Dynamic date in BigQuery - google-bigquery

Without manually having to change the date to current date, I'd like to have code which helps to change the date automatically or auto increment date by one day post 0000hrs in big query
AND ((call_date >= "2022-10-01") AND (call_date <= "2022-10-12"))
Below is the complete code.
WITH_0 AS ( SELECT *, FROM employee_calldata),
_1 AS (
call_date AS __call_date__1,
sub_queue AS __sub_queue__1,
sum(call_count) as callstaken,
mode AS __mode__1, `FROM _0 AS _t
(NOT ((call_type) IS NULL)))
AND ((call_date >= "2022-10-01") AND (call_date <= "2022-10-12"))
AND (sub_queue = "Customer_Complaints")
GROUP BY __call_date__1, __sub_queue__1, __mode__1)

DATE((DATETIME_ADD(('2022-10-03 00:00:00'), INTERVAL 100 HOUR)))
=> 2022-10-07

I think what you are asking is how you can create rolling windows that increment as the days go forward.
The equivalent to:
AND ((DATE(call_date) >= "2022-10-01") AND (call_date <= "2022-10-12"))
These values will change based on the current date, change the intervals in DATETIME_SUB and DATETIME_ADD to change the difference from the current date.
Also some other general comments on your code.
You do not need brackets on the WHERE conditions.
(NOT ((call_type) IS NULL))) can be written as call_type IS NOT NULL.
You do not need your first SELECT *, FROM employee_calldata or your SELECT * FROM _1 as they do nothing extra.
This means your final query can be written as:
call_date AS __call_date__1,
sub_queue AS __sub_queue__1,
sum(call_count) as callstaken,
mode AS __mode__1
employee_calldata AS _t
call_type IS NOT NULL
AND sub_queue = "Customer_Complaints"


While solving this 'data comparison' related question on applying 'count function' on this problem, I am getting output as zero

Condition 1: Count the number of requests created on March 13, 2017.
Condition 2: Specify the upper bound by adding 1 to the lower bound.
**-- Count requests created on March 13, 2017
SELECT count(*)
FROM evanston311
WHERE date_created >= '2017-03-13' AND
date_created < '2017-03-12'::date + 1;
Your second part is not correct. I would suggest:
SELECT count(*)
FROM evanston311
WHERE date_created >= '2017-03-13'::date AND
date_created < '2017-03-13'::date + interval '1 day';
The date in the second part should be the same as the date in the first part.
SELECT count(*)
FROM evanston311
WHERE date_created >= '2017-03-13'
AND date_created < '2017-03-13'::date + 1;
Both the answers had a common line of thought and by integrating them, this answer gives the required output i.e count = 33
If you want the count for a specific date just use DATE_TRUNC and look for equality. No range setting needed.
select count(*)
from evanston311
where date_trunc('day' date_created) = '2017-03-13'::date;

How to create a view in PostgreSQL with where clause

I am trying to create a view in Postgres
I have 3-4 time stamps in each closing_date where I need to select only the latest time stamp of each day
And also I have to restrict the closing_date to only 30 days (shown in SQL query below)
Below is the query from SQL data which I had created
CREATE VIEW dbo.CashBreaks_30Days_View as
SELECT Closing_date,Bo,Desk,Breaks_Staus,Owner,status,Team,
FROM Master_Data_CashBreaks
WHERE Closing_date >= cast(getdate()-37 as date);
If I understood you correctly, something like this might return result you want:
create or replace view cash_breaks_30days_view
select a.list_of_columns
from master_data_cashbreaks a
where a.closing_date >= trunc(sysdate) - 30 --> the last 30 days
and a.closing_date = (select max(b.closing_date) --> subquery is used to return
from master_data_cashbreaks b -- the last timestamp per date
where b.id = a.id
and trunc(b.closing_date) = trunc(a.closing_date)
There are few mistakes in your code:
[Type_(2)] - Not a valid SQL
getdate() - There is no such function available in Oracle. you should use the trunc(SYSDATE) instead.
getdate()-37 - Why -37, when you want the last 30 days data. It should be 30.
Your query should look like this in oracle:
CREATE VIEW dbo.CashBreaks_30Days_View as
(SELECT Closing_date,Bo,Desk,Breaks_Staus,Owner,status,Team,
FROM Master_Data_CashBreaks
WHERE Closing_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 30)
Your SQL contains a lot of errors
square brackets are invalid in SQL identifiers, if you have such a column you need to use double quotes. It's unclear to me if your column is named "[Type_(2)]" or maybe just `"Type_(2)"
There is no getdate() in SQL or in Postgres. Use current_date instead
So fixing all those error, your statement should look like this:
CREATE VIEW dbo.CashBreaks_30Days_View
SELECT Closing_date, Bo, Desk, Breaks_Staus, Owner, status,
Team, SLA, Age_Bucket_EntryDate,
Age_Bucket_ValueDate, Age_EntryDate, Age_ValueDate,
"[Type_(2)]" -- or maybe only "Type_(2)"
FROM Master_Data_CashBreaks
WHERE Closing_date >= current_cate - 30;
i am able to create with the below
create or replace view cashbreaks_30days_view_latesttime
select a. Column details
from master_data a
where a. Closing_date >= NOW() - interval '40 days'
and a.closing_date = (select max(b.closing_date)
from master_data b
where date(b.closing_date) = date(a.closing_date));

Efficient way of counting a large content from a cloumn or a two in a database using selected time period

I need to list number of column1 that have been added to the database over the selected time period (since the day the list is requested)-daily, weekly (last 7 days), monthly (last 30 days) and quarterly (last 3 months). for example below is the table I created to perform this task.
Column | Type | Modifiers
column1 character varying (256) not null default nextval
date timestamp without time zone not null default now()
coloumn2 charater varying(256) ..........
Now, I need the total count of entries in column1 with respect the selected time period.
Column 1 | Date | Coloumn2
abcdef 2013-05-12 23:03:22.995562 122345rehr566
njhkepr 2013-04-10 21:03:22.337654 45hgjtron
ffb3a36dce315a7 2013-06-14 07:34:59.477735 jkkionmlopp
abcdefgggg 2013-05-12 23:03:22.788888 22345rehr566
From above data, for daily selected time period it should be count= 2
I have tried doing this query
select count(column1) from table1 where date='2012-05-12 23:03:22';
and have got the exact one record matching the time stamp. But I really needed to do it in proper way I believe this is not an efficient way of retrieving the count. Anyone who could help me know the right and efficient way of writing such query would be great. I am new to the database world, and I am trying to be efficient in writing any query.
Each query currently is taking 175854ms to get process. What could be the efficient way to lessen the time to have it processed accordingly. Any help would be really great. I am using Postgresql to do the same.
To be efficient, conditions should compare values of the sane type as the columns being compared. In this case, the column being compared - Date - has type timestamp, so we need to use a range of tinestamp values.
In keeping with this, you should use current_timestamp for the "now" value, and as confirmed by the documentation, subtracting an interval from a timestamp yields a timestamp, so...
For the last 1 day:
select count(*) from table1
where "Date" > current_timestamp - interval '1 day'
For the last 7 days:
select count(*) from table1
where "Date" > current_timestamp - interval '7 days'
For the last 30 days:
select count(*) from table1
where "Date" > current_timestamp - interval '30 days'
For the last 3 months:
select count(*) from table1
where "Date" > current_timestamp - interval '3 months'
Make sure you have an index on the Date column.
If you find that the index is not being used, try converting the condition to a between, eg:
where "Date" between current_timestamp - interval '3 months' and current_timestamp
Logically the same, but may help the optimizer to choose the index.
Note that column1 is irrelevant to the question; being unique there is no possibility of the row count being different from the number of different values of column1 found by any given criteria.
Also, the choice of "Date" for the column name is poor, because a) it is a reserved word, and b) it is not in fact a date.
If you want to count number of records between two dates:
select count(*)
from Table1
where "Date" >= '2013-05-12' and "Date" < '2013-05-13'
-- count for one day, upper bound not included
select count(*)
from Table1
where "Date" >= '2013-05-12' and "Date" < '2013-06-13'
-- count for one month, upper bound not included
select count(*)
from Table1
"Date" >= current_date and
"Date" < current_date + interval '1 day'
-- current date
What I understand from your wording is
select date_trunc('day', "date"), count(*)
from t
where "date" >= '2013-01-01'
group by 1
order by 1
Replace 'day' for 'week', 'month', 'quarter' as needed.
Create an index on the "date" column.
select count(distinct column1) from table1 where date > '2012-05-12 23:03:22';
I assume "number of column1" means "number of distinct values in column1.
Regarding your second question (speed of the query): I would assume that an index on the date column should speed up the runtime. Depending on the data content, this could even be declared unique.
To throw another option into the mix...
Add a column of type "date" and index that -- named "datecol" for this example:
create index on tbl_datecol_idx on tbl (datecol);
analyze tbl;
Then your query can use an equality operator:
select count(*) from tbl where datecol = current_date - 1; --yesterday
Or if you can't add the date datatype column, you could create a functional index on the existing column:
create index tbl_date_fbi on tbl ( ("date"::DATE) );
analyze tbl;
select count(*) from tbl where "date"::DATE = current_date - 1;
Note1: you do not need to query "column1" directly as every row has that attribute filled due to the NOT NULL.
Note2: Creating a column named "date" is poor form, and even worse that it is of type TIMESTAMP.

How do you do date math that ignores the year?

I am trying to select dates that have an anniversary in the next 14 days. How can I select based on dates excluding the year? I have tried something like the following.
SELECT * FROM events
WHERE EXTRACT(month FROM "date") = 3
AND EXTRACT(day FROM "date") < EXTRACT(day FROM "date") + 14
The problem with this is that months wrap.
I would prefer to do something like this, but I don't know how to ignore the year.
SELECT * FROM events
WHERE (date > '2013-03-01' AND date < '2013-04-01')
How can I accomplish this kind of date math in Postgres?
TL/DR: use the "Black magic version" below.
All queries presented in other answers so far operate with conditions that are not sargable: they cannot use an index and have to compute an expression for every single row in the base table to find matching rows. Doesn't matter much with small tables. Matters a lot with big tables.
Given the following simple table:
event_id serial PRIMARY KEY
, event_date date
Version 1. and 2. below can use a simple index of the form:
CREATE INDEX event_event_date_idx ON event(event_date);
But all of the following solutions are even faster without index.
1. Simple version
SELECT ((current_date + d) - interval '1 year' * y)::date AS event_date
FROM generate_series( 0, 14) d
CROSS JOIN generate_series(13, 113) y
) x
JOIN event USING (event_date);
Subquery x computes all possible dates over a given range of years from a CROSS JOIN of two generate_series() calls. The selection is done with the final simple join.
2. Advanced version
WITH val AS (
SELECT extract(year FROM age(current_date + 14, min(event_date)))::int AS max_y
, extract(year FROM age(current_date, max(event_date)))::int AS min_y
FROM event
SELECT ((current_date + d.d) - interval '1 year' * y.y)::date AS event_date
FROM generate_series(0, 14) d
,(SELECT generate_series(min_y, max_y) AS y FROM val) y
) x
JOIN event e USING (event_date);
Range of years is deduced from the table automatically - thereby minimizing generated years.
You could go one step further and distill a list of existing years if there are gaps.
Effectiveness co-depends on the distribution of dates. It's better for few years with many rows each.
Simple db<>fiddle to play with here
Old sqlfiddle
3. Black magic version
Create a simple SQL function to calculate an integer from the pattern 'MMDD':
'SELECT (EXTRACT(month FROM $1) * 100 + EXTRACT(day FROM $1))::int';
I had to_char(time, 'MMDD') at first, but switched to the above expression which proved fastest in new tests on Postgres 9.6 and 10:
db<>fiddle here
It allows function inlining because EXTRACT(xyz FROM date) is implemented with the IMMUTABLE function date_part(text, date) internally. And it has to be IMMUTABLE to allow its use in the following essential multicolumn expression index:
CREATE INDEX event_mmdd_event_date_idx ON event(f_mmdd(event_date), event_date);
Multicolumn for a number of reasons:
Can help with ORDER BY or with selecting from given years. Read here. At almost no additional cost for the index. A date fits into the 4 bytes that would otherwise be lost to padding due to data alignment. Read here.
Also, since both index columns reference the same table column, no drawback with regard to H.O.T. updates. Read here.
Basic query:
FROM event e
WHERE f_mmdd(e.event_date) BETWEEN f_mmdd(current_date)
AND f_mmdd(current_date + 14);
One PL/pgSQL table function to rule them all
Fork to one of two queries to cover the turn of the year:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_anniversary(_the_date date = current_date, _days int = 14)
d int := f_mmdd($1);
d1 int := f_mmdd($1 + $2 - 1); -- fix off-by-1 from upper bound
IF d1 > d THEN
FROM event e
WHERE f_mmdd(e.event_date) BETWEEN d AND d1
ORDER BY f_mmdd(e.event_date), e.event_date;
ELSE -- wrap around end of year
FROM event e
WHERE f_mmdd(e.event_date) >= d OR
f_mmdd(e.event_date) <= d1
ORDER BY (f_mmdd(e.event_date) >= d) DESC, f_mmdd(e.event_date), event_date;
-- chronological across turn of the year
Call using defaults: 14 days beginning "today":
SELECT * FROM f_anniversary();
Call for 7 days beginning '2014-08-23':
SELECT * FROM f_anniversary(date '2014-08-23', 7);
db<>fiddle here - comparing EXPLAIN ANALYZE
"February 29"
When dealing with anniversaries or "birthdays", you need to define how to deal with the special case "February 29" in leap years.
When testing for ranges of dates, Feb 29 is usually included automatically, even if the current year is not a leap year. The range of days is extended by 1 retroactively when it covers this day.
On the other hand, if the current year is a leap year, and you want to look for 15 days, you may end up getting results for 14 days in leap years if your data is from non-leap years.
Say, Bob is born on the 29th of February:
My query 1. and 2. include February 29 only in leap years. Bob has birthday only every ~ 4 years.
My query 3. includes February 29 in the range. Bob has birthday every year.
There is no magical solution. You have to define what you want for every case.
To substantiate my point I ran an extensive test with all the presented solutions. I adapted each of the queries to the given table and to yield identical results without ORDER BY.
The good news: all of them are correct and yield the same result - except for Gordon's query that had syntax errors, and #wildplasser's query that fails when the year wraps around (easy to fix).
Insert 108000 rows with random dates from the 20th century, which is similar to a table of living people (13 or older).
INSERT INTO event (event_date)
SELECT '2000-1-1'::date - (random() * 36525)::int
FROM generate_series (1, 108000);
Delete ~ 8 % to create some dead tuples and make the table more "real life".
DELETE FROM event WHERE random() < 0.08;
ANALYZE event;
My test case had 99289 rows, 4012 hits.
C - Catcall
WITH anniversaries as (
SELECT event_id, event_date
,(event_date + (n || ' years')::interval)::date anniversary
FROM event, generate_series(13, 113) n
SELECT event_id, event_date -- count(*) --
FROM anniversaries
WHERE anniversary BETWEEN current_date AND current_date + interval '14' day;
C1 - Catcall's idea rewritten
Aside from minor optimizations, the major difference is to add only the exact amount of years date_trunc('year', age(current_date + 14, event_date)) to get this year's anniversary, which avoids the need for a CTE altogether:
SELECT event_id, event_date
FROM event
WHERE (event_date + date_trunc('year', age(current_date + 14, event_date)))::date
BETWEEN current_date AND current_date + 14;
D - Daniel
SELECT * -- count(*) --
FROM event
WHERE extract(month FROM age(current_date + 14, event_date)) = 0
AND extract(day FROM age(current_date + 14, event_date)) <= 14;
E1 - Erwin 1
See "1. Simple version" above.
E2 - Erwin 2
See "2. Advanced version" above.
E3 - Erwin 3
See "3. Black magic version" above.
G - Gordon
SELECT * -- count(*)
FROM (SELECT *, to_char(event_date, 'MM-DD') AS mmdd FROM event) e
WHERE to_date(to_char(now(), 'YYYY') || '-'
|| (CASE WHEN mmdd = '02-29' THEN '02-28' ELSE mmdd END)
,'YYYY-MM-DD') BETWEEN date(now()) and date(now()) + 14;
H - a_horse_with_no_name
WITH upcoming as (
SELECT event_id, event_date
WHEN date_trunc('year', age(event_date)) = age(event_date)
THEN current_date
ELSE cast(event_date + ((extract(year FROM age(event_date)) + 1)
* interval '1' year) AS date)
END AS next_event
FROM event
SELECT event_id, event_date
FROM upcoming
WHERE next_event - current_date <= 14;
W - wildplasser
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION this_years_birthday(_dut date)
ret date;
ret := date_trunc('year' , current_timestamp)
+ (date_trunc('day' , _dut)
- date_trunc('year' , _dut));
Simplified to return the same as all the others:
FROM event e
WHERE this_years_birthday( e.event_date::date )
BETWEEN current_date
AND current_date + '2weeks'::interval;
W1 - wildplasser's query rewritten
The above suffers from a number of inefficient details (beyond the scope of this already sizable post). The rewritten version is much faster:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION this_years_birthday(_dut INOUT date)
SELECT (date_trunc('year', now()) + ($1 - date_trunc('year', $1)))::date
FROM event e
WHERE this_years_birthday(e.event_date) BETWEEN current_date
AND (current_date + 14);
Test results
I ran this test with a temporary table on PostgreSQL 9.1.7.
Results were gathered with EXPLAIN ANALYZE, best of 5.
Without index
C: Total runtime: 76714.723 ms
C1: Total runtime: 307.987 ms -- !
D: Total runtime: 325.549 ms
E1: Total runtime: 253.671 ms -- !
E2: Total runtime: 484.698 ms -- min() & max() expensive without index
E3: Total runtime: 213.805 ms -- !
G: Total runtime: 984.788 ms
H: Total runtime: 977.297 ms
W: Total runtime: 2668.092 ms
W1: Total runtime: 596.849 ms -- !
With index
E1: Total runtime: 37.939 ms --!!
E2: Total runtime: 38.097 ms --!!
With index on expression
E3: Total runtime: 11.837 ms --!!
All other queries perform the same with or without index because they use non-sargable expressions.
So far, #Daniel's query was the fastest.
#wildplassers (rewritten) approach performs acceptably, too.
#Catcall's version is something like the reverse approach of mine. Performance gets out of hand quickly with bigger tables.
The rewritten version performs pretty well, though. The expression I use is something like a simpler version of #wildplassser's this_years_birthday() function.
My "simple version" is faster even without index, because it needs fewer computations.
With index, the "advanced version" is about as fast as the "simple version", because min() and max() become very cheap with an index. Both are substantially faster than the rest which cannot use the index.
My "black magic version" is fastest with or without index. And it is very simple to call.
The updated version (after the benchmark) is a bit faster, yet.
With a real life table an index will make even greater difference. More columns make the table bigger, and sequential scan more expensive, while the index size stays the same.
I believe the following test works in all cases, assuming a column named anniv_date:
select * from events
where extract(month from age(current_date+interval '14 days', anniv_date))=0
and extract(day from age(current_date+interval '14 days', anniv_date)) <= 14
As an example of how it works when crossing a year (and also a month), let's say an anniversary date is 2009-01-04 and the date at which the test is run is 2012-12-29.
We want to consider any date between 2012-12-29 and 2013-01-12 (14 days)
age('2013-01-12'::date, '2009-01-04'::date) is 4 years 8 days.
extract(month...) from this is 0 and extract(days...) is 8, which is lower than 14 so it matches.
How about this?
select *
from events e
where to_char(e."date", 'MM-DD') between to_char(now(), 'MM-DD') and
to_char(date(now())+14, 'MM-DD')
You can do the comparison as strings.
To take year ends into account, we'll convert back to dates:
select *
from events e
where to_date(to_char(now(), 'YYYY')||'-'||to_char(e."date", 'MM-DD'), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
between date(now()) and date(now())+14
You do need to make a slight adjustment for Feb 29. I might suggest:
select *
from (select e.*,
to_char(e."date", 'MM-DD') as MMDD
from events
) e
where to_date(to_char(now(), 'YYYY')||'-'||(case when MMDD = '02-29' then '02-28' else MMDD), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
between date(now()) and date(now())+14
For convenience, I created two functions that yield the (expected or past) birsthday in the current year, and the upcoming birthday.
ret DATE;
ret =
date_trunc( 'year' , current_timestamp)
+ (date_trunc( 'day' , _dut)
- date_trunc( 'year' , _dut)
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
ret DATE;
ret =
date_trunc( 'year' , current_timestamp)
+ (date_trunc( 'day' , _dut)
- date_trunc( 'year' , _dut)
IF (ret < date_trunc( 'day' , current_timestamp))
THEN ret = ret + '1year'::interval; END IF;
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- call the function
SELECT date_trunc( 'day' , t.topic_date) AS the_date
, this_years_birthday( t.topic_date::date ) AS the_day
, next_birthday( t.topic_date::date ) AS next_day
FROM topic t
WHERE this_years_birthday( t.topic_date::date )
BETWEEN current_date
AND current_date + '2weeks':: interval
NOTE: the casts are needed because I only had timestamps available.
This should handle wrap-arounds at the end of the year as well:
with upcoming as (
select name,
when date_trunc('year', age(event_date)) = age(event_date) then current_date
else cast(event_date + ((extract(year from age(event_date)) + 1) * interval '1' year) as date)
end as next_event
from events
select name,
next_event - current_date as days_until_next
from upcoming
order by next_event - current_date
You can filter than on the expression next_event - current_date to apply the "next 14 days"
The case ... is only necessary if you consider events that would be "today" as "upcoming" as well. Otherwise, that can be reduced to the else part of the case statement.
Note that I "renamed" the column "date" to event_date. Mainly because reserved words shouldn't be used as an identifier but also because date is a terrible column name. It doesn't tell you anything about what it stores.
You can generate a virtual table of anniversaries, and select from it.
with anniversaries as (
select event_date,
(event_date + (n || ' years')::interval)::date anniversary
from events, generate_series(1,10) n
select event_date, anniversary
from anniversaries
where anniversary between current_date and current_date + interval '14' day
order by event_date, anniversary
The call to generate_series(1,10) has the effect of generating 10 years of anniversaries for each event_date. I wouldn't use the literal value 10 in production. Instead, I'd either calculate the right number of years to use in a subquery, or I'd use a large literal like 100.
You'll want to adjust the WHERE clause to fit your application.
If you have a performance problem with the virtual table (when you have a lot of rows in "events"), replace the common table expression with a base table having the identical structure. Storing anniversaries in a base table makes their values obvious (especially for, say, Feb 29 anniversaries), and queries on such a table can use an index. Querying an anniversary table of half a million rows using just the SELECT statement above takes 25ms on my desktop.
I found a way to do it.
SELECT EXTRACT(DAYS FROM age('1999-04-10', '2003-05-12')),
EXTRACT(MONTHS FROM age('1999-04-10', '2003-05-12'));
date_part | date_part
-2 | -1
I can then just check that the month is 0 and the days are less than 14.
If you have a more elegant solution, please do post it. I'll leave the question open for a bit.
I don't work with postgresql so I googled it's date functions and found this: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-datetime.html
If I read it correctly, looking for events in the next 14 days is as simple as:
where mydatefield >= current_date
and mydatefield < current_date + integer '14'
Of course I might not be reading it correctly.

What Is The Optimal Way To Select Rows From Last 7 Days?

What's the best way to select only those rows from the table that have been created in last 7 days?
There are dozens of time and date functions in MySQL and I'm a little bit confused about what's the easiest way to do this.
For the sake of this question, assume that you have a table called "my_table" and it contains a row "created_at" which is a DATETIME.
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE ...
What would you fill in the WHERE clause?
WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(), created_at) <= 7;
I like it because it reads: "Where the Difference in Date between Now and when it was created is at most 7 (days)." in my own head
...WHERE created_at >= Date_Add(now(), INTERVAL -7 DAY)
This is my preferred way because it's so...clear. But ADDDATE is fine too (and you can use the INTERVAL form with that for clarity as well; its default is days so you see people leaving it off). You don't want to do a calculation on created_at and compare it to now() because that requires the computation on created_at on each row (assuming MySQL doesn't optimise it out), whereas modifying now() and comparing to an unmodified created_at means MySQL does that bit once and uses the result when comparing against rows, not to mention indexes.
hopefully that will help
WHERE ADDDATE(datefield, 7) > NOW();
SELECT * FROM my_table
WHERE DATE(created_at) >= SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), 7)
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_table.datefield > sysdate - 7