Disabling React Native ScrollView scrollbar during scrollToEnd - react-native

I'm using a ScrollView in my React Native App, and calling scrollToEnd({animated: true}) within a useEffect.
When its scrolling, the scroll bar temporarily appears. Is there some way to change that behavior, so that it doesn't appear, but is still there if I manually scroll?


Hide vertical scroll event flatlist in Modal - React-Native

I need to stop scroll vertical event in flatlist (In a Modal view).
Please check video - red color is flatlist and full screen is modal in react-navigation. Need to stop vertical touch event in flatlist. (Other part of modal need to enable gesture).

React Native Android focus on TextInput inside Flatlist's sticky ListHeaderComponent makes list scroll position snap to y = 0

When running on Android, after scrolling the Flatlist and getting its content below the fixed ListHeaderComponent, when focusing the TextInput that lives inside the given header, the screen flickers and the list snaps back to scroll position y = 0.
On iOS everything runs as supposed.
Steps to reproduce:
Using the snack below, on Android, scroll the list and focus the input in the header, notice that the list snaps to new scroll position where y = 0.
Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository: snack
FlatList have the same props as ScrollView and on Android when you focus on the input the ScrollView scroll to the input which in your case it's the first element.
You can avoid that in IOS but on Android, unfortunately, there's still no way to archive it, I prefer you move the view of the header out from the FlatList if it's a requirement or you can keep it the way it's.

How to swipe a FlatList inside a Touchable in react-native

I wanted to ask how can one swipe a horizontal FlatList nested as a first child of a TouchableOpacity? Every time i try to swipe i just activates the TouchableOpacity's onPress.
Happens in both android and ios.
version 0.61.5 of RN

TextInput focuses on scroll in React Native

In regular native behavior, scrolling an unfocused text view does not make it focus. In React Native however, when you have a multiline TextInput, and you try to scroll, it immediately focuses.
Looking at the source code, this seems to be by design, as the text view is wrapped in a TouchableWithoutFeedback that calls focus on press.
Any workarounds short of forking React Native?

React native onScroll ScrollView user event vs animation event

How can i can detect onScroll ScrollView event from a user vs an animation
in React Native the "onScroll" event is returned when a user makes a move and also when I move it using code