In groff using ms macros, how can I insert multiple page breaks one after another?
This only produces one new page before the next paragraph (as expected):
However this also only produces one new page before the next paragraph:
.bp +2
I can't find anything relating to page breaks in man 7 groff_ms. What am I doing wrong?
At the start of a page, the ms macros put troff into no-space mode to avoid unwanted gaps. It can be turned off with the command .rs. Eg
I'm encountering a problem in Markdown paragraph.
I use Notepad in Microsoft Windows to create .md file and use Typora for rendering.
The new lines in the same paragraph are treated as new line in rendering.
For example, if my .md file contains the following text
Electric Field inside
a conductor
is zero
The Typora renders as it is with new lines....whereas it is expected the rendering should be like this
Electric Field inside a conductor is zero.
i.e new lines inside the same paragraph to be formatted in proper paragraph sense and not like code listing. Whats the mistake I' doing ?.
Typora seems to not follow typical Markdown behavior in this regard. As explained in their documentation:
A paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text. In
markdown source code, paragraphs are separated by two or more blank
lines. In Typora, you only need one blank line (press Return once)
to create a new paragraph.
Press Shift + Return to create a single line break. Most other
markdown parsers will ignore single line breaks, so in order to make
other markdown parsers recognize your line break, you can leave two
spaces at the end of the line, or insert <br/>.
I have a table in Word that has column titles. When the page breaks the table rolls over to the next page and the headers repeat. However, I also have section titles that are important to see as well. If you look at the example below, I have the section '2' at the top next to sub-section 'C'.
a) I will be generating MHTML dynamically for import into Word so if it is possible to generate MHTML that will enable the above then that would be great. Otherwise ...
b) Is there any way within Word to manually or using VBA mark up the sections so they know to roll over to the next page automatically, so that the table will update itself if there are any changes to page-break locations. Alternatively...
c) I might have to write some VBA that checks that the section numbers are in the right place every time the VBA code is manually run, although I suspect that might start to get messy as I will also have to remove any existing 'pulled' section numbers that might have been inserted.
I have a word file with approximately 750 fields which link to an Excel file (all to single cells, mostly not the same cell, always the same file), e.g.:
{ LINK Excel.SheetMacroEnabled.12 C:\\Dir1\\Dir1\\ExcelFile.xlsm Daten!Z1S1 \t \* MERGEFORMAT }
Updating the fields (CRTL+A -> F9) right after restarting Word is fairly quick. But if Word wasn't restarted it sometimes takes 10-20 minutes. On some PCs even restarting doesn't help.
When I checked the Task-Manger I saw multiple Excel-Instances could it be the Word open and closes the file for each field, even they all are linked to the same file. Is there a way to force Word to keep the file open?
I played around with the following VBA code with different variations, but so far I had no luck. This is the code I'm trying to get to work (going through all stories) and updating the fields:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
I also tried to go through each field individually (which is undesirable since it means I have to build my own progress bar), but it doesn't resolve the performance issue:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Is there a way to prevent the low performance, or at least a way to further troubleshoot the problem?
Please Note: I also posted two other questions within this context:
VBA (Word): force user form to update in real time
How to show the progress of the “Fields.Update”-Method in VBA (Word)
wdSectionBreakNextPage does not come with a trailing paragraph mark
I have a massive table i copy from excel to word sprinkled throughout with homemade fields PAGEX and SECTIONX. My macro will change these to page and section breaks, splitting the table for each (what I want). But page breaks come with a trailing paragraph mark before the table and section breaks do not. My feeble attempts to insert a paragraph mark after a section break always ends up with the paragraph mark inside the table.
My goal is to get the same gap between my header and the beginning of the table after both section breaks and page breaks. I think I simply want a macro to insert a paragraph mark after my section breaks similar to the way wdPageBreak works (i.e., between the break and the table). But I'm open to suggestions.
As perhaps further clarification, doing this manually involves creating a new row after a section break, then converting that row to text (quite impractical for the counts I'm looking at).
Do While .Execute
Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdSectionBreakNextPage
ActiveDocument.Compatibility(wdSplitPgBreakAndParaMark) = False
thanks free and macro. i probably should have noted that i'm a vba novice (cut-and-paste mostly).
i decided it was easiest to just insert a page break after each section break, and then do a replace of ^m^p by ^p.
this works in my case, but won't work for others reading this if they have existing page breaks they don't want to lose.
I defined a building block (QuickPart) to "Insert in its own page". I insert it in code (C# Word Interop) like this:
range =
.Insert(Where: _selection.Range, RichText: true);
_doc is _word.Documents.Add(...), _selection is _doc.ActiveWindow.Selection (nothing is selected) and _word is the Application object.
Based on the definition of the building block, I expect a page break to be automatically inserted before the building block but that is not happening. How do I make BuildingBlock.Insert honor the building block definition?
It appears that the object model does not honor that setting. Apparently, only inserting the Building Block from the UI will trigger it.
My recommendation would be to:
Format the first paragraph of the Buidling Block entry with "Page
break before" paragraph formatting.
Then include a PageBreak (Ctrl+Enter) at the end of the entry.
Select it, including the page break and re-create the Building
In this way, the entire entry will always appear on a separate page from the rest of the text in the document.