rabbitmqadmin == createChannel OR rabbitmqadmin == createConfirmChannel - rabbitmq

When I send a message to a queue using 'rabbitmqadmin' the response is 'Message published', is this a confirmed delivery?
From node for some important operations I use 'createConfirmChannel' and I want to do the same from bash
In the rabbitmq documentation I have read that the only way to make a secure submission is to confirm the channel. I imagine that 'Message published' does not confirm the delivery of the message, but I can't find any information.

Interesting question, so I decided to look at the source code for rabbitmqadmin
Please note that rabbitmqadmin uses the HTTP API to publish messages so it should not be used where performance is important.
Here is where the HTTP request is processed and the message is published: source
Note that these lines use confirm.select which means that publisher confirms are enabled: source
So yes, the deliveries are confirmed.
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.


RabbitMQ 405 RESOURCE_LOCKED - cannot obtain access to locked queue

rabbitMQ version: 3.11.8 , MassTransit: 8.0.1.
I have a queue with this config:
x-queue-type:quorum, x-single-active-consumer:true, durable:true
sometimes I need to do the action: GetMessage(s) in the Management panel.
but now with this queue I got this exeption:
405 RESOURCE_LOCKED - cannot obtain access to locked queue 'myQueue' in vhost 'xxx'. basic.get operations are not supported by quorum queues with single active consumer
usaully I need to read messages from errpr_queue that Masstransit created.
I've searched for that, and I found just some solutions for exclusive queues- for example issue 1 and issue 2.
but I couldn't find any solution for 'cannot obtain access to locked queue'
So, you've requested a single active consumer on the queue. And when you try to get messages in the console, it reports that the queue is locked.
Seems like that would be expected behavior, and it's telling you as much in the error message.

Is there any way to inspect RabbitMQ messages that are persisted? Where those are stored?

Just doing some testing on local machine, would like somewhere to inspect messages that are published and persisted by RabbitMQ (deliveryMode = 2). Or at least to have a time when messages was actually persisted. First try was RabbitMQ admin management, went trough all options and closest what i have found is following:
Database directory: /usr/local/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit#localhost
There i can found many files with rdq extenstions and many logs file, but can't actually see nothing.
you can't, RabbitMQ uses a custom database and it is not possible to browse it.
you can only browse the RabbitMQ definitions as "queues", "users", "exchanges" etc.. but not the messages.
By default, the messages index is inside:
The only way it is as suggested by #Johansson
It's possible to manually inspect your message in the queue via the Management interface. Press on the queue that has the message, and then "Get message". If you mark it as "requeue", RabbitMQ puts it back to the queue in the same order.

How to abort code when publish message on non exist queue in rabbitmq

I have wrote server-client application.
Server Side
server will initilise a queue queue1 with routing key key1 on direct exchange.
After initilise and declaration it consume data whenever someone write on it.
Client Side
client will publish some data on that exchange using routing key key1 .
Also i have set mandotory flag to true before i publish.
everything is fine when i start server first .but i got problem when i start client first and it publish data with routing key. When client published data there is no exception from broker.
I want exception or error when i published data on non existing queue.
If you will publish messages with mandatory flag set to true, then that message will returned back in case it cannot be routed to any queue.
As to nonexistent exchanges, it is forbidden to publish messages to non-existent exchanges, so you'll have to get an error about that, something like NOT_FOUND - no exchange 'nonexistent_exchange' in vhost '/'.
You can declare exchanges an queues and bind them as you need on client side too. These operations are idempotent.
Note, that creating and binding exchanges and queues on every publish may have negative performance impact, so do that on client start, not every publish.
P.S.: if you use rabbitmq-c, then it is worth to cite basic_publish documentation
Note that at the AMQ protocol level basic.publish is an async method:
this means error conditions that occur on the broker (such as publishing to a non-existent exchange) will not be reflected in the return value of this function.
I spend a lot time to find do that. I have a example code in python using pika lib to show how to send messsage with delivery mode to prevent waiting response when send message to noneexist queue(broker will ignore meessage so that do not need receive response message)
import pika
# Open a connection to RabbitMQ on localhost using all default parameters
connection = pika.BlockingConnection()
# Open the channel
channel = connection.channel()
# Declare the queue
channel.queue_declare(queue="test", durable=True, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False)
# Enabled delivery confirmations
# Send a message
if channel.basic_publish(exchange='test',
body='Hello World!',
print('Message was published')
print('Message was returned')

How to publish message to existing exchange

I'm playing with Bunny, and trying to publish message to existing queue.
Unfortunately inside Bunny documentation are snipent for consumer creation but not for produser.
So for example when I try to bind to some exchange, it throws an error
PRECONDITION_FAILED - cannot redeclare exchange 'test' in vhost '/' with different type, durable, internal or autodelete value
conn = Bunny.new()
ch = conn.create_channel
x = ch.direct("test")
Do you know why it's trying to redeclare.
Maybe I need first bind to a queue?
Thanks for any help.
The error message is telling you that you tried to redeclare an exchange but you changed some of its arguments.
If you are just testing, then delete the exchange and re run your script.
We also have a set of tutorials here: http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html
I've ran into this problem too. If you've already setup the exchange in RabbitMQ. Make sure that you bind the exchange to your queue. You can either do that in the RabbitMQ admin or via the command line using the rabbitmqctl command.
Next, verify that the exchange you are using is a "direct" exchange. By default, when creating an exchange in the RabbitMQ admin it will generate a "topic" exchange. After you verify they are the same, then you should not get the error message.

IronMQ push queue sending unknown HTTP requests

I setup my push queue endpoint as POST /iron, which works fine. But I'm getting a bunch of other requests too. Are these from Iron.io? What's the point of them? They're just filling up my Apache log. My server is returning 500 errors for all of them (500 instead of 404 in development mode).
POST /webhooks
POST /orders/webhook
POST /api/orders/webhook
Edit: I looked into it using multicast and noticed only my first server was getting these weird requests. They seem to be totally unrelated to iron.io. I guess it's just coincidence they're webhook requests and I just noticed them now. Probably someone put my server as an endpoint for their webhooks. >_<
If you added all those endpoints (subscribers) to your queue it's possible that IronMQ sends multiple requests. Check your queue's subscribers list.
GET /projects/{Project ID}/queues/{Queue Name}
If it contains multiple endpoints and its type is multicast - this is the reason of multiple requests on your side. In this case remove all odd subscribers (or setup new queue).
DELETE /projects/{Project ID}/queues/{Queue Name}/subscribers
In other case contact support ( :
More information at http://dev.iron.io/mq
IronMQ won't send any "unknown" requests. If your endpoint doesn't return a 200, the push queue will keep retrying the message until it either a) receives a 200, or b) fails the "max_retries" number of times.
Also per Featilion's answer, check the multicast/unicast/subscriber setup as well. If you are getting requests to those other endpoints then there's something up with your subscriber setup.
Feel free to jump into live chat if you don't figure out your answer rather quickly.