How to dynamically format BigQuery `dataset.schema.table name` with backticks - sql

I need to work through how to take stored procedure functions from
and modify the backticks that default to coming through around the project and place them around the dataset.schema.table()
The reason is more for uniform results across our system than a technical error need.
currently when I run this query
where lower(routine_type) = 'procedure'
It will return the below:
I have tried the below query
REGEXP_REPLACE(ddl, r"project-data-sandbox`.", "project-data-sandbox.") AS replaced_word
, REGEXP_REPLACE(ddl, r'`([a-zA-Z]+(-[a-zA-Z]+)+)`\.[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]+\(\)','Apples') tester
where lower(routine_type) = 'procedure'
I get part of what I want. However, the problem is our stored procedures can be named any sort of names and they could require objects to be passed to them.
I added the tester column to see if I could replace the project string with another word (or regex) but it isn't even replacing it with apples yet.
which I would want turned into this:
I'm working through Regexp_replace but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the backtick between the parenthesis and the last letter.
Thanks for any help!


Dynamic, Nested Replace

I'm using SQL Server 2008 and need to strip out quite a bit of data within a string. Because of the nature and variability of the string, I think I'm needing to use multiple, nested REPLACE commands. The problem is each REPLACE needs to build on the previous one. Here is a sample of what I'm looking at:
<Paragraph><Replacement Id="40B"><Le><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">Treatment by </Run></Le><Op isFreeText="True"><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">test</Run></Op><Tr><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">. </Run></Tr></Replacement></Paragraph>
Essentially, I need it to return just the text outside of the <> brackets so for this example it would be:
Treatment by test.
Also, I wanted to mention that the strings inside the <> brackets can vary quite a bit for each row both by content and length, but it isn't relevant for what I'm needing other than making it more complex for replacing.
Here is what I've tried:
REPLACE(note,substring(note,patindex('<%>',note),CHARINDEX('>',note) - CHARINDEX('<',note) + 1),'')
And it returns:
<Replacement Id="40B"><Le><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">Treatment by </Run></Le><Op isFreeText="True"><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">test</Run></Op><Tr><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">. </Run></Tr></Replacement></Paragraph>
Somehow I need to keep going with replacing each of the <> brackets but don't know how to proceed. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!!!
Depending on how you have that string holding the HTML fragment available you could try to use something like:
SELECT convert(xml, '<Paragraph><Replacement Id="40B"><Le><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">Treatment by </Run></Le><Op isFreeText="True"><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">test</Run></Op><Tr><Run Foreground="#FFFF0000">. </Run></Tr></Replacement></Paragraph>').value('/', 'varchar(255)') as stripped
You convert it to XML and then use the built in xml parser function "value".

ORA-01006 with bindings within quotes

I got some trouble with my bindings using dbms_sql. The user creates the statement and give it to may function as well as the bindings and their values. That means I know about nothing of the statement. An input could be
select salary from employee where name like '%:name%'
This raises an ORA-01006. This post leads me to the reason: the binding is within single quotes so they are treated as a literal, not a binding.
I wrote some code to adjust the statement. But it works only for the given example ('%<binding>%'). Is there any way (maybe using regex) to solve it for all bindings within quotes?
So if input is like '<any pre content><binding><any post content>' it should be modified to '<any precontent>''||<binding>||''<any post content>' (hope that clears my wishes).
I'm not good in using regex so my solution for the example is very unflexible:
l_sql := replace(l_sql, '%:'||p_name||'%', '%''||:'||p_name||'||''%');
BTW: I'm using Oracle 11g.

pdo bind_param containing quote returns nothing

I'm converting a mysqli code into PDO as it was requested but I'm having a hard time trying to pass some single quotes into the new LIKE query.I will only paste the parts regarding this problem as there's no need of pasting the whole query etc I guess.
Whenever I use something like "whatever" it returns the results fine, but when I go for "what'ever" it doesn't return anything... The way I have it at the moment was working with mysqli_ but it doesn't when I changed everything to PDO. Any idea how to actually quote the string or escape it properly?
Thank you in advance.
My variable is
The query
$listbugs = $bugtrackerpdo->prepare('
INNER JOIN raid ON raid.ID = bugs.Raid
AND raid.RaidName LIKE :raid
$listbugs->bindParam(':raid', $FilterRaid);

VisualBasic OleDb accessing Excel spreadsheet, can't set column in query using parameter?

I'm working in Visual Basic and using OleDb to access an Excel spreadsheet. I'm importing the data from the sheet into my DataGridView, and that works fine, but now I'm working on filtering. For the most part it works great, but I'm trying to use parameters ("#p1" and so on), and I'm getting a very strange issue.
I can have the following (excluding a bunch of irrelevant stuff before, in between, and after)
query = query & "Project" & " LIKE #Gah1"
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Gah1", "%House%")
and it gives me the results I'm looking for. But I can't seem to get a parameter for the name of the column itself, for example
query = query & "#Gah1" & " LIKE #Gah2"
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Gah1", "Project")
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Gah2", "%House%")
does not work (and I've tried enclosing Project in different brackets and stuff in different ways, can't get it to work). I've found plenty of examples on using parameters, but none that use them to give the column name.
I'm guessing the parameter changes how the string is represented, seeing as you don't need to have the ' ' around string literals.
Is it not possible to give column names in parameter? If you can, what do I need to do?
Well it won't let me post comment, so here
a) Oops, no, I guess not
b) The string query that I end up sending in my test query here is
"select * from [Bid Summary$] where #Gah1 LIKE #Gah2"
I can post the procedure if absolutely need be, but it isn't the problem because the whole thing works perfectly fine if I replace #Gah1 with Project or [Project], so I just showed the lines that I change.
I'm very new to parameterized queries, can you explain how to avoid query strings using it? If there's a better way to do what I'm doing I'm happy to use it =)
And thanks for response and edit
I use combination of string methods and parameters, like this:
//replace field name in a query template
query = String.Format("select * from [Bid Summary$] where {0} LIKE ?", "#Gah1");
//set value (name is in OleDb parameter ignored, so it could be null)
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(null, "%House%");
Note: There is possibility of a sql injection, so be sure about origin of field name (not from user input).

string replace sql select

Hi Ive tried to find an answer to this but cant find one.
Id like to remove some characters and prepend a pound sign to the result of an SQL query which looks as follows (its already using a replace command can I stack these)?:
select fundraiser.Company_Name,
sum(fundraising_campaigns.Total_Collected) as donations
from fundraising_campaigns,
where Charity_Name = 'WaterAid'
and fundraising_campaigns.Campaigners_ID =
group by fundraiser.Company_Name
Can anyone confirm how I would go about adding (£ sign) and remove several sets of characters from a select statement.Certainly dont appear to be able to stack replace statements (e.g.
replace(replace (string, what to match, what to replace it with), what to match, what to replace it with)
Appreciate any thoughts
I am not sure about your question. If I am correct you want to prepend £ and do some nested replace. Hope the below example helps.
select '£'+replace(replace('YourText','x','s'),'You','U')