Store int, float and boolean in same database column - sql

Is there a sane way of storing int, float and boolean values in the same column in Postgres?
If have something like that:
2021-01-01 00:00:10.000000 +00:00
2020-01-03 10:00:00.000000 +00:00
2021-01-01 00:00:10.000000 +00:00
Currently I'm using jsonb to store it, the problem however now is, that I can't filter in the table with for instance the greater operator.
The query
FROM points
WHERE value > 0;
gives back the error:
ERROR: operator does not exist: jsonb > integer: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
For me it's okay to handle boolean as 1 or 0 in case of true or false. Is there any possibility to achieve that with jsonb or is there maybe another super type which lets me use a column that is able to use all three types?
Performance is not so much of a concern here, as I'm going to have very few records inside of that table, max 5k I guess.

If you were just storing integers and floats, normally you'd use a float or numeric column.
But there's that pesky true.
You could cast the JSON...
select *
from test
where value::float > 1;
...but there's that pesky true.
You have to convert the boolean to a number to make it work.
select *
from test
(case when value = 'true' then 1.0 when value = 'false' then 0.0 else value::float end) >= 1;
Or ignore it.
This having to work around the type system suggests that value is actually two or even three different fields crammed into one. Consider separating them into multiple columns.

You should skip the rows where value is not number and cast the value to numeric, e.g.:
with points(id, value) as (
(1, 'true'::jsonb),
(2, '2'),
(3, '43.2')
select *
from points
where jsonb_typeof(value) = 'number'
and value::text::numeric > 0;
id | value
2 | 2
3 | 43.2
(2 rows)

I actually found out, regardless of the jsonb fields value, that you can compare it to other jsonb in postgres. That means, I can for instance do the following:
FROM points
WHERE val > '5'
This correctly gives me back only the third row. It just ignores the bool value. To filter for a certain bool I can achieve that with the following query:
FROM points
WHERE val = 'true'
This is good enough for me. I even could hold timestamps in the json column and compare them using this methodology.
Another way of solving the problem after all your comments seem to be to make the column a numeric. This would work as well, but requires more client side conversion, as I would have to have a second type column, remembering what the actual type is. This type should than be used on the client side to convert the value back into its og value. For integers its trivial, for booleans like #schwern suggested, one can use 1 and 0, for dates, one could use the unix timestamp representation.
When I now want to search for a certain value, the type has to be contained in the where clause as well.


How to find float rounding errors in SQL server

I've narrowed down a data issue on a legacy SQL Server 2008 database.
The column is a 'float'. SSMS shows four of the records as '0.04445' but when i query for all records that match the first value, only 3 of the four are returned. The last record is somehow different, i suspect it is off by 0.0000000001 or something and the SMSS GUI is rounding it for display(?). Using the '<' operator has similar results ('where my_column < 0.04445' returns three of the four) This is causing some catastrophic calculation errors in the calling app.
I tried casting it to a decimal ('SELECT CAST(my_column as DECIMAL(38,20)) FROM...') but all four records just come back 0.044450000000000000000000000000
I suspect that there are many other similar errors in this same column, as the data has been entered in various ways over the years.
Is there any way to see this column in its full value/precision/mantissa, rather than the rounded value?
I can't change the schema or the app.
Update - using the 'Edit Top 200 Rows' feature, I can see that about three quarters of them are 0.044449999999999996 and the other quarter are ecxactly 0.04445. But I can't get it to display that level of accuracy in a regular query result
You can use CONVERT(VARBINARY(8), my_column) to the number in its original form. What you get should be 0x3FA6C226809D4952 or 0x3FA6C226809D4951. And what number that really is? 3FA6C226809D4951 is binary
0 01111111010 0110110000100010011010000000100111010100100101010001
0 => number is positive
01111111010 => 1018-1023 = -5 is exponent (so we get 2^-5)
1.0110110000100010011010000000100111010100100101010001 => 6405920109971793*2^-52
so the 0x3FA6C226809D4951 is exactly 6405920109971793*2^-57, which is 0.044449999999999996458388551445750636048614978790283203125
and 0x3FA6C226809D4952 is exactly 6405920109971794*2^-57, which is 0.04445000000000000339728245535297901369631290435791015625
So, your question is really about SSMS, not about your application or SQL Server itself, right? You want to see the actual float values in SSMS without rounding, right?
By design SSMS rounds float during display. For example, see this answer.
But, you can see the actual value that is stored in the column if you convert it to a string explicitly using CONVERT function.
float and real styles
For a float or real expression, style can have
one of the values shown in the following table. Other values are
processed as 0.
0 (default) A maximum of 6 digits. Use in scientific notation, when appropriate.
1 Always 8 digits. Always use in scientific notation.
2 Always 16 digits. Always use in scientific notation.
3 Always 17 digits. Use for lossless conversion.
With this style, every distinct float or real value is guaranteed to
convert to a distinct character string.
It looks like style 3 is just what you need:
convert(varchar(30), my_column, 3)
Here is my test:
DECLARE #v1 float = 0.044449999999999996e0;
DECLARE #v2 float = 0.044445e0;
SELECT #v1, #v2, convert(varchar(30), #v1, 3), convert(varchar(30), #v2, 3)
Result that I see in SSMS:
| (No column name) | (No column name) | (No column name) | (No column name) |
| 0.04445 | 0.044445 | 4.4449999999999996e-002 | 4.4444999999999998e-002 |

Can SQL CASE return a different number of columns in WHEN clauses?

Is there a way to SELECT a different number of columns in different WHEN clauses of the same CASE statement?
For example
WHEN is y THEN show me 1 column
WHEN is z THEN show me 3 columns
The restriction is that all branches of the CASE expression must resolve to the same data type. The manual:
The data types of all the result expressions must be convertible to a
single output type. See Section 10.5 for more details.
If all your output columns have a compatible data type, you could use an ARRAY to include a variable number of columns (resulting in the same array type). Like:
-- no ELSE defaults to NULL
END AS my_result_array
FROM tbl;
If not, you could cast to a common element type of your choice (text would be the safe default):
WHEN 1 THEN ARRAY[x::text]
WHEN 2 THEN ARRAY[x::text, y::text, z::text]
END AS my_result_array
FROM tbl;
Or, to make it work for heterogeneous data types, you can use a composite type (row type) and pad with NULL values. Name, number and type of output columns are fixed and have to cover all possible result combinations.
CREATE TYPE foo (a int, b text, c date);
WHEN 1 THEN (x, NULL, NULL)::foo
WHEN 2 THEN (x, y, z)::foo
END AS my_result_array
FROM tbl;
Or you could use a document type like json, hstore or xml to contain a variable number of column ...
Note that you get one result column either way, the workarounds just contain a variable payload - which can be decomposed in the next step.
No you can't since columns selection are static. If you really want to choose columns dynamically based on some condition then consider building a dynamic query for that purpose.

Arithmetic operation on array aggregation in postgres

I have 2 questions regarding array_agg in postgres
1) I have a column which is of type array_agg. I need to divide each of the element of the array_agg by a constant value. Is it possible. I checked, but could not find any reference to any arithmetic operations on array_agg.
An example of the desired operation.
select array_agg(value)/2 from some_table
Here, I create an array of the column value from the table some_table and I have to divide each of the column by 4
2) Is it possible to use coalesce in array_agg. In my scenario, there may be cases wherein, the array_agg of a column may result in a NULL array. Can we use coalesce for array_agg ?
select coalsece(array_agg(value1), 0)
Dividing is probably simper than you thought:
SELECT array_agg(value/2)
FROM ...
However, what value/2 does exactly depends on the data type. If value is an integer, fractional digits are truncated. To preserve fractional digits use value/2.0 instead. The fractional digit forces the calculation to be done with numeric values.
COALESCE won't make any difference outside the array. Either there are no rows, then you get no result at all ('no row'), or if there are, you get an array, possibly with NULL elements. But the value of the array itself is never NULL.
To replace individual NULL values with 0:
SELECT array_agg(coalesce(value/2.0, 0))
FROM ...

I'm confused about Sqlite comparisons on a text column

I've got an Sqlite database where one of the columns is defined as "TEXT NOT NULL". Some of the values are strings and some can be cast to a DOUBLE and some can be case to INTEGER. Once I've narrowed it down to DOUBLE values, I want to do a query that gets a range of data. Suppose my column is named "Value". Can I do this?
SELECT * FROM Tbl WHERE ... AND Value >= 23 AND Value < 42
Is that going to do some kind of ASCII comparison or a numeric comparison? INTEGER or REAL? Does the BETWEEN operator work the same way?
And what happens if I do this?
Will it do string or integer or floating-point comparisons?
It is all explained in the Datatypes In SQLite Version 3 article. For example, the answer to the first portion of questions is
An INTEGER or REAL value is less than any TEXT or BLOB value. When an INTEGER or REAL is compared to another INTEGER or REAL, a numerical comparison is performed.
This is why SELECT 9 < '1' and SELECT 9 < '11' both give 1 (true).
The expression "a BETWEEN b AND c" is treated as two separate binary comparisons "a >= b AND a <= c"
The most important point to know is that column type is merely an annotation; SQLite is dynamically typed so each value can have any type.
you cant convert text to integer or double so you wont be able to do what you want.
If the column were varchar you could have a chance by doing:
select *
from Tbl
WHERE ISNUMERIC(Value ) = 1 --condition to avoid a conversion from string to int for example
and cast(value as integer) > 1 --rest of your conditions

Multiplication with NULL and empty column values in SQL

This was my Interview Question
there are two columns called Length and Breadth in Area table
Length Breadth Length*Breadth
20 NULL ?
30 ?
21.2 1 ?
I tried running the same question on MYSQL while inserting,To insert an empty value I tried the below query . Am I missing anything while inserting empty values in MYSQL.
insert into test.new_table values (30,);
Answers: With Null,Result is Null.
With float and int multiplication result is float
As per your question the expected results would be as below.
30 0 0
21.2 1 21.2
For any(first) record in SQL SERVER if you do computation with NULL the answer would be NULL.
For any(second) record in SQL SERVER, if you do product computation between a non-empty value and an empty value the result would be zero as empty value is treated as zero.
For any(third) record in SQL SERVER, if you do computation between two non-empty data type values the answer would be a NON-EMPTY value.
Check SQL Fiddle for reference -!3/f250a/1
That blank Breath (second row) cannot happen unless Breath is VARCHAR. Assuming that, the answers will be:
NULL (since NULL times anything is NULL)
Throws error (since an empty string is not a number. In Sql Server, the error is "Error converting data type varchar to numeric.")
21.20 (since in Sql Server, for example, conversion to a numeric type is automatic, so SELECT 21.2 * '1' returns 21.20).
Assuming that Length and Breadth are numerical types of some kind the second record does not contain possible values — Breadth must be either 0 or NULL.
In any event, any mathematical operation in SQL involving a NULL value will return the value NULL, indicating that the expression cannot be evaluated. The answer are NULL, impossible, and 21.2.
The product of any value and NULL is NULL. This is called "NULL propagation" if you want to Google it. To score points in an interview, you might want to mention that NULL isn't a value; it's a special marker.
The fact that the column Breadth has one entry "NULL" and one entry that's blank (on the second row) is misleading. A numeric column that doesn't have a value in a particular row means that row is NULL. So the second column should also show "NULL".
The answer to the third row, 21.2 * 1, depends on the data type of the column "Length*Breadth". If it's a data type like float, double, or numberic(16,2), the answer is 21.2. If it's an integer column (integer, long, etc.), the answer is 21.
A more snarky answer might be "There's no answer. The string "Length*Breadth" isn't a legal SQL column name."
In standard SQL they would all generate errors because you are comparing values (or nulls) of different types:
CAST ( 20 AS FLOAT ) * CAST ( NULL AS INTEGER ) -- mismatched types error
CAST ( '' AS INTEGER ) -- type conversion error
CAST ( AS INTEGER ) -- type conversion error
CAST ( 21.2 AS FLOAT ) * CAST ( 2 AS INTEGER ) -- mismatched types error
On the other hand, most SQL product would implicitly cast values when comparing values (or nulls) of different types according to type precedence e.g. comparing float value to an integer value would in effect cast the integer to float and result in a float. At the product level, the most interesting question is what happens when you compare a null of type integer with a value (or even a null) of type float...
...but, frankly, not terribly interesting. In an interview you are presented with a framework (in the form of questions asked of you) on which to present your knowledge, skills and experience. The 'answer' here is to discuss nulls (e.g. point out that nulls are tricky to define and behave in unintuitive ways, which leads to frequent bugs and a desire to avoid nulls entirely, etc) and whether implicit casting is a good thing.