I don't like the default behavior of the cursor history navigation (with the side buttons on my mouse). I decided to make my first extension to satisfy my needs, but I didn't find a way to access the cursor history. Is there an API for that?
I have a simple component (BottomTabNavigator) that has two tabs. One of them is a pretty simple settings screen that tracks stores the current settings in its state. I now want to pass this settings back to the other tab so that it can adjust according to the settings. (Something equivalent to this.props.navigation.navigate('RouteOtherTab', { settings: this.state.settings }) but having a button with onPress and instead passing the Params just when they change the Tab)
Maybe it is pretty stupid to implement settings like this. If so please tell what the standard is so that I can adjust (I am pretty new to React Native and React Navigation)
Instead of trying to pass the parameters back and forth (which I know is a pain in React Navigation), why not make use of a store that will keep track of the app's settings?
This way you don't have to keep passing the settings parameters around. You probably want to use the settings in other pages as well in the future, so being able to access it from the store would save you a lot of time and effort.
Lets imagine, that we have some catalog, let it be the goods catalog.
You have top level categories and many subcategories for them and so on deeper. The whole menu can be of any deep.
Of course I don't want to hardcode this catalog, I want to load its structure from a remote server (REST API for instance), so that I could change it any time wothout posting changes to apps (App Store and Play Market). I am using React-navigation (if it makes any sense). How it is usually done?
(1) Should I somehow create one page and pass there some parameters, or (2) should I create many distinct pages.
In the first case (1) I can't even imagine, how can I pass new
parameters to the same page again and again in such a way that each time
there would be a new title in header of this page and a new submenu
structure to be displayed.
The second way (2) seems rather complex to me and is not the best
idea... I suppose.
What are best practices?
I have a simple Aurelia application that displays accounts. The default view is a list of accounts. There's also an account details view.
I'd to make the details view open in a modal/dialog over the top of the list view. However, I want the presence of the modal to show up as part of the URL.
I found it easy to use the aurelia-dialog plugin to display the details view, but can't figure out how to get the dialog's presence to show up in the URL.
Another option might be to throw out aurelia-dialog and use a child router to display the details view, then figure out how to make that show and hide as a modal.
And, of course, another possibility is that there's a better way that I just don't see yet.
Has anybody seen or created something like this?
One possibility that occurs to me would be to add the dialog's presence as a parameter to the current route and then call it. You could use the route like /account?dialog=true. Run some tests to ensure that the ?dialog=true still routes to the same page. Then, use that route to check whether that parameter is set and display or hide the dialog window. When you refresh the page, the dialog window should still be open/closed. This also means that whenever you open or close the dialog window, you need to send a new route to the router (basically same route but different parameter).
This isn't a detailed solution but might get you on the right path.
I want to change default values which gets populated in the below picture.
I tried modifying get_v_role method but it didn't serve my purpose.
Please help.
In personalize->personalize settings, there is sort option. It sometimes overwrites this arrangement of values of get_v method.
Also code can be written in inbound plug of this view. I did it for overview page drop down and it worked. You can try for your search page.
For filtering/changing drop-down value of search parameter, You've to Re-define GET_DQUERY_DEFINITIONS method of ZCL_XXX_IMPL class of component. GET_V_XX methods are only used to modify drop-down/F4 help of view pages not the search view.
Click F2 while placing the cursor on Account ID(for which parameter you want
to modify) drop-down.
Go to BSP Component using t-code - BSP_WD_CMPWB
Enter the component name and Enhancement set
Select the view.
Go to Implementation class .
If your component is enhanced then it will be having ZCL_XXX_IMPL class. otherwise you've to enhance that component. Click on that class.
After that find GET_DQUERY_DEFINITIONS method and implement same way as
In my plugin I need to track when a user views an issue using UI. Ideally I'd like to know if it was opened directly, or was viewed in Issue Navigator Detail View. I need to track who and when viewed an issue.
What's the best way to do this?
The most straightforward way would be to use a Servlet Filter plugin module and scan the requested URL for those corresponding to issue views. You can generally distinguish between viewing the issue directly and a view from within the Issue Navigator by examining the query parameters.
Alternatively, you could also build a Web Panel plugin module that renders no significant UI, but which would always be invoked when an issue is viewed. You'd probably want to position the web-panel on the right side of the issue view with atl.jira.view.issue.right.context.
In either scenario above, you can fetch the current user from an injected JiraAuthenticationContext.