query, STRQMQRY command.
If you are using a system that has IBM i 7.1 fully up-to-date, and has Technology Refresh 4 (TR4) installed, then you could also use the new RUNSQL command to execute a single statement. (see discussion in developerWorks)
SQL Scripting w/ RUNSQLSTM cmd
From CL you can run SQL scripts of multiple SQL statements from a source file member. There is no standard default source file name for this, but QSQLSRC is commonly used. The source member can contain multiple non-interactive SQL statements. This means you cannot use a SELECT statement (directly) since theoretically it will not know where to send the results. CL commands are even allowed if given a CL: prefix. Both SQL and CL statements should be terminated with a semicolon ;. While the SQL statements cannot display data directly to the screen, the same restriction does not apply to the scripted CL commands.
The STRQMQRY command can be embedded in the RUNSQLSTM script, by placing the prefix "CL: " in front of the command. Since STRQMQRY can direct output to the screen, a report, or an output table, this can come in very useful.
Remember that to direct your output from a SELECT query to a file you can use either the INSERT or CREATE TABLE statements.
( full-select )
Or, to put the results into a table you create in your job's QTEMP library:
( full-select )
[Note: If you create the source to be used by CRTQMQRY, you are advised to create it as CRTSRCPF yourlib/QQMQRYSRC RCDLEN(91), since the compiler will only use 79 columns of your source data (adding 12 for sequence and change date =91). However for QM Forms, which can be used to provide additional formatting, the CRTQMFORM compiler will use 81 columns so RCDLEN(93) is advised for QQMFORMSRC.]
RUNQRY is a utility that lets you execute a query that was created by another utility named WRKQRY. If you really want to process SQL statements held in a file try RUNSQLSTM. It uses a source physical file to store the statements, not a database file. The standard name for that source physical file is QQMQRYSRC. To create that file, CRTSRCPF yourlib/QQMQRYSRC. Then you can use PDM to work with that source PF. WRKMBRPDM yourlib/QQMQRYSRC. Use F6 to create a new source member. Make it source type TXT. Then use option 2 to will start an editor called SEU. Copy/paste your SQL statements into this editor. F3 to save the source. Once the source is saved, use RUNSQLSTM to execute it.
It is (now) possible to run SQL directly in a CL program without using QM Query, RUNSQLSTM or QShell.
Here is an article that discusses the RUNSQL statement in CL programs...
The article contains information on what OS levels are supported as well as clear examples of several ways to use the RUNSQL statement.
This will work in two steps:
The first step creates a temporary table result in qtemp and the second step/line runs an adhoc query over just the temporary table to a spool file.
Michael Frilot
There is of course a totally different solution: You could write and compile a program containing the statement. It requires some longer reading into, especially if you are new to the platform, but it should give you most flexibility over what you do with results. You can use SQL in C, C++, RPG, RPG/LE, REXX, PL (of which I don't know, what it is) and COBOL. Doing that, you can react in any processable way on results from one query and start/create other queries based on what you get.
Although some oldfashioned RPG-programmers try everything to deny SQL in RPG exists, it is possible today for many cases, to write RPG-programs with SQL only and no direct file access (without F-Specs, for those who know RPG).
If your solution works for you, perfect. If you need to do something else, try a look into this pdf:
The integration into RPG is not too bad. It works with the normal program flow. Would look something like this (in free form):
// init search values:
searchval = 'Someguy';
// so the sql query:
exec sql
SELECT colum1, colum2
INTO :var1, :var2
FROM somelib/somefile
WHERE keycol=:searchval;
// now do something with the values:
In this, var1, var2, and searchval are ordinary RPG-variables. No quoting needed. Works also with datastructures (externally defined e.g., the record format of the file itself fits well). You can work with cursors and loops, too, of course. I feel that RPG-programs tend to be easier to read with this.

SQL statement against Access 2010 DB not working with ODBC

I'm attempting to run a simple statement against an Access DB to find records.
Data validation in the records was horrible, and I cannot sanitize it. Meaning, it must be preserved as is.
I need to be able to search against a string with white space and hyphen characters removed. The following statement will work in Access 2010 direct:
select * from dummy where Replace(Replace([data1],' ',''),'-','') = 'ABCD1234';
Running it from an ODBC connection via PHP will not. It produces the following error:
SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'Replace' in expression., SQL state 37000 in SQLExecDirect
Creating a query in the database that runs the function and attempting to search its values indirectly causes the same error:
select * from dummy_indirect where Expr1 = 'ABCD1234';
I've attempted to use both ODBC drivers present. ODBCJR32.dll (03/22/2010) and ACEODBC.dll (02/18/2007). To my knowledge these should be current as it was installed with the full Access 2010 and Access 2010 Database Engine.
Any ideas on how to work around this error and achieve the same effect are welcome. Please note, that I cannot alter the database in way, shape, or form. That indirect query was created in another mdb file that has the original tables linked from the original DB.
* Update *
OleDB did not really affect anything.
$dsn= "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\dummy.mdb;";
I'm not attempting to use it as a web backend either. I'm not a sadomasochist.
There is a legacy system that I must support that does use Access as a backend. Data gets populated there from other old systems that I must integrate into more modern systems. Hence, the creation of an API with Apache/PHP that is running on the server supporting the legacy system.
I need to be able to search a table that has an alphanumeric case identifier to get a numeric identifier that is unique and tied to a generator (Autonumber in access). Users have been using it a trash box for years (inconsistent data entry with sporadic notations) so the only solution I have is to strip everything except alphanumeric out of both the field value and the search value and attempt to perform a LIKE comparison against it.
If not replace() which is access supported, what ODBC compatible functions exist that I can use do the same kind of comparison?
Just to recap, the Access db engine will not recognize the Replace() function unless your query is run from within an Access application session. Any attempt from outside Access will trigger that "Undefined function" error message. You can't avoid the error by switching from ODBC to OleDb as the connection method. And you also can't trick the engine into using Replace() by hiding it in separate query (in the same or another Access db) and using that query as the data source for your main query.
This behavior is determined by Access' sandbox mode. That linked page includes a list of functions which are available in the default sandbox mode. That page also describes how you can alter the sandbox mode. If you absolutely must have Replace() available for your query, perhaps the lowest setting (0) would allow it. However, I'm not recommending you do that. I've never done it myself, so don't know anything about the consequences.
As for alternatives for Replace(), it would help to know about the variability in the values you're searching. If the space or dash characters appear in only one or a few consistent positions, you could do a pattern match with a Like expression. For example, if the search field values consist of 4 letters, an optional space or dash, followed by 4 digits, a WHERE clause like this should work for the variations of "ABCD1234":
data1 = 'ABCD1234'
OR data1 Like 'ABCD[- ]1234';
Another possibility is to compare against a list of values:
data1 IN ('ABCD1234','ABCD 1234','ABCD-1234');
However if your search field values can include any number of spaces or dashes at any position within the string, that approach is no good. And I would look real hard for some way to make the query task easier:
You can't clean the stored values because you're prohibited from altering the original Access db in any way. Perhaps you could create a new Access db, import the data, and clean that instead.
Set up the original Access db as a linked server in SQL Server and build your query to take advantage of SQL Server features.
Surrender. :-( Pull in a larger data set to your PHP client code, and evaluate which rows to use vs. which to ignore.
I'm not sure you can do this with ODBC and your constraints. The MS Access driver is limited (by design; MS wants you to use SQL Server for back ends).
Can you use OLEDB? that might be an option.

Getting around cyclical foreign key errors when trying to generate insert data scripts in SQL 2008

I am trying to generate some insert scripts using the SQL Server 2008 Script Wizard. Upon generating the scripts, I get the following error:
"The selected database contains foreign keys that create a cycle. Publishing data only is not supported for databases with cyclical foreign key relationships."
I've attempted to disable and remove all constraints in the database. The error is still occurring. Is there any way to get around this? Possibly make SQL ignore the constraints while generating the scripts.
On the Wizard page where you choose the radio button to select All Database Objects or Specific Objects, make sure to select All Database Objects. For some reason the tool needs something in there to generate even if you just want the table insert script.
Once I changed that radio button to All Database Objects, and selected the Advanced option to generate Type of script = Data Only, it worked all the way through.
I had the same problem as the OP. Then I tried again, this time in the advanced options, for the "types of data to script" option, I selected "schema and data" rather than data only. Then it worked for me without complaining about cyclical keys.
I was having the same issue, and I discovered today that you can use SQL Server Management Studio 2012 against a 2008 R2 DB and you won't get the error:
Sql Server Scripting Data Only: Workaround for CyclicalForeignKeyException?
Saving to file vs. to a new Query editor window seems to make it work for me on Management Studio 2008 :\
First off IMHO HLGEM's response is a bit cavalier--there are valid reasons at times to have cyclic references.
That said I think the script generator is hyper-sensitive. It seems to think just about any PK/FK pair is "cyclic" and I ended up having to use a copy of my database from which I'd stripped all keys to get the export to get beyond the "cyclical" error. A script like the following can help you drop keys globally but of course be careful!
'ALTER TABLE ' + object_name(parent_obj) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + [name]
AS Script
from sysobjects where xtype IN ('F')
[I didn't write this. See]
Further the tool is pretty useless in terms of feedback since its report doesn't provide enough detail to narrow down where the supposed cyclical references exist.
Finally I found the tool to be pretty flaky in that I get random timeouts. One other observation that I haven't researched extensively is I think the tool may require you to start from scratch after the cyclical error to clear it's cache since I see different behavior when I use Previous button vs. starting afresh.
You can export the data by setting the script option - "Script Check Constraints" to False
Sorry this will not work :(
You will have to determine which table is causing the issue.
I was getting the same error because I didn't had a table selected in the object list (one big table I wanted to create in another script). Selecting all of the tables solved the problem.
PD: Maybe a little bit late, but searching CyclicalForeignKeyException gets first in Google.

Managing and debugging SQL queries in MS Access

MS Access has limited capabilities to manage raw SQL queries: the editor is quite bad, no syntax highlighting, it reformats your raw SQL into a long string and you can't insert comments.
Debugging complex SQL queries is a pain as well: either you have to split it into many smaller queries that become difficult to manage when your schema changes or you end-up with a giant query that is a nightmare to debug and update.
How do you manage your complex SQL queries in MS Access and how do you debug them?
At the moment, I'm mostly just using Notepad++ for some syntax colouring and SQL Pretty Printer for reformatting sensibly the raw SQL from Access.
Using an external repository is useful but keeping there's always the risk of getting the two versions out of sync and you still have to remove comments before trying the query in Access...
For debugging, I edit them in a separate text editor that lets me format them sensibly. When I find I need to make changes, I edit the version in the text editor, and paste it back to Access, never editing the version in Access.
Still a major PITA.
I have a few tips that are specific to SQL in VBA.
Put your SQL code with a string variable. I used to do this:
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("SELECT ...")
That is hard to manage. Do this instead:
strSQL = "SELECT ..."
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Often you can't fix a query unless you see just what's being run. To do that, dump your SQL to the Immediate Window just before execution:
strSQL = "SELECT ..."
Debug.Print strSQL
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Paste the result into Access' standard query builder (you must use SQL view). Now you can test the final version, including code-handled variables.
When you are preparing a long query as a string, break up your code:
strSQL = "SELECT wazzle FROM bamsploot" _
& vbCrLf & "WHERE plumsnooker = 0"
I first learned to use vbCrLf when I wanted to prettify long messages to the user. Later I found it makes SQL more readable while coding, and it improves the output from Debug.Print. (Tiny other benefit: no space needed at end of each line. The new line syntax builds that in.)
(NOTE: You might think this will let you add add comments to the right of the SQL lines. Prepare for disappointment.)
As said elsewhere here, trips to a text editor are a time-saver. Some text editors provide better syntax highlighting than the official VBA editor. (Heck, StackOverflow does better.) It's also efficient for deleting Access cruft like superfluous table references and piles of parentheses in the WHERE clause.
Work flow for serious trouble shooting:
VBA Debug.Print > (capture query during code operation)
query builder > (testing lab to find issues)
Notepad++ > (text editor for clean-up and review)
query builder > (checking, troubleshooting)
Of course, trouble shooting is usually a matter of reducing the complexity of a query until you're able to isolate the problem (or at least make it disappear!). Then you can build it back up to the masterpiece you wanted. Because it can take several cycles to solve a sticky problem, you are likely to use this work flow repeatedly.
I wrote Access SQL Editor-- an Add-In for Microsoft Access-- because I write quite a lot of pass-through queries, and more complex SQL within Access. This add-in has the advantage of being able to store formatted SQL (with comments!) within your Access application itself. When queries are copied to a new Access application, formatting is retained. When the built-in editor clobbers your formatting, the tool will show your original query and notify you of the difference.
It currently does not debug; if there was enough interest, I would pursue this-- but for the time being the feature set is intentionally kept small.
It is not free for the time being, but purchasing a license is very cheap. If you can't afford it, you can contact me. There is a free 14-day trial here.
Once it's installed, you can access it through your Add-Ins menu (In Access 2010 it's Database Tools->Add Ins).
Debugging is more of a challenge. If a single column is off, that's usually pretty easy to fix. But I'm assuming you have more complex debugging tasks that you need to perform.
When flummoxed, I typically start debugging with the FROM clause. I trace back to all the tables and sub-queries that comprise the larger query, and make sure that the joins are properly defined.
Then I check my WHERE clause. I run lots of simple queries on the tables, and on the sub-queries that I've already checked or that I already trust, and make sure that when I run the larger query, I'm getting what I expect with the WHERE conditions in place. I double-check the JOIN conditions at the same time.
I double-check my column definitions to make sure I'm retrieving what I really want to see, especially if the formulas involved are complicated. If you have something complicated like a coordinated subquery in a column definition
Then I check to see if I'm grouping data properly, making sure that "DISTINCT"'s and "UNION"'s without UNION ALL don't remove necessary duplicates.
I don't think I've ever encountered a SQL query that couldn't be broken down this way. I'm not always as methodical as this, but it's a good way to start breaking down a real stumper.
One thing I could recommend when you write your queries is this: Never use SELECT * in production code. Selecting all columns this way is a maintenance nightmare, and it leads to big problems when your underlying schemas change. You should always write out each and every column if you're writing SQL code that you'll be maintaining in the future. I saved myself a lot of time and worry just by getting rid of "SELECT *"'s in my projects.
The downside to this is that those extra columns won't appear automatically in queries that refer to "SELECT *" queries. But you should be aware of how your queries are related to each other, anyway, and if you need the extra columns, you can go back and add them.
There is some hassle involved in maintaining a code repository, but if you have versioning software, the hassle is more than worth it. I've heard of ways of versioning SQL code written in Access databases, but unfortunately, I've never used them.
If you're doing really complex queries in MS Access, I would consider keeping a repository of those queries somewhere outside of the Access database itself... for instance, in a .sql file that you can then edit in an editor like Intype that will provide syntax highlighting. It'll require you to update queries in both places, but you may end up finding it handy to have an "official" spot for it that is formatted and highlighted correctly.
Or, if at all possible, switch to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, which is also free and will provide you the features you desire through the SQL Management Studio (also free).
Expanding on this suggestion from Smandoli:
NO: DoCmd.RunSQL ("SELECT ...")
YES: strSQL = "SELECT ..."
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)
If you want to keep the SQL code in an external file, for editing with your favorite text editor (with syntax coloring and all that), you could do something like this pseudo-code:
// On initialization:
global strSQL
f = open("strSQL.sql")
strSQL = read_all(f)
// To to the select:
This may be a bit clunky -- maybe a lot clunky -- but it avoids the consistency issues of edit-copy-paste.
Obviously this doesn't directly address debugging SQL, but managing code in a readable way is a part of the problem.
Similar to recursive, I use an external editor to write my queries. I use Notepad++ with the Light Explorer extension for maintaining several scripts at a time, and Notepad2 for one-off scripts. (I'm kind of partial to Scintilla-based editors.)
Another option is to use the free SQL Server Management Studio Express, which comes with SQL Server Express. (EDIT: Sorry, EdgarVerona, I didn't notice you mentioned this already!) I normally use it to write SQL queries instead of using Access, because I typically use ODBC to link to a SQL Server back end anyway. Beware that the differences in the syntax of T-SQL, used by SQL Server, and Jet SQL, used by Access MDB's, are sometimes substantial.
Are you talking here about what MS-Access calls 'queries' and SQL call 'views' or about the 'MS-Access pass-through' queries which are SQL queries? Someone could get easily lost! My solution is the following
free SQL Server Management
Studio Express, where I will
elaborate and test my queries
a query table on the client
side, with one field for the query
name (id_Query) and another one
(queryText, memo type) for the
query itself.
I then have a small function getSQLQuery in my VBA code to be used when I need to execute a query (either returning a recordset or not):
Dim myQuery as string, _
rsADO as ADODB.recorset
rsADO = new ADODB.recordset
myQuery = getSQLQuery(myId_Query)
'if my query retunrs a recordset'
set rsADO = myADOConnection.Execute myQuery
'or, if no recordset is to be returned'
myADOConnection.Execute myQuery
For views, it is even possible to keep them on the server side and to refer to them from the client side
set rsADO = myADOConnection.execute "dbo.myViewName"
Well to my knowledge there are 2 options:
Notepad++ with Poor man's t-sql formatter plugin ..i know there is already a mention for SQL Pretty Printer but i haven't used my workflow is ..i create the query in Access..i copy paste it to Notepad++ ...i format it..i work on it ...back to Access..only pads in some cases spaces in this case : [Forms]![AForm].[Ctrl] and they become [Forms] ! [AForm].[Ctrl] but i am used to and it doesn't bother me..
SoftTree SQL Assistant ( bring just about everything you wanted on a SQL editor...i have worked a bit in the past(trial) but its price tag is a bit stiff