Handle image upload for CKEditor 5 with a graphql backend - ckeditor5

here's my current setup that is resulting in TypeError: undefined is not a function
import client from 'GraphQl/apolloClient'
import { ADD_POST_IMAGE } from 'GraphQl/News/Mutations'
function MyCustomUploadAdapterPlugin(editor) {
editor.plugins.get('FileRepository').createUploadAdapter = (loader) => {
return new MyUploadAdapter(loader)
class MyUploadAdapter {
constructor(props) {
// CKEditor 5's FileLoader instance.
this.loader = props
this.mutation = client.mutate({ mutation: ADD_POST_IMAGE })
// Starts the upload process.
upload() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Prepares the data and sends the request.
_sendRequest() {
const [addPost, { error }] = this.mutation
this.loader.file.then(async (result) => {
const { data: response } = await addPost({
variables: { data: { image: result } },
export default MyCustomUploadAdapterPlugin
i'm trying to setup a custom upload adapter for React CKEditor plugin 5.
since i have a graphql backend, i plan to use mutations for upload.


Fetching API for Articles with NextJS and Strapi

I would like some help on an API issue.
I have been trying to link each Article page based on the content I have created in Strapi CMS on my local server.
The API endpoint that I manage to gather data is from 'http://localhost:1337/api/articles?populate=*'.
Here is my code:
// lib/api.js
export class ApiError extends Error {
constructor(url, status) {
super(`'${url}' returned ${status}`);
if(Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, ApiError);
this.name = 'ApiError';
this.status = status;
export async function fetchJson(url, options) {
const response = await fetch(url, options);
if(!response.ok) {
throw new ApiError(url, response.status);
return await response.json();
// lib/articles.js
import { fetchJson } from "./api";
const API_URL = process.env.API_URL;
// Gets a single article
export async function getArticle(id) {
const article = await fetchJson(`${API_URL}/api/article/${id}`);
return stripArticle(article);
// Gets all articles
export async function getArticles() {
const articles = await fetchJson(`${API_URL}/api/articles`);
return articles.map(stripArticle);
function stripArticle(article) {
return {
id: article.id,
title: article.attributes.Title,
content: article.attributes.Content,
pictureUrl: API_URL + article.attributes.Photo.formats.thumbnail.url,
Article Page:
import Page from "../../components/Page";
import { getArticle, getArticles } from "../../lib/articles";
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown';
import Moment from 'react-moment';
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const article = await getArticle(params.id)
return {
props: { article },
unstable_revalidate: 1,
export default function Article({ article }) {
return (
<Page title={article.Title}>
<ReactMarkdown source={article.Content} />
<Moment from="MM Do YYYY">{article.CreatedAt}</Moment>
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const articles = await getArticles()
return {
paths: articles.map((article) => ({
params: { id: article.id.toString() }, // Number convert to string
fallback: 'blocking', // What if error. Client is blocked, until new page is ready.
I would get an error: TypeError: articles.map is not a function.
If there is a better way to format and write the code, do let me know as I have been trying to find which is best.
Thanks for the help in advance.

How to mock vue composable functions with jest

I'm using vue2 with composition Api, vuex and apollo client to request a graphql API and I have problems when mocking composable functions with jest
// store-service.ts
export function apolloQueryService(): {
// do some graphql stuff
return { result, loading, error };
// store-module.ts
import { apolloQueryService } from 'store-service'
export StoreModule {
state: ()=> ({
result: {}
actions: {
fetchData({commit}) {
const { result, loading, error } = apolloQueryService()
commit('setState', result);
mutations: {
setState(state, result): {
state.result = result
The Test:
// store-module.spec.ts
import { StoreModule } from store-module.ts
const store = StoreModule
describe('store-module.ts', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.mock('store-service', () => ({
apolloQueryService: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
result: { value: 'foo' }, loading: false, error: {}
test('action', async ()=> {
const commit = jest.fn();
await store.actions.fetchData({ commit });
expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setData', { value: 'foo' });
The test fails, because the commit gets called with ('setData', { value: undefined }) which is the result from the original apolloQueryService. My Mock doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong? Appreciate any help, thanks!
Try this :
// store-module.spec.ts
import { StoreModule } from store-module.ts
// first mock the module. use the absolute path to store-service.ts from the project root
// then you import the mocked module.
import { apolloQueryService } from 'store-service';
// finally, you add the mock return values for the mock module
result: { value: 'foo' }, loading: false, error: {}
/* if the import order above creates a problem for you,
you can extract the first step (jest.mock) to an external setup file.
You should do this if you are supposed to mock it in all tests anyway.
https://jestjs.io/docs/configuration#setupfiles-array */
const store = StoreModule
describe('store-module.ts', () => {
test('action', async ()=> {
const commit = jest.fn();
await store.actions.fetchData({ commit });
expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setData', { value: 'foo' });

What is the best practice for updating the local variables in redux-thunk after getting the response from api?

I have implemented the redux-thunk which works just fine in my react-native application. I have some 'this.counterValue', which value must be updated after getting the response from the api. As api fetch methods are implemented in another actions files, and response is achieved in that file. So, how must it be implemented to make this work fine.I don't want the change in 'this.counterValue' results in re-render of my application. I am new to react native, it would be great to be helped. Thanks.
Component file:
this.counterValue = 75; //local variable
this.props.fetchData('onStart'); // call to fetch data from actions files
Action file:
export const fetchData = (fetchType) => {
return async dispatch => {
method: 'GET',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+ global.apiToken,
.then(response => {
return response.json()
.then(RetrivedData => {
.catch(error => {
using dispatch send the data to the reducer and in reducer update the state value which then you could use it in the component.
import { reducerWithInitialState } from 'typescript-fsa-reducers'
import { DemoListViewActions } from './Actions'
export interface DemoListViewState {
data: any[]
selectedData: any
const initialState: DemoListViewState = {
data: [],
selectedData: undefined
const dataListRequestSuccessHandler = (state: DemoListViewState, payload: any[]): DemoListViewState => {
return {
data: payload
export const DemoListViewReducer = reducerWithInitialState(initialState)
.case(DemoListViewActions.dataListRequestSuccess, dataListRequestSuccessHandler)
const mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<IDemoListViewStateProps, OwnProps, RootState> = (state: RootState, ownProps: OwnProps) => {
const {data} = state.demoListView
return {
listData: data
export interface IDemoListViewStateProps {
listData: any[]
just store it in props and state and you could manipulate it easily
After dispatching your action,you have to update your reducer
Import Action from './Action'
const initialState = {
people :[ ] // initiate empty array
export default function(state=initialState,action){
case Action.test:
return testUpdate(state,action)
default :
return state
//Update the result from the api,people array will be populated
with latest data
function testUpdate(state,action){
return {...state,people:action.payload.people}

relay subscription onNext not triggered on react-native

I am a subscription setup but onNext is not getting triggered I am not sure why since this is my first time implementing subscription and docs was not much help with the issue.
Here are the code implementations:
import {
} from 'react-relay'
import environment from '../network';
const subscription = graphql`
subscription chatCreatedSubscription{
function chatCreated(callback) {
const variables = {};
requestSubscription(environment, {
onNext: () => {
updater: () => {
module.exports = chatCreated;
and here is my network for the subscription
import { Environment, Network, RecordSource, Store } from "relay-runtime";
import Expo from "expo";
import { SubscriptionClient } from "subscriptions-transport-ws";
import { WebSocketLink } from 'apollo-link-ws';
import { execute } from 'apollo-link';
import accessHelper from "../helper/accessToken";
const networkSubscriptions = async (operation, variables) => {
let token = await accessHelper();
if (token != null || token != undefined) {
const subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient("ws://localhost:3000/graphql",
reconnect: true,
connectionParams: {
Authorization: token,
execute(new WebSocketLink(subscriptionClient), {
query: operation.text,
const network = Network.create(fetchQuery, networkSubscriptions);
const store = new Store(new RecordSource());
const environment = new Environment({
export default environment;
the subscription is called in a componentDidMount method on a component it executes but the onNext method inside the subscription is never triggered when new information is added to what the subscription is listening to.
so i figured out that my issue was the network js not being setup properly and the version of subscription-transport-ws. i added version 0.8.3 of the package and made the following changes to my network file:
const networkSubscriptions = async (config, variables, cacheConfig, observer) => {
const query = config.text;
let token = await accessHelper();
if (token != null || token != undefined) {
const subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient(`ws://${api}/graphql`,
reconnect: true,
connectionParams: {
Authorization: token,
subscriptionClient.subscribe({ query, variables }, (error, result) => {
observer.onNext({ data: result })
return {
dispose: subscriptionClient.unsubscribe
i hope this helps you if you get stuck with the same issue as mine.

How to correctly test effects in ngrx 4?

There are plenty of tutorials how to test effects in ngrx 3.
However, I've found only 1 or 2 for ngrx4 (where they removed the classical approach via EffectsTestingModule ), e.g. the official tutorial
However, in my case their approach doesn't work.
effects.spec.ts (under src/modules/list/store/list in the link below)
describe('addItem$', () => {
it('should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item', async() => {
const item = makeItem(Faker.random.word);
actions = hot('--a-', { a: new AddItem({ item })});
const expected = cold('--b', { b: new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item }) });
// comparing marbles
effects.ts (under src/modules/list/store/list in the link below)
#Effect() addItem$ = this._actions$
.map<AddItem, {item: Item}>(action => {
return action.payload
.mergeMap<{item: Item}, Observable<Item>>(payload => {
return Observable.fromPromise(this._listService.add(payload.item))
.map<any, AddUpdateItemSuccess>(item => {
return new AddUpdateItemSuccess({
should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item
Expected $.length = 0 to equal 1.
Expected $[0] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 20, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: AddUpdateItemSuccess({ payload: Object({ item: Object({ title: Function }) }), type: 'ADD_UPDATE_ITEM_SUCCESS' }), error: undefined, hasValue: true }) }).
at compare (webpack:///node_modules/jasmine-marbles/index.js:82:0 <- karma-test-shim.js:159059:33)
at Object.<anonymous> (webpack:///src/modules/list/store/list/effects.spec.ts:58:31 <- karma-test-shim.js:131230:42)
at step (karma-test-shim.js:131170:23)
NOTE: the effects use a service which involves writing to PouchDB. However, the issue doesn't seem related to that
and also the effects work in the running app.
The full code is a Ionic 3 app and be found here (just clone, npm i and npm run test)
With ReplaySubject it works, but not with hot/cold marbles
const item = makeItem(Faker.random.word);
actions = new ReplaySubject(1) // = Observable + Observer, 1 = buffer size
actions.next(new AddItem({ item }));
effects.addItem$.subscribe(result => {
expect(result).toEqual(new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item }));
My question was answered by #phillipzada at the Github issue I posted.
For anyone checking this out later, I report here the answer:
Looks like this is a RxJS issue when using promises using marbles. https://stackoverflow.com/a/46313743/4148561
I did manage to do a bit of a hack which should work, however, you will need to put a separate test the service is being called unless you can update the service to return an observable instead of a promise.
Essentially what I did was extract the Observable.fromPromise call into its own "internal function" which we can mock to simulate a call to the service, then it looks from there.
This way you can test the internal function _addItem without using marbles.
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromPromise';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Actions, Effect } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Action } from '#ngrx/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
export const ADD_ITEM = 'Add Item';
export const ADD_UPDATE_ITEM_SUCCESS = 'Add Item Success';
export class AddItem implements Action {
type: string = ADD_ITEM;
constructor(public payload: { item: any }) { }
export class AddUpdateItemSuccess implements Action {
constructor(public payload: { item: any }) { }
export class Item {
export class ListingService {
add(item: Item) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(item); });
export class SutEffect {
_addItem(payload: { item: Item }) {
return Observable.fromPromise(this._listService.add(payload.item));
#Effect() addItem$ = this._actions$
.map(action => action.payload)
.mergeMap<{ item: Item }, Observable<Item>>(payload => {
return this._addItem(payload).map(item => new AddUpdateItemSuccess({
private _actions$: Actions,
private _listService: ListingService) {
import { cold, hot, getTestScheduler } from 'jasmine-marbles';
import { async, TestBed } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { Actions } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Store, StoreModule } from '#ngrx/store';
import { getTestActions, TestActions } from 'app/tests/sut.helpers';
import { AddItem, AddUpdateItemSuccess, ListingService, SutEffect } from './sut.effect';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
describe('Effect Tests', () => {
let store: Store<any>;
let storeSpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports: [
providers: [
provide: ListingService,
useValue: jasmine.createSpyObj('ListingService', ['add'])
provide: Actions,
useFactory: getTestActions
store = TestBed.get(Store);
storeSpy = spyOn(store, 'dispatch').and.callThrough();
storeSpy = spyOn(store, 'select').and.callThrough();
function setup() {
return {
effects: TestBed.get(SutEffect) as SutEffect,
listingService: TestBed.get(ListingService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ListingService>,
actions$: TestBed.get(Actions) as TestActions
fdescribe('addItem$', () => {
it('should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item', async () => {
const { effects, listingService, actions$ } = setup();
const action = new AddItem({ item: 'test' });
const completion = new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item: 'test' });
// mock this function which we can test later on, due to the promise issue
spyOn(effects, '_addItem').and.returnValue(Observable.of('test'));
actions$.stream = hot('-a|', { a: action });
const expected = cold('-b|', { b: completion });
import { Actions } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { empty } from 'rxjs/observable/empty';
export class TestActions extends Actions {
constructor() {
set stream(source: Observable<any>) {
this.source = source;
export function getTestActions() {
return new TestActions();